Published at 21st of April 2023 07:06:23 AM

Chapter 124

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From the other side of the phone came Liu Huai's voice trying to hold back some emotions: "...Jiayi, can I pick you up now? I want to see you"

Liu Jiayi's originally indifferent expression softened visibly with the naked eye, and her voice jumped a lot: "But the orphanage will organize matching and open the door tomorrow. Brother, can you wait for me until tomorrow? We will meet tomorrow!"

"...someone told me a tunnel that can lead to the orphanage, and I came along this tunnel." Liu Huai closed his eyes, his throat rolled, and his voice choked uncontrollably, " life The value is only 1, and I may not be able to wait until tomorrow, Jiayi, I want to see you before I die."

Liu Jiayi's breathing stopped for two seconds, and her expression instantly seemed to freeze into inches of ice.

She clutched the phone tightly, and Liu Jiayi didn't even notice that Liu Huai directly used the probing words such as life value 2 in what she said to her, but asked directly and quickly: "How did you fall so low?! You now where?!"

Shouldn't Liu Huai be staying in the hospital? ! Even if Liu Huai gave up hunting her blood and reached a cooperation with Bai Liu to protect the child, with Liu Huai's personal skills, even against monsters and Miao Fei Chi, he shouldn't have fallen to this level! The skills that can't beat Liu Huai can still run and hide.

With Liu Huai's character, he hates being controlled by others the most, and under her hints, Liu Huai also understands that Bai Liu controls people by means of objects, and he needs the consent of the other party. Knowing the multiple limitations of Bai Liu's skills, Liu Huai shouldn't and couldn't be easily controlled by Bai Liu, and was used until he had only a little life left!

What the hell happened last night? ! Why did Liu Huai's health drop to 1? !

——A Liu Huai with only 1 HP, it seems like an opponent who knows her nature well made it deliberately to keep the bait for her.

This idea flashed through Liu Jiayi's mind, but was quickly interrupted by Liu Huai's weak voice.

"I'm at church."

If she didn't go to treat Liu Huai tonight to continue his life, Liu Huai would definitely die - Liu Jiayi quickly thought of this.

"Okay, brother, stay in the church and don't move." Liu Jiayi took a deep breath, and she walked around anxiously, forcing herself to calm down, but the hand holding the phone was shaking violently, "You wait for Jiayi to come over Okay? Jiayi will be here soon!"

Liu Huai's voice became softer: "Can I really wait for you, Jiayi?"

Liu Jiayi's eyes were red, she gritted her teeth: "You can wait, brother, you believe in Jiayi, I will definitely not let you have an accident, I will be right there!!"

Liu Huai was silent for a long, long time, and then said very softly, in a voice that was so soft that it was almost inaudible:

"I trust you, Jiayi."

Liu Jiayi took a breath.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Ke leaned forward anxiously and asked Liu Huai, "How is it, does Liu Jiayi suspect you? Will she come?"

Liu Huai shook his head slowly and numbly: "...she didn't doubt me." He paused and then said, "She panic."

"Being flustered means that she cares about you. She should come, but she won't be completely unprepared. The church is a safe zone for her. She might be less vigilant here." Bai Liu rubbed his chin as if Thoughtful, "But I think with Liu Jiayi's vigilance, even if I panic, there may be another change when I get to the location."

Liu Jiayi hurriedly walked in the darkness of the orphanage with a solemn expression.

The black witch's robe that symbolized status and poison on her body was gone, and it was replaced by very common clothes that every child in the orphanage had.

Liu Jiayi clicked on her system panel and warehouse, and the system images were directly projected on the level of her brain consciousness, which she could "see" directly. After cleaning one side of the system warehouse and personal panel, her slender and delicate eyebrows became more and more Tighten it-

[System Warehouse: Player Liu Jiayi, your visualization function items are about to be emptied, and you have a large demand for this item, which belongs to daily necessities items, please replenish in time]

[System prompt: Player Liu Jiayi, because your personal skills are relatively special in "Love Welfare Institute", after entering the game, for the sake of game balance, the following restrictions are imposed on you——]

[...The cd time of your personal skill antidote has been extended from 1 hour to 6 hours...]

