Published at 21st of April 2023 06:52:54 AM

Chapter 457

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A deep and mature man's laughter came from behind Bai Liu.

The moment he heard the sound, Bai Liu's pupils shrank, and he kicked Scheta far away in front of him almost on a conditional basis, then Bai Liu straddled one foot diagonally, and raised his shoulder sideways , Muscles tensed, the wrist turned the whip and the bony spurs were stretched out, and with all the strength, the whip was slammed towards the place where the sound came out.

The whip hit the ground, and the bone spurs went into the floor, but the huge strength of the whip has not been weakened, and it continued to smash through the wooden boards, and finally directly fell into the pond and splashed water.


The water splashes into the air, forming a water curtain during the falling process, and through the water curtain, you can see gorgeous fireworks blooming in the night sky instantly.

Twisted and beautiful.

A pale, well-knit, black-gloved hand pierced through the water curtain. This hand firmly caught Bai Liu and gave a whip with all his strength, and the master followed the whip outwards. Walk.

The water splashed all down, and the person at the end of the water curtain was like an actor who lifted the curtain, and finally showed his real body on the stage at that moment. This person's face was stained with blood, and his body was covered with white willows. He shot the gun, but he didn't look like he was dodging in a panic before. Instead, he walked towards Bai Liu calmly.

With a smile in his eyes, he looked at the opposite side with a half-smile, and his chest rose and fell with his breath. Bai Liu said in admiration:

"Wow, what a quick reaction."

"You almost killed me."

[System prompt: Before exiting the game, player Bai Liu sacrificed the sacrifices in the shrine (Tavier) and (player Bai Liu) in pain, and made a wish——]

【—Please invite the evil god to come to the world and kill us all. 】

Bai Liu tugged the glove on his right wrist with his left hand, and on the back was a huge firework that was continuously blooming. Against the light, it cast a strange and colorful light and shadow on the side of his face, making him smile Looks more dangerous:

"I forgot to tell you, although you obtained the status of the evil god believer in the third game, but in fact, the world line Bailiu is entering our first game, the "Cthulhu Festival" Boat House", on the first day you entered the shrine, the moment you knew I existed, you chose to believe in me, the evil god, without hesitation."

Bai Liu smiled and hooked the brown thread hanging in front of the chest of this body with his index finger.

Hanging on the brown wire is not a coin like the white willow, but a shiny reverse cross pendant.

"And I can use the bodies of these believers to log in to the game and enter the world."

"It's the same as what you did to Yuan Guang, isn't it?" Bai Liu answered Bai Liu's words calmly, and backed away calmly, "It's your special cheating skills again?"

Bai Liu shrugged, and smiled noncommittally: "I can take this sentence as your compliment to me."

"What game do you want to play again?" Bai Liu looked at him and asked.

Bai Liu raised the corner of his mouth: "The game has already begun."

The back of Bailiu was suddenly opened, and a group of samurai warriors of the Mifune family who were blindfolded, wearing armor and with short knives rushed in.

They shouted loudly, raised their knives and shouted: "—kill!"

Looking out along the opening, you can see people lying on the ground in disorder and being killed by the samurai of the Mifune family. The members of the Kitahara family are torn apart and lying on the ground with their eyes open. These people bleed The entire courtyard of the shrine was stained red, and there were still some pools of blood on the ground that hadn't dried up.

Bai Liu looked at Bai Liu with a smile, stretched out his left hand, spread five fingers, and transparent silk thread flew out from the inner layer of the glove, sticking to his wrist: "Let me see how you have grown recently. How much, I am the heir."

[System prompt: Evil God Bai Liu uses skill (puppet thread)]

These sharp silk threads flew out quickly, and their heads pierced like needles into the necks and limb joints of these rushing samurai warriors, and they covered themselves in pain. There was a snort in the neck.

