Heimarian Odyssey - Chapter 4373

Published at 12th of March 2022 06:18:40 AM

Chapter 4373

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Once relying on its absolute strength, the bright Protoss can overwhelm many surrounding civilizations. This time, it even knows how to win over and divide the enemy.

In this way, the five-star general trichi pan baesa felt great pressure, but also felt a certain degree of fatigue.

Guangming Protoss is also becoming stronger. This "strengthening" includes not only the growth of their own strength, but also the transformation of ideas and forms of civilization development.

In the past, the bright Protoss would not consider accepting other small and medium-sized world civilizations at all.

The absolute focus of the belief system requires that every star domain under the rule of the light Protoss fully follow the will of the light Protoss and abandon other gods.

It is this extremely exclusive and outrageous belief policy that makes more and more civilizations go to the opposite of the light Protoss, and spontaneously form an anti light Protoss alliance.

Trichi pan baesa wondered whether korsin's half ape world was the only medium-sized world that fell to the light Protoss.

But he knew that the next civilization war was even harder to fight.


The two top first-class war fleets of the Federation sent troops to the corsin ape man space, which really caused an uproar among many world civilizations in the anti light Protoss alliance.

In the anti light Protoss alliance, not every world civilization borders on the light Protoss.

In fact, there are few small and medium-sized world civilizations bordering the bright Protoss, even one tenth of them.

Other world civilizations that do not actually border with the bright Protoss play a more important role in past wars, that is, having money and making strong contributions.

The galent Federation didn't explain why they sent troops to the corsin semi ape space at first, but then a fierce war suddenly broke out in the space where the total number of regular complete planes did not exceed 40, and even when a large number of bright Protoss angels appeared later, the whole anti bright Protoss alliance was stunned.

The galent Federation showed the end of betraying the alliance to many member civilizations of the anti light Protoss alliance with practical actions.

And because the Garrett Federation sent troops too fast and powerful, the light Protoss didn't have time to make any reaction.

In just more than 20 years, the corsin semi Ape Man Star region with relatively mediocre resources has completely become a scorched land.

The super long-range strike of the doomsday weapon of the conqueror Titan not only directly destroyed the half ape world of korsin, but also cut off the reinforcement of the follow-up Angel legion of the bright Protoss.

In other words, compared with the united efforts of the anti light Protoss alliance, in fact, even if the light protoss have changed their civilized diplomatic strategy, they still don't look down on those small and medium-sized world civilizations in essence.

The total number of angel legions invested in the korsin half Ape Man Star domain does not exceed 200000. For the bright Protoss, the surrender of the korsin half ape man civilization is just an attempt to change their civilization development strategy. Even if they lose, it's no big deal.

This also includes the conceptual incompatibility among several main gods in the bright Protoss.

For example, only the Eternal Lord and the glorious Lord far away in the shadow star region really advocate attracting foreign civilizations. Other gods, such as the Lord of the rising sun and the Lord of glory, do not care about it.

For these anti light Protoss alliance member civilizations, the vast majority of the light lord gods are hostile and indifferent.

Even if they decide to betray themselves, the Lord gods of light will not give them any good face.

The local wars in the korsin star region can be regarded as embellishment on the current grand civilized battlefield.

A series of bad news on the front line, as well as the death cloud and ghost crisis in some places behind, seem to be telling that this powerful alliance is about to come to an end.

However, in this series of bad situations, there is still some good news.

First, the wizard civilization once again decided to invest 30 million troops in the galent federal war.

The 30 million Legion is not a legion of knights and magicians, but an alien biological Legion dominated by the civilization of members of the wizard alliance.

The composition of these legions is diverse and their overall strength is uneven.

However, since it can be sent to the fierce and anxious federal battlefield of galent, it will not be the role of slave biological cannon fodder at least.

In addition to the wizard civilization sending troops to reinforce again, many members of the anti light Protoss alliance were deeply relieved.

Within the galent Federation, not long ago, a piece of good news was finally conveyed to high-level powers such as the five-star general trichi pan baesa and the federal president.

"It's worked out! The report made by the scientist Pavlov himself, γ The first-class crystal does have the energy to destroy a whole large star domain, and there is already a more primitive detonation scheme. " A four-star general said excitedly to trichi pan baesa.

The old man trichi pan baesa was calm. Although he had the same brilliance in his eyes, the old man still said in a calm voice, "bring the detonating scheme and inform the federal computing center to assess the feasibility of the scheme and estimate how much damage it can cause to the silence and convergence."

"Also, connect me immediately γ Level crystal research base, I need to know whether this crystal can be copied. " Old man trichi pan baesa ordered one after another.

If γ The first-class crystal is really so powerful that trige pan baesa doesn't mind throwing another one on the head of the light Protoss after the destruction of the silent bone convergence civilization.

But there is a premise, that is, they can carve a second one γ Grade crystal.

Because before taking out the crystal, Locke had said that he had and only this one in hand.

Locke was also the first to learn the exciting news for the federal leaders of galent.

Five hundred years have passed since Locke arrived at the battle field of keitra.

That group of federal scientists is indeed reliable, especially the chief scientist, Pavlov, who promised Locke that he would complete the experimental research between 700 and 1500 years.

Unexpectedly, he was really activated today after more than 700 years γ Level crystal and detonate each other's original scheme.

Unfortunately, the original plan does not represent the final plan.

Locke also read the so-called plan. Putting aside the things Locke can't understand in the field of science and technology, just from the perspective of the plan itself, if the galent Federation wants to send a crystal emitting extremely exaggerated energy fluctuations to the depths of the lonely and convergent star domain, it is tantamount to a fool's dream.

The dead creatures who are silent and civilized are generally a little dull, but it doesn't mean they are fools.

How could those undead masters sit idly by with such a bright killing weapon.

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