Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4146

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:24:29 AM

Chapter 4146

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"Boom!" There was a roar in the sky, followed by a golden sun emitting gunsmoke falling slowly.

Countless metal parts and special structures are separated from the golden sun, and the energy coverage of a golden sun is missing. The self-defense weapons in a large area on the ground obviously run much slower.

The leader of level 7 brilliance was the first to achieve this result.

With the shield provided by the star ring and the forward route planned in the prophecy, the Lord of glory easily escaped the blockade of the weapon system of the city of Atlantis.

And it was only a long time since I saw him. Locke was surprised to find that the white and gold dress worn by the Lord of glory at this time was another world-class secret treasure.

The explosion of the golden sun and the downturn fed back by the weapon system on the ground marked the success of the military Angel Solent's judgment.

After the shining Lord destroyed a golden sun, the twelve winged blood angel on the other side also struck the golden sun in front of him in half with the sword of the blood angel in his hand.

The Lord of glory and others reported good news frequently. Here, Locke finally reached the central position of the holy city after hard movement and withstanding the attack of five master guns.

According to Princess Yuni and others in paradise lost, this is the real core of this Atlantis civilization relic.

They are two of the three unexplored places found in the ruins by the sanolas combustors.

As Locke reached the center of the holy city, he was in the center of the baptism of gunfire, and he obviously felt that the impact on his body surface had decreased a bit.

This decline does not mean that the dominant cannons have withered, but that although the weapon system of the divine city of Hades civilization has lost contact with the control center of the divine City, based on the constraints of the most basic regulations of the weapon system, it is impossible for these dominant cannons to aim their muzzle at the control center of the divine city.

If the control center is still functioning, these autonomous weapons will naturally obey the priority of orders and fight wherever they refer.

Unfortunately, the divine city control center did not give them accurate attack orders.

Including their indiscriminate bombing of Locke and the Lord of glory at this time, just because Locke and others happened to touch the defense regulations of the holy city, which triggered the ultimate cleaning plan.

The intensity of artillery bombardment in the sky dropped sharply, making it easier for Locke, who is dominated by level 8 knights, to escape.

Turning into the shadow of a destructive storm, Locke, while relying on the twelve products to destroy heilian to provide defense, instantly arrived around the three dominant cannons in front of him.

The three silver cannons all protruded from the ground, and at a glance, the muzzle was deep and dark, and the bottom and end could not be seen clearly.

Since there is no way to destroy these master guns from the root, it can only start from the surface.

The transformed musket appeared in Locke's hand. With the pouring of Locke's destructive power, a lacquer black crack that was enough to tear the sky suddenly flashed.

The killer gun shot quickly, which was also the moment when the killer gun hit the target. An extremely violent explosion and destruction shock wave came from the center of the holy city.

It can be seen that the level 8 creature is strong with all its strength.

The terrible destruction shock wave not only swallowed the silver master cannon, but also covered a large area of golden buildings around it.

Only because it is a top civilization relic, and as the God city of Atlantis, the surface hardness here is far beyond the ordinary plane.

The destructive shock wave, which was enough to tear apart the entire continental plate, finally left a huge gully of 10000 meters in the center of the God city of Atlantis.

And because the positions of the three master cannons were very close, Locke obviously just shot at one of them, but the final result was that two master cannons were dumb.

This is also the biggest difference between the scientific and technological system and the normal cultivation civilization. If it is a living dominant strong man, Locke's such a blow may hit a level 7 medium-term creature, but there is absolutely no way to make the other party completely lose its combat ability.

Of course, it's also because the city of Atlantis civilization is in disrepair for a long time. Not only are there few weapons available, but also there is a great shortage of energy.

If it is a holy city in the peak period, let alone Locke, a level 8 creature, that is, four to five level 8 creatures attack at the same time, the Atlantis will not be afraid.

The master level creature has an omnipotent soul that can recover from injury. Can't the broken weapons of the Atlantis be repaired?

Even at that time, let alone destroy the weapon devices on the divine City, it is difficult for dominant creatures such as Locke to break through and enter the divine city of Atlantis, which opens the defense field.

So, in a word, this is a battle between the masters of the new era and the remnants of ancient civilization.

This is a battle destined to be unequal in the sky. Although the name of the cleaning plan of the divine city of ADIS civilization is very tall, in fact, up to now, maybe only a few level seven masters can turn the divine city upside down.

This is also one of the reasons why the Lord of eternity and the Lord of glory came to explore this relic.

The Eternal Lord, who has been through thunder once before, knows well where the danger limit of this top civilization relic is.

Just Is that the only way to deal with the city of Atlantis?

Kakarot, who arrived at Locke's side, personally destroyed the last master cannon. In addition, the shining masters of other battlefields also led their angels to clean up the other five master cannons.

Locke did not pay attention to the baptism of those low-level self-defense weapons and artillery on the bottom angels.

In the final analysis, he is the knight master of wizard civilization. Where will he have leisure to pay attention to the life and death of the angels at the bottom.

More importantly, the suggestions from Princess youni and others in paradise lost made Locke vaguely moved.

Looking up, the shining Lord led his team to the area where the dominant cannon was located in the east of the relic. Locke hesitated for a moment, then ignored the chaotic battlefield around and dived into the depths of the ruins below.

The normal passage has long been destroyed. The reason why Locke can find the right direction in the ruins full of gravel and rubble is thanks to Princess Yuni in his lost paradise.

Kakarot, the super Saiya, was left on the surface by Locke. On the one hand, he acted in front of the Lord of glory and others to help those Angel legions smooth out the chaos as soon as possible, on the other hand, he was also helping Locke watch.

Carrying the master of glory behind his back, he searched for benefits in the ruins. It really didn't have a good impact.

However, in the last exploration space, he found a dominant crystal that even he could not see clearly. Locke, who had tasted some sweetness, was curious about what surprises were waiting for him at this Atlantis civilization relic.

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