His Vengeful Ex-Wife - Chapter 383

Published at 18th of November 2022 07:41:32 AM

Chapter 383

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It's a bag of Starbucks still steaming.

Looking at the bag, Tang Shi felt that the weight of a cup of Starbucks seemed to weigh a thousand jin now.

Bo Ye feels that now he sees Tang poetry, all his depressed feelings are relieved. At home, old lady Bo scolds mulberry and locust every day. He doesn't want to stay in that house.

He didn't know why he wanted to go to Tang poetry. He said to himself, Tang poetry must be very warm, right?

Bo ye put things into Tang Shi's hand, and then said, "you go up, little new year's Eve, I'll come and see you."

I came to see you.

What's good to see, Boye? We're all like this.

Tang Shi farfetched smile, took the coffee he gave, she was not embarrassed, owed her is him, no matter what attitude she used, it is not too much.

Tang Shi turned to go up, thin night looking at her back in a thick down jacket, eyes long. In the middle of winter, the cold wind swept flakes of snow in his eyes.

Tang Shi also noticed that when she looked up one second before entering the corridor, there were small snowflakes falling in her eyes, one by one, very beautiful.

This is the first snow in Baicheng after several years. When Tang poetry went up, there were still white flakes in her hair. She opened the door and said to Tang Wei, "Weiwei! It's snowing

Tang Wei is still playing go with Jiang Qi. When he hears that it's snowing, he jumps up. Children haven't seen snowflakes yet. In his memory, it's only cold in winter. His classmates from other places say that it snows every year in their hometown, and they are especially envious of making snowmen.

Now it's snowing in Baicheng!

Tang Wei yelled, "then I'll go downstairs!"

"Wait a minute. It's just beginning to snow." Tang Shi touched Tang Wei's head with a smile and said, "let's go down to have a snowball fight with our things later."

"Oh, it's snowing?"

Eugene and Chris rolled their sleeves. "I told you that when I was a child abroad, I used to have snowball fights with my brother. If we were against each other, the neighbors would suffer."

"That's good. Let's go down and play with the snow later."

Han rang laughs there, but Jiang Qi takes a breath. "Fortunately, Tang Wei doesn't play, otherwise I'll lose the game again."

"Is Tang Wei so powerful? I don't know who inherited it. I know so much at a young age. " Chris took a look at the chess game, "Yo, the layout is very big. Jiang Qi, you can't play Tang Wei. Give up quickly."

Jiang Qi, a scoundrel, began to default when he lost his chess game. He pushed all the pieces out of order. "I don't care! I don't care! "

Han rang was smiling, and the whole family was very happy. But Tang Wei watched Tang Shi go to the room and asked in a low voice, "how can you come up here and have a cup of coffee in your hand?"

Originally others did not care, but Tang Wei noticed.

Tang Shi took a drink, then opened the French window of his room to see a man standing downstairs in the floating snowflakes, which kept falling on his hair, and some stuck on his slender eyelashes.

He also seems to be looking up at Tang poetry.

Standing in the middle of the flying snow, his eyes are merciless and indifferent, just like a wave of ancient wells, the snow particles slide from his shoulders, and the scene has an indescribable beauty of loneliness.

It's like the artistic conception of the famous painting fishing for the snow on the cold river alone. The whole world is full of three thousand flying snow.

Tang Shi drew the curtain, then sat down on the chair beside the bed, took Tang Wei's hand, "thin night has come."

She chose to confess to her son.

Tang only Leng, "thin little come over?"

His first reaction was what Bo ye came all the way to do.

"He said he came to see us."

Tang Shi turned his head and looked away from the window. "But I don't quite understand why he came to see us all of a sudden."

Tang Wei looked at the coffee in Tang Shi's hand, "did he buy you coffee?"

Tang Shi took a sip, "do you want to try?"

Tang Wei curled his lips, "how do you think so open."

"Life is my own. I wish I were comfortable."

Tang Shi bent down to look at Tang Wei's face, "Wei Wei, if Mommy does something you can't tolerate one day, will you choose to forgive Mommy?"

"Tang only worry brow," good end to mention this do what. "

Tang Shi said with a smile, "if it's OK, just talk about it. Let's go to the living room. We'll have a snowball fight downstairs later."

After that, she stood up before Tang Wei, and then went out. After Tang Shi went out, Tang Wei secretly lifted a corner of the curtain and saw the thin night downstairs smoking by car.

The man lowered his head and half of his face, leaning on the outside of the car, his eyes were indifferent, as if he had never had a trace of persistence.

The mighty snowflakes fall beside him. Tang Wei stares at him for a few seconds, then puts down the curtain.


an hour later, Tang Wei put on his cotton padded jacket and said to Han, "let's go down to have a snowball fight!""Yes."

The snow outside is getting heavier and heavier, so it seems that it may cause traffic jams tomorrow.

"I think the Spring Festival is very good, auspicious snow is a good year." Jiang Qi drank coke, "Stinky boy, wait for me, I'll put on cotton padded shoes and go with you!"

"Come on! Hurry up "I want to go downstairs," Tang Wei said! Mommy, are you coming? "

"I'll wait."

Tang Shi is afraid that in case of going down, Bo Ye is still there. It's so embarrassing. She'd better go down slowly.

So Han rang and Tang Wei rushed out first, and watched two men disappear at the door, one big and the other small. Jiang Qi's shoe was still hanging on the tip of his foot, so he didn't have time to wear it. He fell down with a bang.

She scolded, "Damn, said to wait for me, actually straight away!"

Tang Shi laughed, "they love to play. No matter how old a man is, he is still young."

"Well, forget it. Let's take our time. I'll find another scarf I'm old and afraid of the cold. "

Tang Wei and Han rang downstairs. There are many residents living in the community playing below. When you see Tang Wei coming down, a little sister throws a snowball at him.

When Tang Wei first came into contact with so much snow, he couldn't even close his mouth. He was hit by a snowball and didn't care. Han rang held him and let him ride on his neck. Then he jumped into the crowd and made fun of each other with another group of residents. Tang Shi wanted to laugh when he looked upstairs.

"Wow! Han let brother be careful! There's a sneak attack next door

"Fight back

But Tang Shi saw that the car in the corner was still there, and then Bo Ye got out of the car. As soon as he got out of the car, Han rang, who didn't know the truth, threw a snowflake on Bo Ye's face.

As soon as Bo Ye looked up, he was hit by Han rang's snowball.

Tang poetry almost laughs when it is seen upstairs.

Bo Yechang is so big. When he was a child, he had snowball fights with his brothers in groups for countless times. He had never been hit in the face so directly! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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