Published at 28th of February 2023 08:48:28 AM

Chapter 193

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After two or three days, as Kirill said, Nina was able to get out of bed, and people came to visit one after another.

Only very few people knew that Nina went between life and death, so there were not many visitors, but it was considered enough for her.

The gifts that Lorocomo and Mimina sent were enough to fill half the room. Mimina came to her with a present and said,

“Lorocomo is far away, so he can’t come, but I’m sending greetings in his instead, Da-Nina.”

“Thank you for coming. I’m all better now.”

Nina smiled and greeted back, and Mimina raised her eyebrows. She was still wearing the Blecca clothes, and her hair was loose.

“Just because you are better now, I don’t think it’s something to just pass on.”

“I know that too.”

Mimina was startled at Nina’s quiet answer and got up from her seat holding on to her skirt. 

“Forgive me, I crossed the line.”

“It’s okay. If Mimina forgives me for blowing up the pond.”

Mimina opened her eyes wide and laughed. 

“I forgive you.”


Kell, Raja, and Charlotte also came to visit in turns. Charlotte cried so much that her entire face was swollen, her eyes were big as if she had been stung by a bee, making it very pitiful to see.

Nina comforted Charlotte by saying everything was fine, but then she cried again.

Since visitors were limited to one per day, Nina was slowly starting to get tired of her bed life.

Besides, she wanted to meet Fiona too, but Adrian only folded his arms and said nothing.

When she complained to Jean, he also gave a stiff expression.

“It’s because you don’t know.” 

He spat it out. Nina frowned and asked, “What?” 

“That day, His grace was…”

Jean exhaled a sight.

“I mean, me too…”

He stared intently at Nina.

“You don’t remember anything after being stabbed, do you?”


Somehow thinking it was her fault, her voice shrunk. Jean patted her shoulders with a bitter smile as Nina lightly swept the back of her neck.

“I’m not questioning, I’m asking. That would be a given. The house on that day was really…”

* * *

The moment he heard the news, his head went blank. He had a sturdy body, and he thought that it was just a fictional expression to ‘stumble in shock’.

However, in an instant, his body lost its strength, it felt like his blood was pouring to the floor.

When he barely came to his senses, he was already running at full power.

Kirill’s choice of the medical room was near the outer side of the silver lake, it was the farthest from noisy places. 

In order to store medicinal herbs and medicines in a cool, dry place out of sunlight, a semi-basement structure was specially commissioned to be made by an architect.

With large ventilation windows, the sunniest place was good for preparing the herbs, and the shaded place was the medicine storage area.

It was always a cold, dry place. At the same time, the smell of all kinds of herbs and disinfectants always lingered in the air.

The normally quiet place was now the noisiest.

“Get lost!!”

Kirill shouted as she slammed the door shut. Those who were kicked out had no choice but to blankly stare at the door from the outside.

“It-It will be alright, right?”

A sharp sound was heard at the same time as a trembling voice spoke. Louis narrowly blocked the sword that had reached out toward Fiona.

Louis’s purple eyes looked straight at Adrian.

“It’s not Miss Fiona’s fault.”

Louis’s voice was calm and that made Jean upset.

How can you be so calm in this situation?

Nina, right now Nina was.

“It’s all my fault.”

“It’s not the time for you to say that, either.” 

Louis replied with disdain in response to Edgar’s words. Only then did Jean notice. Louis had his eyes open, clearly showing his anger.

Nevertheless, he was preventing Adrian from harming the two. 

Jean blocked Edgar.

“When Nina wakes up, she will look for them.”

Adrian’s expression contorted. Jean thought this one was better. Much better now than being expressionless like before.

The door slammed open, and Kirill, whose white robe was wet with red, called out to Fiona as if growling.

“Did you say you can use recovery techniques?”


“Come in.”


Adrian called out her name like a scream, but Kirill took Fiona inside without answering.

It was a terrible time.

* * *

On the second day, Kirill opened the door and said with a tired face.

“Come on in. It might be the last time.” 

Fiona, who had fainted after using all of her power, slept crumpled in a corner.

“The last…?”

Jean asked back without realizing it and Kirill said with a tired face.

“I did my best. This should be enough for her to wake up, but it’s not happening. As if the soul had left first.”

Adrian strode towards the bed. Nina lay there as if asleep, but her face was pale and her lips were blue. Even without touching near her nape, he could tell that her pulse was beating very weakly.

He took Nina’s hand and knelt next to the bed.

The seed crystals went out in an instant and black darkness settled down.

(Note: Quick reminder that seed crystals also store sunlight to be used as lamps.)

“Let’s…step back…”

Louis answered in a suffocating voice. Darkness filled the room.

It was literally sticky darkness. Jean didn’t know that he would literally see right in front of his eyes the world being eaten by darkness.

They didn’t know how much time had passed, but in the dark, Kirill said.

“Her heart stopped beating, my Lord.”


Jean jumped.

“My Lord.”

Once more, Kirill called Adrian. Soon she shouted in an annoyed voice.

“Turn on the lights now! Open the curtains!” 

Jean ran into the darkness. He didn’t know what to do, but it may be a characteristic of a knight to reflexively follow orders.

‘It looks like I’m inside water.’

It felt like darkness was clinging to him. He could guess that the room wasn’t ‘just’ dark. Jean clenched his teeth and fumbled around. As he approached the window and opened the curtain, all darkness disappeared as if sucked in.


Jean reflexively turned his head and saw the darkness being sucked into Adrian’s shadow.

“Cough, cough!” 

At the same time, there was the sound of Nina exhaling her breath.

“Do you remember that part?” 

Jean asked and Nina nodded her head.

‘Wasn’t that, like, pretty bad?!’

She was just floating around in the dark while having a leisure conversation with The Darkness.

‘The spirit assured me that I would survive but…’

Even if she survived, wasn’t it extremely dangerous?

Nina let out a sigh.

“I should thank Jean and Sir Louis.”

“You should thank Sir Louis more than me.”

Nina nodded her head. She then grabbed Jean and gave him a hug.

“Still, I would like to thank you. Thanks, Jean.”

Frowning, Jean sighed and patted her back with a smile.

“Yes, thank you too. For coming back alive. If you were dead, I would have gone mad.”

“Don’t do that.”

Nina lifted her head and looked at him with wide-open eyes.

“Jean said that too. Crying is enough. That’s all you need to do for me.”

Jean smiled bitterly and grabbed her face with both hands. Soft cheeks slip into his large palms.

He opened his mouth slightly and then closed it. No words came out. He sighed again, roughly rubbed her cheeks, and then let it go.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” 

“Oh really. To a patient.”

She grunted as Nina patted her cheeks. Jean looked at her like that.

I can’t take my eyes off her at all.

The attack she suffered inside the manor, which everyone thought was safe above all else, was the biggest blow they got.

Since then, he has wandered around her room in the middle of the night without realizing it, frequently running into someone else who was walking around the place for the same reason.

How many times did he laugh bitterly?

Nina rubbed her cheek and lifted her head.

“First, I’ll talk to Adrian. Thank you, Jean.”

“Don’t run!” 

“Yes, I’ll walk calmly.”

“No, you can’t.”

“Wait, Jean!”

He gave her a big hug. Nina tried to rebel but stopped eventually.

For the time being, it would be good for each other to be subjected to this overprotection. Seeing her calmly snuggling in his arms, Jean grinned.

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