Published at 4th of January 2023 11:08:27 AM

Chapter 1197

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Mu Feng is no stranger to the clear-water, golden-eyed beast, he had already caught a few of them during the battle between Shuangli, and because of their slow pace, he put them in the moat of Dragon City to raise them.

Originally, he thought that the clear water golden-eyed beast would fight with the dragon-headed turtle in the moat, but he didn't expect the two to get along very well, which was beyond his expectation.

Seeing no less than one or two hundred clear water golden-eyed beasts in the Hanoi of the Dali moat right now, he suddenly thought of raising some in the large lake west of Shandao, or in the large lake of Shandao.

One is to protect Shandao City, and the other is to detect if there are any large water monsters in the Great Lakes.

In case there is any prehistoric discovery.

Frankly speaking, the clear water golden-eyed beasts didn't seem to have any effect this time. In fact, if it weren't for these clear water golden-eyed beasts, the Jiang warrior might have already figured out a way to cross the river and destroy the Dali tribe.

This is very similar to the ginger warrior.

Wei Li even said with regret: "Our soldiers came here from far away, but there was no decisive battle! If we had known earlier, we wouldn't have come!"

Mu Feng couldn't help laughing: "It's two different things if you don't come and if you didn't fight!"

Weili was puzzled.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "People are here, they know that I, Da Jiang, have so many fighters in their hearts, if they really want to start a fight, they have to weigh it. If they don't come, what do they think!"

He thought to himself, this is equivalent to whether a country has nuclear weapons.

Having and not have a completely different meaning.

First, external hostile forces have different attitudes towards countries with or without nuclear weapons.

Why did China tighten its belt in the old days to produce nuclear weapons? This is what it suffered.

The final experience shows that: nuclear weapons can be used, but they cannot be used!

In the same way, the appearance of Jiang's fighters is also the same.

It's just that Weili can't understand it for the time being.

"Then what shall we do next?" Weili asked.

Mu Feng laughed and said: "I'm going to see that black dragon, you all need to check everything in Dali, don't move for now, and then report it to me!"


So Mu Feng took Li Wang and several Da Li soldiers to find the black dragon.

Mufeng, a strange horse named "Black Dragon", has already consulted the system and learned that this "Black Dragon" is a Linma, and it is really a strange species. According to the system, such creatures can exist as aliens.

Just like ligers and tigons, there is no one in a million, and they cannot breed offspring.

"What a pity!" Mu Feng secretly said in his heart.

He also thought that if such a strange existence could reproduce, he would find another partner for it no matter what.

But the system listed him the possibility of this kind of strange beast appearing.

That is to say, there is a one-to-one probability of breeding a Qilin beast with a weakened bloodline and a powerful purebred Wanli Yunma King.

But the probability of survival after the black dragon is born is even lower.

Mu Feng thought about the number of Wanliyun in Da Jiang's tribe, and dismissed the idea.

Things in the world have been difficult since ancient times, and they cannot be forced.

He had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, thinking about how to subdue the black dragon.

But even such a simple requirement seems to be quite difficult to achieve.

Because when he surrounded the black dragon with Qiongqi, Jufu, and Hu Leibao, the black dragon was happy and fearless, and stood upright to confront his side.

When Wooden Feng tried to communicate with advanced animal taming skills, he was directly rejected by it.

"He's still a master with a temper!" Mu Feng secretly thought.

For this kind of fierce beast with temper and personality, Mu Feng's method couldn't be simpler.

Direct siege - who can be sieged and singled out?

Even so, the black dragon was surrounded by many parties to the corner and still did not give in.

In desperation, Mu Feng asked Xishou to bring his Hulei Leopard too, and surrounded him from all directions, but the Linma called Heilong still held his head high.

Even though it already had many wounds on its body, several pieces of scales on its belly were torn off.

Mu Feng had a headache, if it was another beast, he would have bowed his head and surrendered.
Of course, it wasn't that Lin Ma was too strong, but that Mu Feng didn't let these fierce beasts kill them.

If life and death were really to be separated, Qiongqi would be able to bite it to death with serious injuries—provided that the Linma was limited to a certain range.

Mu Feng was helpless, and once again resorted to his trump card, pressing Linma to the ground with the technique of Dao Dao.

Sure enough, Linma, who is not afraid of the dangers visible to the naked eye, is especially afraid of the unknown.

When it watched Mu Fengyao press down with one hand, it fell to the ground with a "plop" before it could react.

For the same reason, this is what Wood Wind did when it was weak.

If it hadn't been injured, Mufeng knew it wouldn't be so easy.

The next link is still "boiling".

Mu Feng briefly stopped the bleeding for him, then tied it up and cleared the area around it, waiting for Lin Ma to subdue.


Yin Qi was exposed by the Da Li people, and then brought to Mu Feng by Da Jiang soldiers.

Poor cause was locked in the small black room and still didn't understand what happened, when he came out, he looked around and found that the wind direction in Dalibu had obviously changed.

The soldiers around had a feeling of deja vu.

At first he didn't understand what was going on, until he saw Weili, he suddenly understood.

He was frightened and asked the soldiers next to him: "The Dali tribe, has it been destroyed?"

Warrior Da Jiang didn't bother to talk to him: "Look for yourself!"

Yin Qi looked around and found that there were many Dali people.

Although they didn't speak much and looked cautious, they were not as flustered as before.

"What's going on here?" Yin Qi was full of doubts, "The Kuwei Department destroyed Dali?"

But he quickly dismissed the idea himself.

Although there are many fighters in the Kuwei Department, Jiang Yumo alone doesn't have that strength.

As for Weili, it's even worse.

He was extremely puzzled all the way, until he saw Mu Feng, he said in shock: "It's you!"

Mu Feng nodded and grinned at him: "It's me, long time no see!"

Yin Qi completely collapsed to the ground.

He trembled all over, thinking of the scene in the Blue Bird Department: a man descended from the sky on a giant eagle, and guarded the head of the Blue Bird City with his own strength.

Then he led many Da Jiang warriors to defeat the troops of Da Li and Qun Shan.

When he ran all the way from the Blue Bird Department, he begged Senior Da Li from the bottom of his heart, asking him not to see that person from now on.

I didn't expect to be afraid of something, that person appeared in front of me!

Mu Feng looked at Yin Qi's terrified and distressed face, squatted down and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "You are brother Yin Qi, the high priest of the Da Li Department, right?

What, are you happy to see me?

I am very happy to see you! "

Yin Qi trembled.

He personally experienced the bloody battle in Jade Bird City.

The Cyan Bird Department suffered heavy casualties, and the person in front of him was the person who appeared at the top of the city. No matter how he thought, he should not be happy to see him, but hatred.

What he didn't expect was that Mu Feng still smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, don't be nervous, we haven't seen each other for a few days, talk to each other?"

"You, you, what do you want?" Yin Qi cried, "If you want to kill me, give me a good time, don't, don't scare me!"

Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Yin Qi's feelings were frightened by him, and he thought that he was going to kill him.

"Since this is the case, it will save trouble!" Mu Feng thought in his heart.

He immediately grinned and said, "How about this, brother Yin Qi, tell me everything you know about the Dali tribe, and if I am satisfied, I won't kill you, how about it?"

Yin Qi was stunned, then hurriedly nodded: "Okay, okay!"

(end of this chapter)

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