【...You have universal blood...】

This long list of restrictions is what Liu Jiayi often encounters after playing games, because of her special personal skills, she will always be restricted by the dog competition system in various ways.

The dog ratio system needs card death to distinguish the difficulty, and if there happens to be a witch with her healing skill in the game, the death rate is very difficult to card, so the system will try every means to card her witch.

In order to maximize Liu Jiayi's skills, the King's Guild racked its brains and thought of many ways, including assigning Liu Jiayi with various control players, and reducing the restrictions on Liu Jiayi's skills by controlling the way multiple players share the death rate.

But it's hard to say how effective it will be, because Zhang Puppet died before practicing a few times.

Generally speaking, when Liu Jiayi saw these restrictions, she would glance over them without changing her face, because she was used to being stuck like this in the game.

But this time Liu Jiayi was not so calm when she saw these restrictions. Her "eyes" stopped on the first and third articles for a few seconds, and she couldn't help but cursed: "Fuck the system/your father!"

[System prompt: Underage players are prohibited from abusive and swearing, and have been blocked for you as (system I*your father)]

Liu Jiayi took a deep breath and stopped looking at the system panel that made her angry—she just used the antidote on herself at around 5:30 pm because of the poisonous mushroom poisoning buff, which is her healing skill. And her skill cd is normally once an hour.

But in this game, because life is the core clearance data, the system extended the cd time of her antidote to once every six hours.

This means that the time she will use it next time will be around 11:30, which is very close to the early morning of Thursday, the [severely ill day].

Liu Jiayi was upset and worried, and her walking speed became faster and faster.

The orphanage will start wandering around after nine o'clock to chase their deformed children. These children are corpses and cold things. Liu Jiayi doesn't have many visualization props at the moment, so she doesn't use visualization props for the time being, but although she can't see them, But her hearing is very good, and she has lived in this orphanage for a while, so she is very familiar with this map.

The sounds of these deformed children's actions are very loud. Liu Jiayi can locate them by relying on these sounds, and can calmly avoid them by turning her head and sideways.

When she was only a hundred meters away from the church, Liu Jiayi hid in a corner to avoid the deformed child behind.

Liu Jiayi gasped and leaned against the wall, closed her eyes and calmed her heartbeat and breathing. During this short rest period before arriving, her brain once again began to uncontrollably doubt the authenticity of the information she got from Liu Huai— —

——Is it true that Liu Huai only has 1 HP? How did he find this tunnel in the orphanage that she didn't even know about?

Liu Jiayi has a very strong feeling of being lured into a trap, which is the same feeling as Hearts lured her to use props to enter the guild.

She knew it was wrong, but it was her brother who was put in the trap.

The designer of this trap knows her well, even if it is a trap, she will definitely jump.

But compared to this being a trap, Liu Jiayi doesn't want to see another situation - that is, Liu Huai is not the bait of this trap, but the participant and leader of this trap.

She didn't want to doubt Liu Huai, but she couldn't control it. This kind of suspicion rooted in her flesh and blood from the harsh growth environment has saved Liu Jiayi's life in many critical situations. She is naturally suitable for this vile person who cannot trust each other game.

There is no doubt that Liu Jiayi is the person in the world who wants Liu Huai to live the most. For this purpose, she can save Liu Huai with her life. She can use her own death in exchange for Liu Huai's life, but because Liu Huai can't take the initiative to harm her.

In the cold wind at night, Liu Jiayi took two deep breaths, frowning tightly. This serious expression had a strong sense of disobedience on her immature face. Liu Jiayi hesitated for a long time, and finally she used the thin Fingers went deep into his pocket, and took out a teardrop-shaped glass bottle, surging transparent liquid, with a line of cursive words [psyche] on the glass bottle.

