Published at 4th of January 2023 11:04:55 AM

Chapter 1408

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Like Chi Lei, seeing Han Shu's truffle was full of panic.

Unlike him, Truffle panicked more.

Because it was Han Shu who led the troops to destroy the Liaolong Department!

"How is this possible, how is this possible!"

Truffle roared.

He didn't believe that Han Shu had been waiting here for a long time, as if he had expected him to be like this!

Han Shu smiled and said: "How is this impossible!

What you learned was taught by the great chief.

What I learned was also taught by the great chief.

Moreover, you have stayed under my hands for a while.

What do you think, of course I can guess!

But what I think, you may not! "

Han Shu glanced at Truffle and smiled and said, "Are you dismounting yourself, or will I ask you to dismount later?"

Truffle's complexion was cloudy and uncertain.

He wants to try it!

Of course, it's not him trying, but let the people around him try.

Han Shu's fighting strength is obvious to all in Da Jiang.

Few people can match one-on-one.

So he planned to gang fight.

Great chief, no, Jiang Mufeng said that if you can fight in groups, you will never fight alone!

Thinking of this, Truffle had made a plan and made a move: "Norgao, Yada, Cao Nu, go up and kill him!

As long as we kill him, we will win this time! "


The three of them rode their horses towards Han Shu one after another.

Seeing the three riders rushing out, Han Shu laughed loudly: "Whatever the name of a cow or horse, dare to die!"

As he spoke, he clamped the horse's belly, and Wan Liyun rushed forward, rushing towards them at nearly twice the speed of the three of them.

Before they could react, Han Shu was already approaching, and he shot straight at a person's heart.

It's just that the man was wearing plate armor, and the spear just pierced it with a "ding".

That person didn't know who it was, he grinned coldly, raised his iron knife and slashed at Han Shu.

Han Shu didn't take it seriously, he just swung his wrist forward vigorously, throwing the man off the horse and falling to the ground!

The other two were taken aback and waved their knives together.

Han Shu passed the horse between the two, leaning over to avoid a blow.

The two sides staggered, Han Shu pulled out the meteor hammer, turned his head and threw a flying smash, and shouted "Zhong"!

There was only a "dang clang", and there was a crisp sound from another person's helmet.

The man straightened up and fell to the ground!

The remaining one managed to dodge, and before he could turn the horse's head, Han Shu, who had already turned the horse back, swept him to the ground with a single shot.


Han Shu sneered, "It's me, Han Shu, who hasn't made a move for a long time, making you, Truffle, think that anyone can fight against me?"

Truffle trembled.

One back and forth, just one back and forth!

The three who were called the third of the "six fierce men" under his hands were easily taken down by Han Shu!

"Those who put down their weapons now will not die!"

Han Shu said the same thing.

Obviously different from Asuka, facing Han Shu, these rebels trembled vigorously.

They threw away the weapons in their hands without hesitation, and shouted loudly: "Leader Hanshu, we don't want to die!"

"Leader Hanshu, don't kill us!"

"We were wrong!"


Of course, there are also those who are stubborn and lucky.

Han Shu said again: "Whoever captures the truffle, I will not only protect him from death, but also prevent him from becoming a slave!"

That's all.

Truffle suddenly noticed that the eyes of the people around him became different!

Many people's eyes became wandering.

Truffle was upset, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't listen to him, he is just deceiving you!

Once you listen to him, you will die a terrible death! "

Han Shu smiled and shook his head: "I will give you a chance, it depends on whether you can seize it!

If you want to try it, you can come here.

But let me remind you, try it and you will die! "
As he spoke, he yelled loudly: "Great Jiang Cavalry!"


"Someone betrayed the Ministry, what to do!"


"Okay, charge me now! Anyone who dares to resist will be killed on the spot!"


"Da da da!"

Headed by Han Shu, he straightened his gun and rushed forward.

Behind him, the Jiang cavalry army rushed like a thunderbolt.

Truffle's face was pale, and even the horse subconsciously took a few steps back.

He struggled to yell out a word: "Back!"

However, it was too late!

Closely following Han Shu was a white unicorn horse, which roared to the sky, and all the people and horses that followed the truffle were frightened.

"Sudden Leopard!"

Truffle couldn't retreat in time, and was instantly surrounded by the ginger cavalry.

The results needless to say.

The truffle was easily captured!

Han Shu held the truffle full of remorse, and threw it to the ground: "Idiot, even if you huddle in the mountains, you won't be caught so easily!

With just such a little brain, you dare to betray the Ministry!

Send yourself to death! "

Truffle was distraught.

He is not reconciled!

He didn't expect to be defeated so easily!

Just started, it's over...

But the rebellion was not over yet.

Han Shu asked people to return to Dragon City with truffles, while he took most of the troops to Wanzhangyuan.

There, Aguli was still confronting another group of people from the mountains and the Yufu tribe.


After Truffle was brought to Dragon City, he was shocked to find that the chief, Mu Feng, was already waiting for him in Jade Bird City.

"Big, Great Chief..."

Truffle suddenly panicked.

Before meeting the great chief, he thought he could replace the great chief.

But when he really saw Mu Feng, he realized the problem.

Not so far!

Mu Feng stood there quietly, and everyone around him looked sideways.

He is the backbone of Da Jiang.


Mu Feng laughed, "I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm promising!"

Truffle trembled all over and said tremblingly: "Great chief, I was wrong!

Please spare me? "

Mu Feng waved his hand: "Young man, it's normal to make some mistakes."

Truffle suddenly felt hopeful.

But Mu Feng's next sentence made Truffle despair.

"But things like treason are unforgivable, don't you think?"

Truffle knelt down on the ground: "Great chief, I don't dare anymore, I really don't dare!"

"Don't you dare?"

Mu Feng shook his head, "You are so daring. The Chilei from Liaolong City, the bone tree from the iron mine, the iron bone support around Asuka, and so many people from the mountain tribes, were all convinced by you. Get rid of the big ginger!"

Truffle was terrified: "You, you already know!"

Mu Feng snorted coldly: "Fortunately, I know, otherwise I wouldn't know that truffles are so capable!

Otherwise, I wouldn't even know how I would have died in the south of Liaolong City! "

Truffle trembled all over: "I, I didn't!"


Mu Feng shook his head, "It doesn't matter if you are alive or not! Now you have the last chance to choose how to die!"

"I, I don't want to die!"

Truffle begged, "Great chief, please give me one last chance, I can lead the Jiang warriors to flatten the mountains and destroy the Yufu tribe!"

Mu Feng snorted coldly: "These people supported your rebellion anyway, so you gave up like this?"

He shook his head, "The mountains can live, but you can't!"

(end of this chapter)

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