Published at 4th of January 2023 11:28:03 AM

Chapter 62

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Bright light goes and returns.

Mu Feng was surprised: "What's the matter, didn't you tell me to let the people from the Manglong Department go?"

"No..." Ming Guang scratched his head, "Great Chief, another group of people came from outside the tribe, it's Yema Duo from the Blue Bird Division!"

"Ke Changning?" Mu Feng realized, "Did she bring someone here?"

"Yes! There are more than a hundred people here this time, with a lot of furs!" Ming Guang's expression was obviously agitated, "They really came to give us furs and salt!"

"Huh?" Mu Feng was also surprised. He didn't expect Ke Changning to be so trustworthy and actually sent him something, "Let's go and have a look together!"

"Yes!" Ming Guang turned around and walked towards the tribe's exit.

From a distance, Mu Feng saw that many clansmen had already surrounded the exit of the clan, and they were standing there curiously looking at the two groups of people not far away.

A group of people from the Reckless Dragon Department are complaining mournfully.

The other group belonged to the Blue Bird Department, standing together and quietly watching the people of the Jiang clan.

The members of the Qingniao tribe, who are clearly different from the members of the Manglong tribe, are all strong and strong, with their heads held high, and they all look at a girl standing in front of their team.

The young girl has a white fur and a white hat, and she is tall and tall.

She stood at the front of the entire blue bird department, and beside her was an armored earth dragon lying quietly.

She just stood there quietly, but attracted everyone's attention.

Regardless of whether it was the Blue Bird Clan or the Jiang Clan, even the swearing Manglong Clan members all stared at the girl one by one.

As if she was there, she was born to attract everyone's attention.

The girl seemed to have gotten used to such gazes, she didn't care, she just tiptoed to look deep into the Jiang clan from time to time, and then saw two people walking behind the crowd—Mu Feng and Ming Guang.

Seeing Mu Feng's appearance, the girl's originally calm face instantly burst into a smile, like a snow lotus in full bloom.

She shouted loudly: "Chief Woodwind, I'm here!"

While shouting, she ran towards the entrance of the Jiang clan.

"Yamaduo!" The people behind her exclaimed.

Mu Feng, who had just stepped out of the crowd, was a little taken aback. He didn't know what kind of wind this girl was, and why she saw her so enthusiastic.

"Looks like I'm not very familiar with you yet?" Mu Feng thought to himself.

But when she saw that the armored earth dragons behind her were all carrying furs, she understood that this was a gift, so she didn't reach out to hit the smiling face.

What's more, after the girl left last time, he was really worried for a few days, worried that she would bring hundreds of people to beat Jiang.

So he also smiled and said, "Hello, we meet again!"

Seeing that Mu Feng only dealt with Chang Ning calmly and nothing unusual happened, the members of the Cyan Bird Department breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello?" Chang Ning was taken aback for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Just to say hello to you!" Mu Feng didn't want to get entangled in this kind of question, "What are you doing here this time?"

Chang Ning laughed, revealing his white teeth like shellfish. She turned her head and pointed to the armored earth dragons behind her: "Hey, I kept my promise to send you fur and salt, and I'll ask you for advice again by the way!"

After a pause, she came to Mu Feng again, breathed out like blue, and asked in a low voice: "Where are the people over there? Why did they provoke you, even the fur off their bodies?"

Mu Feng glanced at the members of the Manglong tribe, curled his lips and said, "They robbed our Jiang clan and took away our furs, which almost killed our Jiang clan!"

"Ah?" Chang Ning looked surprised, "They are such a weak tribe, but they can also plunder your tribe? They can't break through your protective wall, can they?"

"I let the tribe build this protective wall after they plundered it." Mu Feng said helplessly, "I also became the great chief after the tribe was plundered."

"Just because of some fur and salt?" Chang Ning was puzzled.

Before Mu Feng could open his mouth, Ming Guang who followed him said, "They stole our torch! But then the great chief taught us how to make a fire!"

"Huh?" Mu Feng frowned.

But Mingguang's words have been said, and his denial will not help.

"You can make fire?" Chang Ning was stunned and asked in surprise.

"Yes, everyone in my Jiang clan knows it!" Ming Guang said loudly again.

"Ah?" Chang Ning was shocked again, "People in your tribe can make fire?"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng calmly nodded, it would be meaningless for him to deny it.

"Can you teach me how to make fire?" Chang Ning looked hopeful, "I brought you enough furs this time!"

As she said that, she hurriedly waved her hands and shouted at the people behind her, "Quick, take off all the furs, and there's still salt!"

Looking at the bundles of furs, Mu Feng hesitated whether to teach or not.

After thinking about it, he understood: the Jade Bird tribe is a big tribe, there must be a fire, and it must be the fire that was kept in batches.

As far as he is concerned, whether he teaches or not, the Jade Bird Department is popular.

For Yu Changning, what she values ​​is this method that can light everyone up.

In particular, Changning sent fur and salt as agreed, and he did not bring his tribe to destroy the Jiang family as he was worried about. He has already expressed enough goodwill and sincerity.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, but you have to exchange it with other things."

"Great!" Chang Ning cheered.

"Huh?" Mu Feng smiled and looked at Chang Ning, "I taught you how to make a javelin last time when you came here, and also taught you how to cut ice to catch fish. This time, I have to learn how to make fire..."

Chang Ning's pretty face flushed slightly: "But look, I brought three hundred furs and thirty jars of refined salt!"

Mu Feng laughed dumbfoundedly.

Although she spoke loudly, she obviously lacked confidence.

But Mu Feng said with a smile at this time: "These are not enough."

(end of this chapter)

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