[System prompt: Does the player Liu Jiayi use an item (Psyche's tears)? After use, this item will guide you who are hesitant in the dark, how to make choices, and guide you to the ending that the gods guide you】

[Prop Rating: Extraordinary props, with the power of destiny comparable to the gods]

[The system has detected that the player Liu Jiayi has already used this item, continuing to use it can enhance the effect of the item, do you want to continue using it? 】

Liu Jiayi's hand holding the bottle slowly tightened. She lowered her head and looked at the tear-like liquid surging in the bottle. Her breathing was rapid, and she recalled in her mind that after Liu Huai was controlled by Zhang Puppet, she hurt Mu Sicheng. That devastated face covered with tears, and what the woman in Heart had said to her when she gave her this prop.

Heart was leaning on the sofa, her arms and legs stretched out lazily, and she looked at Liu Jiayi who came to her: [Ah, you said you used this prop, and what this prop instructed you to do hurt Liu Huai, you doubt this Can the props achieve your goal? Little witch, this is an extraordinary item given by the system, the effect will not go wrong, and have you heard the story of Psyche? 】

Hearts smiled and dragged their cheeks: [Psyche, a beautiful woman who is suspicious, she is so beautiful that Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, is so beautiful that she wants to torture Pussy because of her jealousy. Suke, she asked her son Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest beast in the world, terrible parents, right? Let your own children do this kind of thing. 】

[Having such parents, people have to wonder if this Cupid is also a bad guy. It seems that Cupid often turns a blind eye to Venus doing such bad things and helps others]

[But Cupid seems to have changed suddenly, he is unwilling to treat the innocent Psyche like this] Heart said softly, [He suddenly saved Psyche, and even hid Psyche, he was very good to her , is to blindfold Psyche, making Psyche a blind man in front of him, unable to see what kind of person he is]

【This made Psyche wonder whether the man who loved her was an ugly beast or a god who came to save her. Hurt this Cupid who loves her and saves her in dire straits, and at the same time can't help thinking, what if this is a beast pretending to be a normal person to lie to me? 】

Heart came down from the seat, with that faint and elegant smile on her face, she stretched out her finger to lightly touch Liu Jiayi's foggy eyes: 【Finally, doubt defeated Psyche, she took off the blindfold With the cloth of her eyes, she saw Cupid's true face, but unfortunately Cupid was also hurt by Psyche's suspicion, he flew back to heaven, Psyche was tortured by pain and guilt day and night, and shed tears]

[But do you know what the ending of this story is? 】Heart whispered and chuckled as if bewitching, she put the teardrop glass bottle full of tears into the palm of Liu Jiayi, and whispered as if bewitching,【Psyche brought Cupid who flew back to heaven after suffering After returning, they lived happily together forever]

Heart lowered her eyes, wrapped her snow-white arms around Liu Jiayi's neck from behind, bent down and whispered in Liu Jiayi's ear: [Baby, doubt is not a big mistake, Psyche is with Cupid too, doubt It's a good medicine to reveal each other's true colors, so that you can be together forever without any grievances, isn't it? 】

[When your doubts waver, you can drink your tears and ask Psyche who obtained happiness through doubts, and Psyche who has become a god will tell you how to do it]

Liu Jiayi finally accepted the prop [Psyche's Tears] that Heart gave her, but she used it more cautiously, because using this prop would obviously hurt Liu Huai.

Although the result of this kind of injury seems to narrow the distance between her and Liu Huai every time-this coincides with what Heart said.

But Liu Jiayi didn't want to see Liu Huai in pain. Liu Jiayi saw Liu Huai's ashamed look once, and that was the time Liu Huai was forced to do something to Mu Sicheng.

When Liu Huai logged out from the game that almost killed Mu Sicheng, Liu Jiayi felt empty and palpitations with that kind of emptiness, as if she couldn't see anything.

