Published at 4th of January 2023 11:26:06 AM

Chapter 175

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After Mu Feng healed Han Shu, he changed into fur clothes again.

Fortunately, he just wet his clothes and his body was not dirty, so he didn't need to take a bath anymore.

He came to the armored earth dragon's cave again, and found it curled up there, licking its wounds by itself.

As strong as it is, it can't resist the bites of so many wild boars.

Mu Feng thought about it in his heart, and communicated with advanced animal taming skills: "How is your injury?"

Armored Earth Dragon: "A few scales were torn off by those little guys, bleeding!"

Mu Feng said: "Thanks to you today, I will heal your wound!"

The armored earth dragon shook its head: "Can you heal the wound?"

Mu Feng nodded, said, and put his hand on the armored dragon's forehead, signaling it to relax.

There was doubt in the armored dragon's eyes, but he didn't resist, letting Mu Feng put his hand on top of its head.

Mu Feng's eyes narrowed, and he began to murmur words, and the surrounding green lights converged towards the armored dragon's head.

The armored earth dragon looked at the top of its head in doubt, and clearly felt something slipping into its body along Mu Feng's hand, making it feel very comfortable.

But at this moment, Mu Feng didn't feel so comfortable.

Because he found that the spiritual power consumed by the Wooden Dao Derivation Technique in treating the Armored Earth Dragon was far beyond that of Ma Ke, let alone that of the five little wolves.

Not to mention people like Han Shu and Ming Guang.

In just ten minutes, before Mu Feng's operation was halfway through, he already felt that his eyelids were heavy - obviously caused by the rapid consumption of energy and spirit.

But right now Mu Feng has no time to be distracted, he gritted his teeth and continued.

Correspondingly, the small eyes of the Armored Earth Dragon became brighter and brighter, until later when looking at Mu Feng, the eyes also became strange.

There is both approval and surrender in this look!

It was more than half an hour after Mu Feng finished performing the spell, he felt extremely tired and just wanted to go back and rest.

But for the Armored Earth Dragon, it was the exact opposite. Its originally dim and painful eyes became lighter, and the bloody places on its body no longer bleed, and instead, the scabs were about to fall off.

If you look closely at the scales on its body, it seems that the color has become darker, and it looks like it has been thickened and strengthened.

The biggest change is its eyes, when it looks at Mu Feng, it has completely surrendered.

After Mu Feng finished his technique, the armored earth dragon rubbed its head against Mu Feng's hand to show its intimacy.

Wooden Wind patted it on the head: "Okay, your injury is almost healed now, we have to go hunting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then you go out with us!"

The Armored Earth Dragon nodded obediently, as if it could fully understand what Mu Feng said.

It shook its body by itself: "Master, my strength seems to be stronger!"

Mu Feng nodded: "Well, your strength should have become stronger, and your speed should also be faster!"

The Armored Earth Dragon waved its drum hammer tail, and the "huhu" sound of the wind was obviously sharper and harsher.

He strode out of the cave again, and returned quickly. Looking at Mufeng, he jumped up happily on the spot: "It's really faster! I can catch up with those little guys, let me smash them to death!"

"No need!" Mu Feng stopped it, "They have already run away, and it won't be too late to smash them to death next time!"

His eyelids felt heavy, so he yawned and said, "That's it, you stay here and don't wander around. I'll go back to the Tulou first, and I'll come to you if I need something!"

"Yes, Master!"

Then Mu Feng went back to the earth building, and Li Hu, Ming Guang and the others had already returned with the hemp seeds.

Li Hu reported to Mu Feng that there were 14 dead wild boars harvested this time, two of which were shot in the eyes and mouth and trampled to death by other wild boars, and the remaining twelve wild boars were all crushed to death by armored earth dragons.

As for the chase outside, three wild boars fell into a trap in the jungle.
Fortunately, there are no bamboo thorns in the trap now, otherwise the three wild boars would be pierced through their intestines.

