Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4011

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:27:47 AM

Chapter 4011

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The throwing out of three peak despairers, more than ten half step peak, and more level 4 and level 5 survivors and ordinary despairers means that the combat pressure borne by the scarlet shadow has been shared a lot outside the blood light column.

The light Protoss do not have a calm or tolerant attitude towards heresy. As long as non light Protoss creatures who appear in this hell war are their targets.

The emergence of many desperate creatures in the world finally made some mistakes in the blockade front of the bright Protoss.

Although there are still a steady stream of angel legions coming from other hell spaces, the arrival of those Angel legions takes time.

The Lord of the hot sun, who was defeated by femton, also recovered at this time. The power of faith and the extremely strong bright Protoss accelerated the repair of the Lord of the hot sun.

This is also a major advantage of the bright Protoss in the star world. When other dominant creatures suffer irreparable injuries, they can only be forcibly cured by the dominant soul.

However, the inborn strong restoration effect of the divine power of light and various wonderful functions of the power of faith can save the consumption of the dominant soul for the Lord gods of light many times.

This is why in the process of constantly launching belief wars, the bright Protoss did not decline because of endless wars. On the contrary, after each belief war, its own civilization strength will be greatly enhanced.

This is a major feature of the bright Protoss and a manifestation of the strength of the bright Protoss as a top civilization.

Not only the bright Protoss, perhaps all top civilizations can achieve certain improvement and development in the application of the dominant soul after their own civilization has developed to a certain stage.

The reason why the wizard world has not used the power of dominance thoroughly so far is mainly because the time for the wizard civilization to promote to a large world civilization is too short and the number of its own masters is not large.

Not to mention level 9 creatures, even level 8 creatures, wizard civilization has not yet been born.

However, there is no doubt about the promotion potential and development prospect of wizard civilization. I believe that in the near future, wizard civilization can also find deeper application in the field of dominant soul like the bright Protoss.

Shining with an incomparably dazzling power of light, the seven level Lord God, who got rid of the erosion of the law of death and corruption brought by femton, originally wanted to help the Eternal Lord besiege femton.

However, when seeing the level 5 and level 6 creatures constantly rushing out of the blood light column, constantly attacking the blockade front of the angel legion of the bright Protoss, the Lord of the hot sun turned and flew to the place where many survivors and desperate people appeared.

As mentioned earlier, with the blockade front arranged by the light Protoss gathering more than ten million Angel legions, those stragglers from the desperate world had better choose only one direction to break through forcibly.

At this time, the direction of the Lord of the scorching sun is the "hardest hit area" where there are two peak despairers, seven half step peak despairers and more than a dozen ordinary despairers.

On this angel front, although two ten winged archangels and several eight winged angels fight to intercept, it is difficult to withstand the impact of each other in the face of desperate world creatures whose number and personal strength are stronger than their own, even with the assistance of many Angel legions.

In just a moment, two ordinary despairers and several fourth and fifth level survivors were lucky to fly through the heavy blockade of the angel Legion to the space outside the seventh floor of hell.

Facts have proved that in the scuffle at this level, the bright Protoss can also rely on the elite of the civilized Legion to cling to the strongest half step peak and peak despair.

Faced with the pressure of the endless Angel legion of the bright Protoss, it is those desperate people with ordinary strength and weaker level 4 and 5 survivors who have not received the "key care" of the angel Legion.

But the desperate creatures of the world who escaped the blockade of the angel Legion may not be safe.

In a ceremony, they have indeed returned to the astral world from the moment they cross the blood column, but it is very different from the normal astral world.

This is hell civilization, this is the lower space of infernal hell.

For these desperate world survivors, what they want to break through is not simply a blockade arranged by the light Protoss on the 7th floor of hell, but almost impossible to break through the cage on the premise that the whole hell is controlled by the light Protoss.

From the 7th floor of hell to hundreds of floors of hell, how many layers of hell do these guys who have just escaped from the desperate world have to go through to reach the star world?

There is no way to heaven and no way to earth, which refers to these desperate creatures in the world.

In front of the nearly 200 million total forces of the angel Legion in the hell battlefield, personal strength is so pale.

Of course, if the intuition and courage of these desperate world creatures are strong enough, they can choose to drill directly into the abyss that exists outside each layer of hell space.

Like a labyrinth of complex and incomparably long abyss intestines, it is a shortcut for them to get out of hell directly. But obviously, this road is also very difficult. If you don't pay attention, you will be completely lost in the abyss.

The result of the fact is that most of the guys who luckily broke out of the blockade of the angel Legion flew to the eighth floor of hell in the process of destruction, and only a few of them sneaked into the sixth floor of hell through the abyss blood pool.

It seems that these unlucky people don't know hell at all, and they have never heard of the name of infernal hell.

They have no idea what special and strange civilization space they are in.

Not to mention those guys who can be called "lucky" or "unfortunate".

At this time, in addition to the bloody light column, the battle between the Eternal Lord and the dead femton was particularly eye-catching, and the battle between the Lord of the hot sun and two peak desperate people was extremely fierce.

Coincidentally, one of the three top despairers just thrown out by dead American femton happens to be the third most dangerous place in the rules of dead American paradise.

In terms of personal strength, the golden monkey, second only to Locke's apprentice, is naturally beyond doubt.

This is a desperate person at the peak of the stone system with a shape similar to the "meat mountain". There are few elemental creatures in the desperate world, because the element suction force all the time can suck every Elemental creature to dry.

However, this stone element creature nicknamed "Optimus" is an exception. It can completely transform its body into an ordinary mountain in an extremely strange way, so as to reduce its energy consumption and element overflow.

In the combat state, it can also easily change its form. Whether it turns into a human giant or a wild mountain, it can bring great pressure and gravity threat to its opponents.

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