She felt very strongly that a budding part of Liu Huai's emotional world had been permanently stripped away because of her suspicions.

Liu Huai will never have friends again, and Liu Jiayi has destroyed the possibility of him having friends.

After that, Liu Jiayi was controlling the number of times she used this prop, and she was also controlling her doubts about Liu Huai—she hoped that one day, she would never have to use this prop again.

But this time, this time—Liu Jiayi pursed her lips tightly, her face showed a visible struggle, doubt and fear tormented her, she was like a blindfolded Psyche, wanting to know what happened in the church. Waiting for her Liu Huai to belong to the god who saved her, or a beast in human skin to tear her apart.

Heart's smiling voice seemed to appear next to her ear: [Doubt is your antidote, Jiayi, drink it]

Her hands holding the teardrop glass bottle trembled, and the tears in the glass bottle were coldly pressed against her palm, making her want to tremble a little.

Liu Jiayi didn't have time to hesitate for a long time. She took a deep breath, folded her hands together to wrap the teardrop-shaped glass bottle in her palm, lowered her head and chin to rest on her clenched hands, and said softly, "I want to use the prop."

Her thin back was arched, her lips rested on her thumb, and her posture was pious, like a girl who was praying for the blessing of the gods.

[System prompt: Player Liu Jiayi confirms the use of the item (Psyche's tears), the item is being loaded...]

The liquid in the bottle in Liu Jiayi's palm began to drop and disappear, and she couldn't help closing her eyes, and a tear automatically fell from the corner of her eye—that was Psyche's tear.

When she opened her eyes again, Liu Jiayi had a strange sense of foreboding in her heart. She clicked on her system warehouse, and under the impetus of a strong intuition, she used what she had planned to save until the last time she escaped. A visualization tool used - [Snake Night Vision Pupils].

[System prompt: Player Liu Jiayi uses a prop (Snake Night Vision Pupil) to view surrounding creatures with thermal imaging technology. The use period is 12 hours, and the number of uses is one time]

A layer of contact lenses appeared on Liu Jiayi's eyes, the kind of colored lenses that snakes erect in dark places.

With this prop on, Liu Jiayi looked towards the church tens of meters away, looming in the night. She was just about to go there, but the moment she raised her eyes, it was as if a needle had been stuck in her eye Usually, Liu Jiayi opened the eyes of a cold-blooded animal, and stopped in place as if frozen.

Psyche took off the blindfold and saw the handsome Cupid.

Liu Jiayi put on her glasses and saw Liu Huai who had deceived her.

She could clearly see the thermal imaging images of four people in the church tens of meters away—this meant that Liu Huai was not alone in the church, there were at least three other people besides Liu Huai, and this There is no obvious coercion between the actions of the four people, but they rely on each other, which seems to be a cooperative relationship.

Several players waited for her in one place, and her brother didn't say a word about the situation.

The cold night wind blew on Liu Jiayi's face, she felt that her breathing and expression were numb, and her feverish mind was also cooled by the night wind. Liu Jiayi noticed many things that were inconsistent before.

Liu Jiayi slowly took out the phone, blinked her dark gray eyes, held back the liquid that was about to overflow from her eye sockets, and dialed Liu Huai's number without any emotion on her face, her tone was completely different from her expression A trembling tone of fear: "Hey, brother, I'm about to touch the church, but it's too dark for me to see...Can you come out alone to pick me up?, to one person."

There was silence for a long time, and Liu Jiayi saw a person stand up crookedly as she dialed the phone-this person had no arms, and was supported by someone, Liu Jiayi's chest rose and fell faster again, she couldn't help but want to go The pace of running over the church was almost held back by gritted teeth, and the nails were dug into the palm of the hand.

Liu Huai lost his hands! !

Liu Jiayi stared fixedly at the hot image supporting Liu Huai - Bai Liu, this person was definitely Bai Liu.

"Brother, can you come out?" Liu Jiayi's mind was churning, she stood in front of the church and asked in a low voice.