The dead wild boars were handed over directly to the central government for processing, while the three living ones were put into the pigsty.

Li Hu told Mu Feng that for some reason, the three wild boars put into the pigsty were soon besieged by the group in the pigsty.

Mu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the group in the pigsty had already started to evolve into domestic pigs. And when new wild boars enter rashly, they will naturally be regarded as "outsiders".

"This is a good sign!" Mu Feng nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, it's fine!"

"Yes!" Several people responded.

"Okay then, go ahead and do what I told you in advance. We will go out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Mu Feng said a little tiredly.

"Still going out, Great Chief, now we have more than a dozen wild boars, the food in rainy days must be enough!" Li Hu exclaimed, "And it's very dangerous to go out now!"

"No!" Mu Feng shook his head, "This time our purpose is not to hunt, but to catch horses!"

"Catch a horse?" Li Hu was puzzled, "Don't we already have a horse?"

"Not enough!" Mu Feng shouted lowly, "I don't just want four horses, but the young and strong of the entire tribe can have horses to ride!"

"In case other tribes dare to plunder our tribe one day in the future, I, Jiang's sons, will all ride on horseback and hold knives, and kill them before they arrive, and take them prisoner. Wouldn't it be an advantage!"

"This..." Li Hu glanced back at Ming Guang and Han Shu, seeing the excitement in their eyes, "It is rumored that only large tribes have warriors, and only warriors can have mounts. Is it possible that our Jiang family should be like this too? big tribe?"

"Why not?" Mu Feng asked with a smile.

"But our tribe is too small, much less than those big tribes!" Li Hu said bitterly, "If it wasn't for the last rainy day that caused our tribe to lose one or two hundred people, our tribe should have a lot of people now. Already!"

"The problem of the tribe..." Mu Feng thought for a while and said, "It will indeed affect the tribe, but it is not absolute."

He thought for a while and then said: "Li Hu, go back now and ask one by one how many women in the tribe are pregnant with children, and how many children are under the age of ten, and then tell me!"

Li Hu frowned, he felt that he couldn't keep up with Mu Feng's train of thought.

He was still talking about going out to catch horses just now, why did he suddenly talk about the women and children of the tribe.

Before he could react, Mu Feng said again: "Go and report to me the men who are over sixteen years old in the tribe and those who have not yet married!"

Li Hu was even more puzzled: "Why is this talking about marrying a wife?"

Mu Feng suddenly smiled and looked at Li Hu: "Uncle Li Hu, I remember that Brother Qingya and Brother Chiya seem to have passed the adult age too, right?"

Li Hu's complexion was a little gloomy: "Qingya is already twenty, and Chiya is already eighteen, but the tribe doesn't have enough food and furs, so there is no way to go to other tribes to marry a woman."

It was only then that Mu Feng realized that in this era, it was either a "walking marriage" or a "begging" for a wife with what other tribes needed.

"Walking marriage" means that the young and strong in the tribe go directly to other tribes to become the son-in-law.

Some return to the tribe only when the woman is pregnant with a child, while others never return.

At present, there are very few young and strong members of the Jiang clan, and Mu Feng can't let the clansmen have a "walking marriage" no matter what.

Then there is only one way to "ask for marriage".

Asking for a marriage is a bit similar to sending the bride price to the woman's family to marry a daughter-in-law in the previous life.

But the difference is that the things given away for marriage cannot be taken back, and belong to the woman's tribe, while the woman belongs to the man's tribe.

The "exchange" relationship is obvious.

If the relationship between the two tribes is good, it’s okay to say, but if the tribes turn against each other, most of the offspring of women will beat their mother’s “natal family” with sticks.

At present, the Jiang family has a lot of "surplus food", so Mu Feng naturally adopts the method of "begging for marriage"!

These are all the development plans set by Mu Feng for the Jiang clan!

(end of this chapter)

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