Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 3762

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:33:43 AM

Chapter 3762

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Although the scientist of Pavlov did not make any more shocking remarks about studying Locke and extracting his bone marrow, Locke could not agree to most of his subsequent requests.

Worthy of being the top scholar in galent Federation, every question raised by Pavlov goes straight to the core, and it is also a thorny request that Locke can't nod freely.

Full of excitement, Pavlov finally had to leave Locke disappointed.

Knowledge is priceless, but sometimes it is valuable.

For example, the questions asked by Pavlov have deviated from what ordinary human relations can ask. For example, if Pavlov or the galent Federation want to know the information about the desperate world, they have to exchange corresponding resources or equivalent intelligence.

On this issue concerning the benefits of the whole civilization and the exchange of resources, Pavlov can not decide. It is the federal politicians who really decide.

This is also the biggest difference between the wizard world and the galent Federation.

If it is a wizard world, if Pavlov exists like this, even if it is not level 7 wizard Douglas, it definitely reaches the levels of Southern sage atlas and robona, and occupies a pivotal position in the wizard civilization.

However, in the galent Federation, he was just a scientist.

Although Pavlov's status is extremely noble and his reputation in the Federation is extremely exaggerated, he is just a "tool" in the eyes of the real senior federal officials and qualified politicians.

A "handy tool" that can produce and produce higher-level scientific and technological creations. As for federal politics and foreign trade, it is not within the scope of Pavlov's interference.

Not to mention the regret and depression when Pavlov left from Locke, Locke, who got the Thor armor again, couldn't wait to look at the scientific and technological armor that had fought with him countless times.

Compared with the last generation of the God of thunder armor, the new type of Thor armor designed by Ba P Love himself is undoubtedly more advanced, superior in performance and less energy consuming.

After all, every civilization is constantly advancing and developing. In recent tens of thousands of years, while the wizard world is developing and becoming stronger, the galent Federation is also growing and growing.

Many advanced federal technologies have also been greatly improved in recent tens of thousands of years.

Locke's previous Thor armor is barely at the level of intermediate world-class secret treasure.

This new generation of Thor armor, with the blessing of federal top materials and new technology, is one head higher than the previous generation of Thor armor.

It can only be said that Locke's three golden apples have no white flowers.

Although his three golden apples may usher in a breakthrough leap in the field of medical development, the acquisition of a world-class secret treasure is not a loss for Locke.

Moreover, the closer the cooperation and more transactions with the galent Federation, the better the relationship between the two large world civilizations.

At a time when the war of civilization is under way, similar measures of close cooperation and mutual benefit should be the more the better.

Locke doesn't intend to wear the new Thor armor himself. There are twelve products of destruction Black Lotus and the bone armor after Locke destroyer's transformation. Locke's defense ability has reached the top.

Even if you get the blessing of the new Thor armor, it's just icing on the cake for Locke. Don't forget that the quality of the twelve product destruction Black Lotus is a top world-class secret treasure.

After leaving the wigwendor realm, Locke sailed to the wizard realm in the orobas class Titan ship of the galent Federation.

This time, the diplomatic team led by Pan Locke has gained many benefits from the negotiations with the galent Federation. For example, when pan Locke returns to the wizard star domain, in addition to the Russian lobas class Titan ship and its affiliated fleet, there are 11 federal class I war fleets, more than 50 federal class II war fleets, and countless supply ships, transport ships, maintenance ships Frigate, etc.

Just a rough estimate, the total combat power of this huge fleet sent by the galent Federation must reach more than 300 million, almost twice the combat power of Wanquan world led by Quanzu.

(PS: the total combat power is not equal to the number of federal soldiers. Since only the most common transport ship may require hundreds or even thousands of federal humans to operate, the total number of soldiers invested by galent Federation in this war may have exceeded 20 billion.)

It can be seen from this that the galent Federation has strong strength and profound heritage.

What is more satisfying is that the galent Federation seems to be full of star domains for the mother star domain of Mesopotamian civilization. The Russian lobas war fleet accompanying Locke is not the total force invested by the galent Federation in the tripartite civilization.

With the continuation of the follow-up war and the continuous changes of the front-line war, the galent Federation is likely to continue to increase troops to the tripartite civilized battlefield.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the mother planet of the tripartite civilization does have the resources valued by the galent Federation.

The highest commander of the Russian lombas war fleet, which returned to the wizard world with Locke, was kadija Gaius, the five-star general who accompanied Locke during his mission to the galent Federation.

Cadigan Gaius is undoubtedly a federal general who is extremely fond of Locke. He doesn't have the temperament of many federal politicians. On the contrary, he has been devoted to the military. His temper and character are very honest.

However, five-star general cadigan Gaius is not the only supreme commander of the galent federal army. At present, another five-star general Katarina olkat, who leads his fleet at the edge of the Norman domain, also has the same command authority as cadigan Gaius.

In other words, without the direct order of the federal president and parliament, the two five-star generals representing military forces will be fully responsible for the war of galent Federation in the tripartite civilization star domain.

It is undoubtedly an extremely exaggerated and shocking scene for such a huge combat corps and fleet to travel across dozens of star regions to the edge of the wizard star region.

Fortunately, most of the channels taken by Locke and others are located in the territory of the anti light Protoss alliance. The medium and low-level world civilizations in those channels not only have no complaints, but also provide convenience for the advance of this army as much as possible.

For those middle and low-level world civilizations belonging to the anti light Protoss alliance, it is a dead end to oppose giants such as the wizard world and the galent Federation.

Since there is no way to object, it's better to show obedience early.

Moreover, the grand march of the wizard world and the galent Federation has indeed attracted many interests against the weak small world civilization of the light Protoss.

Those weak and small world civilizations are useless in fighting tough battles, but in a large-scale civilization battle of this scale, it should not be a problem to mix oil and water with several major civilizations.

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