Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 3697

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:35:16 AM

Chapter 3697

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There are few absolute things in this world. For example, Hera as a guardian does not mean that she will never leave the Titan world.

If Hera wants to leave the Titan world, it's easy for her to step down as guardian!

Without the shackles and fetters of the guardian rules, Hera can go wherever she wants.

But unfortunately, no guardian in the world will take the initiative to resign.

Because the first element of becoming a guardian is that only those who really love the mother plane and are willing to devote their lives to the mother plane can become a guardian!

And today, Locke came to take Hera away.

"Quit your guard immediately and I'll take you away!" Locke said to Hera with an indisputable tone.

At first Hera thought it was Locke's joke, but then she saw that the dignified expression of the seventh level master didn't change at all, Hera's face moved instantly.

That point complained that Locke didn't come to see her for so long. He thought carefully and disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, Hera felt a cramp in her heart, then shook her head firmly and said, "no, I have to stay in the Titan world."

Hera can become a guardian. A very important point is that the level 7 wizard Douglas brought the hidden threat and compulsion to the will of the Titan world.

If you remember correctly, after Gaia, the mother of the earth, took the initiative to disintegrate, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and harvest, should be the first choice for the post of guardian of the Titan world.

It was precisely because of the direct intervention of the wizard world that the post of guardian of the Titan world finally fell to Hera, who tended to the wizard world.

This is the result of pure interests and power. It is definitely not the will of the Titan world itself.

However, with the passage of so many years, Hera, the queen of God, did his best in the post of guardian, and under the guidance of Hera, the Titan world gradually became strong and prosperous.

In terms of the number of Titan gods above level 4 and level 6, the overall strength of the Titan world at this time is more than three times stronger than that just invaded and conquered by the wizard world!

Hera's achievements and years of silent dedication undoubtedly prove that she is the most suitable person to become a guardian.

If Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and harvest, is given the same position, I'm afraid she can't do better than Hera.

And after so many years of guardian career, Hera has long been engraved in her heart on her mission.

If you want to make a move away from the Titan world, I'm afraid Hera can't agree anyway.

After all, when he chose to lead the Olympian God system to join the wizard world civilization, Hera's original intention was to preserve the civilization fire for the Titan world, which is also a manifestation of his love for the Titan world.

Hera refused without hesitation, as Locke expected.

After so many years of contact, Locke has long known that Hera is a strong woman who is just outside and just inside. She won't easily change her mind because of other people's opinions.

Only when she meets a tougher man like Locke, Hera's strong character will be bent, but the range is also very limited.

If Hera is forced to bend, the final result may be a complete quarrel between the two sides.

As the leader of wizard world civilization and the seventh level master, Locke naturally has no interest and no time. He squanders time with Hera here.

During the seven months when he led the Western archipelago army to the Titan world, the light Protoss also made great progress in the Titan domain.

However, due to Locke's active avoidance, the angel legion of the bright Protoss is mainly raging in those planes occupied by the brain eater civilization.

In terms of the speed of going deep into the hinterland of Titan, the light Protoss is only a little slower than the wizard world with the cooperation of Titan Protoss.

Locke is not from the Titan world, so more often Locke considers problems from the standpoint and perspective of the wizard world.

Taking the Titan world as the main battlefield and fighting the light Protoss here is not in line with the current interests of wizard world civilization!

Nowadays, the focus of the wizard world is in the wizard realm. Except for a level 7 Knight Locke, there are no other dominant life bodies in the Titan realm.

Locke's helpers brought back from the fairy realm are now sharpening their swords and preparing to attack the mother plane of the three civilizations while recovering the plane of the wizard star realm.

Under the background of this environment and the war of civilization, no one will choose to fight against the light Protoss here for the gain and loss of a Titan world.

Even for greater benefits, the wizard world does not mind directly abandoning these 200 planes of the Titan domain.

Even the dark star realm and the prisoner realm are lost. How can the wizard world care about this loss of the Titan realm.

If we can give up the interests of the Titan star domain and temporarily hold down the light Protoss, I'm afraid the wizard world will rejoice, because it will buy time for the wizard world.

In a word, this is an event to give up minority interests and seek more interests.

Unfortunately, the Titan domain is just the object abandoned by the wizard world.

Even more deeply, there are other benefits to the wizard world from abandoning the Titan realm. For example, without Titan, the wizard world defense front will shrink further.

They only need to use less power to defend the border of the home star domain, and the extra Legion power can be invested in the main battlefield of the tripartite civilization.

Locke doesn't have much time to persuade Hera now, and Hera, as a guardian, is unlikely to step down as a guardian because of Locke's words.

So in order to achieve his goal, Locke decided to solve the problem with practical action.

With her right hand stretched forward slowly, Hera lost her will and collapsed in Locke's arms under the dual action of dominating brilliance and emotional law.

As a medium-sized world with extremely complete rules, the plane will of the Titan world obviously knows what Locke is going to do.

The sky suddenly changed, dark clouds covered, rolling thunder gathered in the plane sky of Titan world!

"You should have heard my conversation with Hera just now and immediately remove Hera's Guardian title, or I will destroy the world first!" As soon as Locke's eyebrows were frozen, his incomparably dignified and unquestionable will was sent out in an instant, and went straight towards the north of the Titan world.

It is the area where the world-class secret treasure golden apple tree is located, and it is also the navel of the Titan world!

"Father, what are you doing?"

When Locke angered the will of the Titan world and confronted the world far away, he just received the news to return to the mother plane. Odin, the son of God, looked at the strange and familiar man in front of him in great surprise and confusion.


At present, there are 221 monthly tickets, and Xiaodou needs to add 56 chapters.

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