The breathing over there quickened a little, and then slowed down again: "I can, Jiayi, where are you, I'm looking for you outside."

Liu Jiayi reported a location, and said that there was a child chasing her, crying and calling Liu Huai to come quickly, then hung up the phone, and it was Bai Liu who held the phone for Liu Huai. After he put down the phone, Liu Huai turned to look at Bai Liu, Bai Liuruo Thoughtful: "Liu Jiayi guessed that something was wrong in this church, and after she calmed down, she was still suspicious of you, Liu Huai."

"I know." Liu Huai lowered his head and looked at the cuts of his arms left and right, slightly moved his stumps at both ends, and smiled wryly, "I don't know that after I went out, she saw that I became this for her. Look, will you trust me a little bit?"

Bai Liu didn't answer Liu Huai, because he thought it was impossible.

"I'll go out alone." Liu Huai just wanted to leave when Bai Liu stopped him.

Bai Liu looked at Liu Huai: "We will go out with you."

Liu Huai was startled, and just about to object, Bai Liu explained the reason lukewarmly: "It's already nine o'clock, and soon there will be monsters like children playing the flute coming out from the exit under the statue. Children are not harmed, but children are taken away."

His eyes fell on Xiao Mu Ke who was watching him secretly from behind the seat: "The church is no longer safe for Mu Ke's children. There were other investors in the tunnel to attract the attention of these children, but Now our phones can be busy, and there is no phone ringing that will attract the attention of these deformed children, and the Muke child is likely to become their new target."

Xiao Muke bit his lower lip, and retorted: "But Xiao Bai Liu is the same as those deformed children now! The child will crawl out of the tunnel, which means that Xiao Bai Liu will come out of the tunnel! I can Stay with him!"

"But he is already a little monster." Bai Liu lowered his eyes and looked at Xiao Muke who looked at him stubbornly with his small face raised, "If you stay with him as a monster for a long time as a normal person, your mental value will drop. The risk of alienation, and the fact that I don't know what he's like, so you're better off…" Stay with us.

The longer he is alienated, the more he will be affected. Bai Liu doesn't know how long he can last at the age of fourteen before he becomes an irrational monster, so the safer way is to take Xiao Muke away.

Xiao Muke was dragged out of the church by Da Muke. He wanted to stay in the church but Bai Liu didn't allow it, so when force could be used to suppress it, Bai Liu used force without hesitation.

Bailiu, Muke and Muke went out from the bushes at the back door of the church, while Liu Huai went out through the front door alone, and Bai Liu and his party went around to the side of the church from behind, hiding behind the side door of the church. Liu Huai walked out the main entrance.

Losing his arms made it difficult for Liu Huai to maintain his balance when he walked. He staggered out from the main entrance and walked slowly into the night. Some small footsteps and the sound of dragging and moving on the ground approached Liu Huai.

Mu Ke covered the hand of Xiao Mu Ke who was still struggling and resisting, and leaned close to Bai Liu's ear with a little trepidation, and said in a very low voice: "Bai Liu, I remember that there are deformed children and monsters wandering around in the orphanage at night, Liu Huai will not Before getting close to Liu Jiayi, he was killed by those wandering deformed children?"

"No." Bai Liu replied lightly but firmly, "Liu Jiayi will not let Liu Huai die."

When Liu Huai was about to be approached from behind by a deformed child, Mu Ke couldn't help but want to call Liu Huai to pay attention. Liu Huai was in a trance now, and he seemed to have not noticed what was wrong around him, and continued to stare blankly. He walked forward blankly.

But someone called Liu Huai faster than him.

A weeping and frightened voice came from a small, weak girl: "...Brother? Is it you?"

"Jiayi! It's me!" Even though he knew that Liu Jiayi had lied to him, the moment he heard the voice, Liu Huai followed his habit and instinct for many years and turned his head quickly, and he responded eagerly. Liu Jiayi, looking around for Liu Jiayi's shadow, "Brother Jiayi is here!"

