Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4061

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:26:37 AM

Chapter 4061

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A series of events occurred between lightning, stone and fire. Let alone Locke, the party concerned, was confused. Even the Lord of glory and the Lord of infinity were a little confused at this time.

However, the collision between Locke and the two Lord gods of light has become a fait accompli.

The collision between the power of destruction and the power of light, especially the full strike of the Lord of glory with the power of stars, and the subsequent strong shot of the Lord of infinity, have made the turbulence and elements of this hell space crush to an unprecedented grand scene.

After the impact of fierce elements, not only the destructive power of Locke's body surface was greatly reduced, but Locke's human body slowly emerged.

Including the Lord of glory and the Lord of infinity are also embarrassed by this unprecedented level 8 biological collision.

As the first person to bear the brunt of this power collision, the Lord of glory has the weakest strength, but because she is closest to Locke, she bears the most impact.

The extremely fierce destruction and rule turbulence directly tore the Lord of light's holy garment of light, and beat the Lord of light to the depths of the unknown hell space.

If the endless Lord had not shot in time and forcibly consumed the master's soul to gather a shield for the Lord of glory, I'm afraid the exhausted and unlisted Lord of glory would have died directly in the full-strength collision of level 8 creatures.

Nevertheless, the fierce impact of elements still coerced the Lord of glory to where. In the face of the endless hell that has been connected and full of destruction, I'm afraid it's not easy to find a glorious Lord who has no spare power in this vast hell space.

The endless Lord is in a slightly better state at this time, but because he has just forcibly sheltered the Lord of glory, he has also reached the deepest injury in recent tens of thousands of years.

Of course, this also proves the exaggerated lethality of Locke's killing gun just now.

The endless Lord was not carried away by the elemental tide. After the energy of the eighth level creature gradually dissipated to the roar, he flew to Locke.

By observing the picture that Montana, the eye of the blood curse, resolutely shot at Locke's back just now, the endless Lord has been convinced that they were cheated by Montana.

Locke is not the Lord of hell Satan at all, and the cunning seventh level female devil is completely stirring up discord.

Therefore, as the endless master of the main output in the level 8 biological collision just now, he looks a little embarrassed at this time.

If he didn't make a move, it wouldn't be so exaggerated to impact only with the power of Locke and the Lord of glory.

Now even the glorious Lord has been lost, and the endless Lord must bear at least 50% of the responsibility.

"Er, Knight Locke, I'm really sorry..." The endless Lord is obviously not a person who often apologizes. His words are full of stiffness and embarrassment.

Locke can't complain about the unreasonable moves of the Lord of glory and the Lord of infinity at this time. Facing this situation, he can only sigh and say, "we have to find the Lord of glory quickly. The energy shock wave just now has once again accelerated the arrival of the strongest destruction tide in hell, and maybe the seven million Angel legions that have been withdrawn will also be affected."

Locke's suggestion was recognized by the Lord of infinity.

But now the destruction tide intensity of the surrounding space is too high, and the violent rule turbulence is becoming more and more frequent, which seriously affects the great prophecy of the endless Lord.

Perhaps those who can safely release the great prophecy in this environment can only be the supreme god holding the revelation in the light Protoss.

Since there is no way to directly find the trace of the Lord of glory with great prophecy, the Lord of infinity and Locke can only choose the more primitive and stupid way.

The mental power of level 8 creatures covers a wide range. Even with the interference of destructive tides and regular turbulence, the radiation range in the current hell space will not be too small.

As long as the Lord of glory is not too far away swept by the impact of energy, Locke and the Lord of infinity may still find her.

And in order to expand the search scope, the endless Lord proposed to act separately with Locke.

After this incident, it is obvious that the endless Lord has more trust in Locke.

This is also related to Locke's failure to tear his face with the endless Lord and others after he was framed.

Looking at the endless Lord searching in a certain direction, Locke didn't hurry to start, but couldn't help touching his back.

The injury caused by blood curse eye Montana was almost zero. With the reconciliation with the endless Lord, Locke suddenly thought that if blood curse eye Montana didn't slap herself, but ran away directly, would it be more beneficial to her.

Because in that case, even if Locke's suspicion will be reduced a little, the endless Lord will definitely not trust Locke again so easily.

In a way, Montana's slap helped Locke and cleared him of suspicion.

Why did Montana do that?

When Locke, who was deep in thought, recalled the events just now, he couldn't help remembering that tens of thousands of years ago, about 100000 years ago, when Lisa was also born.

At that time, Locke's second daughter always held Locke like this, which was the same as Montana holding herself just now.

The thoughts in his heart and the suddenly interspersed pictures affected Locke's state of mind. After shaking his head hard, Locke no longer considered others, but went deep into hell in a certain direction.

He does not have to find the Lord of glory, but he must show this attitude in front of the Lord of infinity.

Because only by fully gaining the favor of the endless Lord and the light Protoss, can he lead his subordinates to leave hell safely.


Outside hell, violent energy shocks and waves collide with forces belonging to level 8 creatures, making the whole hell in a violent state of turbulence.

Like an active volcano erupting, it surged again at its peak.

In order to avoid the rule turbulence caused by the destruction of infernal hell, hundreds of millions of angel legions retreated a certain distance again under the command of the Eternal Lord.

The military angel sorrente and the charming Angel Raphael appeared next to the Eternal Lord at this time and were shocked by the impact of level 8 creatures just now. These two generation angels were very worried about the situation of the shining Lord and the endless Lord at this time.

"They are all right for the time being. We need to wait patiently." The Eternal Lord comforted the two angels.

His achievements in the field of great prophecy are higher than those of the endless Lord, and are not affected by the fluctuations of the surrounding space. Therefore, the Eternal Lord knows the situation of the shining Lord earlier than the endless Lord.

"The collision that belongs to the level of eight forces just now..." The army Angel Solent hesitated.

"It was a misunderstanding." The LORD answered.


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