Published at 28th of February 2023 08:48:28 AM

Chapter 191

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“I thought you might have some questions.”

A smile faded from The Darkness’s lips and he looked at Nina with serious eyes. It felt very strange to see someone who was not Adrian with Adrian’s face. 

“He must have wanted to put an end to you. But rather, it became a meeting place between us. In a way, it’s all thanks to him.”

“Hm, but, I think I was stabbed right in the heart.”

Are you really sure I’m still alive?

Nina made a face like that, and The Darkness tilted his head.

“The spirits do not lie. Besides, Dame Nina, you must have forgotten but your body it’s not the same as a normal human being.”


“Your body is different from that of ordinary people. That’s why it has such strength and it’s also light in weight.”

“Then are you saying that even if I get stabbed in the heart, I won’t die? What the hell…”

The Darkness gave a small smile.

“It’s not like that. One day too will die, of course. Just like all normal humans do but in a different way. Anyway, I’m sure this time you won’t die, so don’t worry.”

Nina nodded her head at that and asked a second question.

“I have met The Great Spirit, right?”


“Is this a return to the past? Or Transmigration?”

“The time was turned back.”

“I knew it! Oh, but why are my memories like this?”

“Those who physically exist in the timeline will not remember the time that was turned back. Because they are people still living in that time. So we had to use a different method.”

“Is that other way being transmigrated? But I definitely had memories of other worlds as well as the contents of the book. That’s why I suffered.”

At Nina’s words, The Darkness nodded his head.

“It was a memory made under the assumption of, ‘What if you were born in a different world?’ You certainly had higher education there, didn’t you?” 


Nina let out a sigh.

“Right. I understand now.”

When I talked to The Great Spirit, I said that I wished I had more common sense…

“You don’t seem to remember up to that point, but you agreed on the method.”

The Darkness cautiously added, and Nina said, “Right.” and groaned.

Thinking hard, she asked. 

“Those who have a body don’t remember that the time turned back. Then those who do not have a body…”

“The spirits, of course, remember it all. As we are outside of time.”

“I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be out of time rules.”

“You too will know when you cross the sea of ​​glass.”

As the Darkness comforted her, Nina chuckled. Then her face darkened.

“Then, the Fallen Spirit King also knows time went back, right? Is that okay?”

“No, he was already resurrected in a body on the earth at that time. That’s precisely why time was turned back.”


“But he must have felt something strange when time turned back. That’s why things went differently this time.”

“I see. Then, the original content is said to have been appropriately adapted by The Great Spirit.”

“Yes, he decided that if everything was to be revealed at once, you would not be able to respond properly.”

Nina nodded her head and asked what she was curious about.

“He also called me The Great Spirit…”

At her words, The Darkness looked at Nina with eyes full of admiration and joy. Nina’s heart ratted down.

Really? Me?

Seeing the astonishment on her face, The Darkness quickly denied it.

“No. His blessing is upon you, but you are not The Great Spirit.”

“Really? I’m Nina La Dell, right?”

“Yes, one hundred percent yourself.”

“Thank god.”

Power drained from her body as she let out a sigh

“This isn’t just a fight between humans. The spirits are also in the battle ranks.” 

“Will you also sign a contract?”

“Just call for me.”

Nina nodded her head. 

I have to go and tell the elite kids.

“What will happen in the future?” 

The Darkness stretched out its index finger and put it on its lips.

“I can’t tell you the future.” 

“Then, was it the spirits that made us dream?”


He politely replied and looked at Nina with a strange face.

“I want to apologize to you.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I stabbed you. So that day, both of you had that dream.”


She remembered the day Nina brought the blade to the nape of her neck.

“At the time when I felt like I was possessed by the blade?”

“Yes. I deeply regret what has happened in the past.”

“But it was Adrian that stabbed me, not you, right? You were just a tool…”

“It is still the same. Dame Nina, you are the only human being protected by The Great Spirit, and serving you is a pleasure for the Spirits. Even if you don’t remember it, it is true to me and I can’t erase it.”

“Well, then it’s fine. I’ll forgive you. Maybe I wasn’t even angry back then.”

Nina shrugged her shoulders. The Darkness looked at Nina for a moment and then smiled.

“Thank you.”

She scratched her cheek.

“I think Adrian should be the one scolded for that. No, I think he has repented enough for having that dream.”

She laughed

The Darkness said in a serious tone.

“If you think about what happened before the return, I think Adrian can have more trouble because of you.” 

“Was it that bad? Well, I think it might have been.”

Nina giggled and The Darkness smiled faintly.

“And I have something to thank you for.”


“Because you didn’t let Adrian hate himself and the darkness.”

The Darkness faced his palm and spread it like an open book.

“He hated himself, who made a contract with me, and hated the Spirit as much as he hated himself.”

The Darkness lifted his eyes and looked at Nina.

“But you made him think otherwise when you told him there were shadows in his eyes, a darkness like the shadows of trees on the lake, and that you knew you won’t wander alone in the dark.” 

(Note: In case you did not understand the last part, Adrian can feel the presence of people in shadows and when it’s dark. So if Nina wonders alone in the darkness of the night, Adrian call always go to her, or watch over her.)

“That’s why I’m grateful for you.” Dark smiled.

Nina felt her cheeks heat up somehow. It was a different feeling from Adrian’s, but what should she reply? The darkness in Adrian was also something that attracted her to him.

I don’t know if it’s normal though.

“I snuck at you to say this thanks. The Sun and The Winter will nag me for a while.”

Smiling gracefully, he got up from his seat and reached out to Nina. She took his hand and got up from her seat.

“There is not much time left. If I keep you for too long, the world may perish.”

He spoke in a relaxed tone. 

“I don’t want the world to be destroyed yet.”(Nina)

When Nina saw him, The Darkness smiled softly.

“My contractor. Without you, he would definitely go astray.”

Nina asked just in case. 

“Is Adrian also normal?”


The Darkness had an intrigued face.

“Well, something like maybe Adrian is the ‘Resurrected Nodolu.’”

The Darkness widened his eyes and burst into laughter.

“That is, really, nothing to worry about.”

He laughed aloud ​​and released Nina’s hand.

“Come on, he’s here to pick you up. All the way into the depths of this darkness.”

The Darkness slowly faded and disappeared.

“Huh? What? Excuse me?”

I need you to tell me how to get out of here. 

Frustrated, Nina looked around. 

But what did he just say?

– He’s here to pick you up.

Nina came to her senses. 

“No way.”



Nina screamed at the sudden hug that came from behind her.

“Oh, Adrian?”

“I found you. I found-.”

He clenched his teeth, she couldn’t see his face because he was hugging her from behind. 

“Let’s go back, please.”

He whispered lowly, and Nina replied softly.

“Yes, but I don’t know the way back.”

“I know.”

Nina turned around to see his face. Then she felt a pain in the strong light piercing her eyes.

Suddenly she couldn’t breathe, her lungs were hurting when she tried to suck air in, it was like when water filled up her chest. She gasped and struggled with pain and after a while, she took a deep breath.

Swallowing air, her mind was finally awake.

“Kek, hugh, kugha!”

“Breathe again! Hurry! Bring me some medicine!”

In front of her fluttering eyes, she could see Kirill yelling.

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