Liu Jiayi was stuck against the wall, she raised her head cautiously, and looked at Liu Huai. The moment Liu Huai turned her head and responded, the deformed child behind him jumped up and rushed towards Liu Huai's back!

Mu Ke couldn't help but want to remind Liu Huai, but Bai Liu calmly stopped him: "Look."

At the second when Liu Huai was about to be rushed by the deformed child, Liu Jiayi also cried and staggered towards Liu Huai. The moment Liu Huai hugged her, Liu Jiayi's frail and flustered expression disappeared instantly.

Her chin rested on Liu Huai's shoulder as if rubbing against Liu Huai's shoulder, and she called her brother in a soft and obedient tone, but there was no expression on her face. At some point, a black cone-shaped demon appeared on her hand. medicine bottle.

Liu Jiayi tilted her wrist expressionlessly, and poured the potion in the bottle on the deformed child monster who was about to jump on Liu Huai.

The little monster opened its mouth wide, and before it even let out a scream, it melted and rotted into a pool of black liquid, which melted into the soil soundlessly.

Mu Ke, who was hiding behind, was stunned: "...this child is a monster of A-level, Liu Jiayi was killed so easily, is she an S-level panel..."

"No, I heard from Mu Sicheng that the little witch's attribute panel is only a, not even a+, and she is indeed the No. "

After Liu Jiayi killed the child, her eyeballs moved, and Bai Liu saw her looking at him.

She tilted her head and hugged Liu Huai's neck tightly, shaking the poison bottle with liquid in her hand slowly, staring at Bai Liu without any emotion.

It was a menacing gaze, and the meaning was obvious—this monster I killed was your end.

"Can she see us?!" Mu Ke was surprised, "Didn't Liu Huai say that Liu Jiayi really couldn't see us? It's very problematic to act normally."

"Visualization props, Bai Liu told me about it, but they can see our hiding places so clearly in the night, so it shouldn't be a conventional prop to restore vision." Bai Liu's tone was still very calm, "Then I will understand Why did she call Liu Huai out suddenly, she saw more than one person in the church."

Mu Ke reacted quickly, and he looked at Bai Liu anxiously: "Then what should we do?! She knows that Liu Huai is lying to her, how can we coax her here to treat you?"

Bai Liu's eyes narrowed slightly: "I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"Compared to saving me with antidote, this little witch should want to kill me with poison."

Liu Jiayi hugged Liu Huai tightly in a possessive and controlling posture like holding a doll. Her gaze swept across the red spot representing a living person in the distance, and finally fell on Liu Huai's empty shoulder. Liu Huai's broken arms could be touched with his hands, and Liu Huai hissed in pain after being touched.

The voice distorted Liu Jiayi's expression for a moment.

Liu Jiayi buried her head in Liu Huai's shoulder and took a deep breath. She tried her best to suppress the emotions that were about to overflow in her voice: ", how did your arm become like this?"

"Brother is here to save you." Liu Huai comforted Liu Jiayi in a soft voice as usual.

Liu Jiayi couldn't see Liu Huai's empty expression, and Liu Huai couldn't see Liu Jiayi's struggling expression. They hugged each other so tightly, their heartbeats became tense and quickened because of each other's approach, and then they moved away from each other at the same time, saying The words that pierced the veil of warmth that did not exist.

"Brother, you just wanted to ambush me in the church, right? Are you trying to draw my blood?" Liu Jiayi asked.

"Jiayi, are you a little witch?" Liu Huai asked.

Liu Jiayi's pupils constricted into a single point, Liu Huai fell into a strange silence, Liu Jiayi's breathing was so rapid that she seemed to be suffering from asthma, and she quickly stepped back several times as if she had stepped on a thorn, using an unbelievable He looked at Liu Huai.

While Liu Huai was half kneeling on the ground, he looked at Liu Jiayi with a silent, sad look, as if he had accepted everything.

"Jiayi, since when did you become a witch from my sister?"

Liu Huai said softly, "I underestimated you, Jiayi."

Liu Jiayi shook her head crazily, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, she staggered back in panic one after another, Liu Huai who was kneeling in front of her almost made Liu Jiayi want to go crazy with his disappointed tone.

At this moment, Liu Huai was like a wild beast, which made her afraid—even though she just snuggled into Liu Huai's arms to keep warm.

"I'm not, brother." Liu Jiayi reluctantly retorted, "I don't know what kind of little witch, who told you!"

"Don't call me brother, Jiayi, I'm not worthy to be your brother." Liu Huai stood up staggeringly, and he shook his head lightly and faintly with a smile, "You've been smarter than me since you were a child, it's just like everyone said , you were born to be a college student, if you hadn't been invisible, you would have been excellent, I've always felt that way."

"You are indeed very powerful and excellent. I didn't even realize that you played me around." Liu Huai looked at Liu Jiayi, who was still shaking her head, with a look that seemed to be looking at the long past through her. Looking at her, his tone was so soft that he seemed to be talking to himself, "It would be fine if you weren't my sister."

"It would be fine if you were someone else's sister."

Liu Jiayi froze on the spot, almost hearing Liu Huai's words making her stand unsteadily with tinnitus.

The night wind blew coldly on Liu Huai's face, Liu Huai felt very cold, his eyes and expression had a kind of desolation and despair sinking into the bottom of the water, but in the dazed Liu Jiayi's eyes, they were shining brightly. Hot, surging red.

But the red ball gradually turned blue in Liu Jiayi's eyes because of weakness - this meant that Liu Huai's body temperature was slowly dropping.

This means that Liu Huai may be dying.

Liu Jiayi forced a smile, she stretched out her hand to grab Liu Huai's hand, but when she stretched out halfway, she sharply turned her head and looked over: "Who's over there! Come out!"

Two looming bright red shadows were walking far away, dragging a child's red shadow, one of them seemed to be dragging something on its hands, and the sound of rubbing against the cement floor was heard on the ground.

Bai Liu's eyes followed Liu Jiayi's direction, and his eyes were fixed: "It's Miao Fei Chi and Miao Gao Zhan."

"Why did they come to the church?!" Mu Ke's expression faintly collapsed, "We haven't tricked Liu Jiayi to our side! They can't resist our side! Our HP is only Single digits!"

"I originally expected that relying on Xiaobaixu's deterrent power, they would not dare to come to the church easily. After all, there is a hidden attack power here that can resist them." Miao Feichi and Miao Gao stiffened, "It's true that they didn't come to the church during the day because of this, but I don't know why they changed their minds."

Bai Liu's eyes were fixed on Miao Gaozhi's face who was approaching this way, and he squinted his eyes for a while to observe: "Miao Gao's state is not right, he and Miao Fei are far apart."

The closer you get, the more you can find that Miao Gaojiang's state is not right. It's past nine o'clock yesterday, and Miao Gao's stamina gauge has recovered, but he hasn't seen anyone else. There is only one Miao Fei around. In the case of Chi, he was walking with the highest level of defensive skills, his eyes trembling lazily, as if he was still afraid of his teammate who had been cooperating with him, his only biological son—Miao Fei Chi.

Bai Liu was very familiar with Miao Gao's state, because Liu Huai had experienced it not long ago.

"The aftereffects of the sudden drop in mental value will make people immersed in subconscious fear." Bai Liu said without emotion, "Liu Huai was also controlled by subconscious fear before, and the subconscious fear brought about by this sequelae will only be controlled by subconscious fear." Two outcomes, suicide or murder."

Liu Huai is obviously the first type, and this Miao Gao is stiff - Bai Liu's eyes fell on his clenched fists, and his eyes moved slightly.

It seems that this Miao Gaozhuo is the second type.

A Miao Gaozhuan with a full defense and a tendency to crazily hurt people... Bai Liu remembered what Zhang Puppet had said to him before his death in the last round, and his brows were rarely frowned.

[Players who hurt people because of abnormal mental values, there is a name in the mouths of our normal players, called border monsters, they are already the reserve of monsters, and even because of their emotional madness, their attack power is even stronger than monsters Crazier and stronger. 】

Miao Gaozhuan's eyes were a little straight, and the eye sockets were filled with a kind of captivating red. He stared and walked forward. Miao Feichi had already sensed that Miao Gaojiang's state was not right, but Miao Gaojiang was unwilling to tell him it was true. What's going on, Miao Feichi was already knocked out when Miao Gaozhi's mental value dropped in the explosion last night. He didn't know that his father was already in a very dangerous border monster state.

Miao Fei gritted his teeth and tried to stop Miao Gao: "Father, didn't you say that we can boil Bai Liu to death after midnight and they will come to the church to pick up the leak?"

"Why did you come to church just after nine o'clock?! What if that little bastard is still there?"

Miao Gao stiffly looked at Miao Feichi's face that was constantly shaking, man and woman, his eyes became redder and his breathing became short of breath: "He will fight us hard again! Fei Chi, dad can't wait that long!"

If he doesn't pass the level, he can't help but attack Miao Feichi. The aftereffect of the mental burst is getting worse and worse, and his mental value is now fluctuating rapidly.

They have searched other places in this orphanage, and Liu Jiayi's cub is not there, and it is probably in the child safety zone of the church—he needs to find the blood of Miao Feiya on Liu Jiayi as soon as possible, and then pass the customs and take it with him. Miao Feichi went out, and then went to the guild's warehouse to look for any props to alleviate the sequelae.

Miao Feichi still wanted to talk to dissuade him, he felt that such a plan was very impulsive, but Miao Gaozhuan gave him a terrifying look, and the veins on his forehead were pulsating.

Miao Feichi's scalp was numb and he closed his mouth.

——Miao Gaozhuan usually followed him, but when Miao Gaozhuan had to do something, even if it was a situation that Miao Feichi felt was unreasonable, he could only follow Miao Gaozhuan.

Seeing the mechanically getting closer and faster, the blushing Miao Gao froze, Bai Liu quickly gave Mu Ke an order: "Take Xiao Mu Ke back to the church, go to the tunnel to find Xiao Bai Liu, If he's in good condition, take him out, if he's not in good condition, you can go back to the church and hide."

But Bai Liu hasn't received a call from Xiao Bai Liu yet. This kid is usually very punctual. This time it's already past nine o'clock. The channel has been open for so long and Xiao Bai Liu hasn't called Bai Liu. It can only explain Xiao Bai Liu's state……

Bai Liu's eyes darkened slightly, but he had no better way now.

He must have a Miao Gaozang whose core combat power breaks through and fully defends—they can't handle this Miao Gaozhang at all, even if Liu Jiayi is added, and Miao Feichi with top attack power, they can't handle it at all. will be wiped out.

Mu Ke gritted his teeth and took Xiao Mu Ke's hand to the church, approached Bai Liu's shoulder in a low voice and said, "Don't go up there recklessly, wait until we find Xiao Bai Liu."

Bai Liu nodded noncommittally.

As a result, Mu Ke just went around from the side door, and when he got to the main door, Xiao Miao Gaozang, who followed Miao Feichi and Miao Gaozang, took advantage of Miao Gaozhang's absence, and Miao Feichi was wary of the surrounding environment, and suddenly panicked Confused, he broke free from Miao Feichi's control, and ran frantically into the church.

The running speed of Xiao Miao's high-rigidity explosion gave almost no chance for anyone to react. After he ran wildly into the church, he immediately locked the door of the church from the inside, gasping for breath and red-faced. Big and small Muke blocked the door.

After doing all this, he knelt on the ground with trembling hands—that zombified investor was too scary.










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