Before they realize what happened, in the next second, Bai Liu turned his wrist downwards, slowly closed the five fingers of his left hand, picked up the puppet thread wrapped around his fingertips, and waved it outward , these warriors were manipulated by Bai Liu to get going.

These warriors raised their reflective short knives high, and they were kicked by Bai Liu to a safe corner, bound in place by heavy silk threads, and chopped off at Scheta.

Bai Liu turned her head abruptly, swiped the whip away with a flick of her hand, then swung it to the right, and sent the group of people into the air, slashing short knives at Xieta.

The short knife was hit by a long whip, and fell in the air like a celestial girl scattered flowers. The silver light was refracted from the firework on the knife surface, and reflected from all directions. The whole room and the walls were reflected like fish scales. The light made people have to close their eyes.

Bai Liu's sideways eyes hide from the light.

A long black bone whip was thrown into the sky, wrapped around the handle of a certain short knife, and swept towards Bai Liu's right neck hidden in the light of these knives.

Bai Liu's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand and turned the whip into a knife, and turned the knife back to block his neck at an angle.

The two short knives met, and there was a harsh sound of "bang" as weapons and metal collided.

Bai Liu held the knife, pushed it out, and flew backhanded. This knife, like a boomerang, was bounced back by Bai Liu along the original path, and was used by Bai Liu. The whip opened casually.

Bai Liu looked at Bai Liu with a smile: "Just to remind you, I am the one you should be wary of."

"Those little ones are not worth your attention."

In the next second, the corner of Bai Liu's clothes fluttered, and he disappeared in place like the wind.

Almost at the moment when Bai Liu disappeared, Bai Liu raised his hand sideways and turned the knife, making a blocking gesture against the air in front of him.


Bai Liu appeared in front of Bai Liu out of thin air, with a short knife in his hand like Bai Liu's, in the same backhand posture, also trying to suppress the opponent up and down, and Bai Liu took a step back in shock.

[System prompt: Player Bai Liu used player Liu Huai's personal skill (flash strike)]

Bai Liu laughed, and slowly exerted force with his elbow, taking Yuan's advantage. The dagger in Bai Liu's hand was pressed inward, and Yuan was suppressed underneath. The posture changed to suppress Bai Liu on top, and the short blade of the knife in his hand slowly stuck to the large blood vessel on the side of Bai Liu's neck, which became faster and faster.

‌ smiled: "Yes, now I can predict my ‌ skill convergence, but not as skilled as me."

"Growing up so fast, I really look forward to the day you kill me."

The moment the short knife was attached to the side of Bai Liu's neck, Bai Liu pulled out his hand to hold the knife tightly without hesitation, and quickly stroked against Bai Liu's neck blood vessel diagonally upward!

——No blood vessels were cut open, and there was a sound of blood splattering, Bai Liu's knife fell to nothing.

Bai Liu's expression did not change, he held the handle of the short knife in his hand almost without any pause, turned around, and instead blocked it across the center of the back of his neck.


The two daggers meet again.

[System prompt: Player Bai Liu used player Mu Ke‌personal skill (flash strike)]

Bai Liu appeared in mid-air behind Bai Liuchen.

He fell slowly in the air, using the weight of his body and the sneak attack direction from behind to suppress the strength of Bai Liu's wrist, and pressed the blade of himself to the back of Bai Liu's neck!

Bai Liu quickly turned the handle of the knife horizontally outwards, pressed the blade against Bai Liu and pressed down on the short knife.

Bai Liu didn't retreat at all, and stared sharply at the reverse cross pendant hanging on the back of Bai Liu's neck. The claws hit the brown silk thread on the back of Bai Liu's neck fiercely, and they were about to steal the reverse cross pendant hanging on Bai Liu's neck!

[System prompt: Player Bai Liu uses player Mu Sicheng's personal skill (Thief Monkey's Claw)]

Bai Liu sensed Bai Liu's intention in an instant, and immediately stood with his back to Bai Liu. His reaction and strength were absolutely impossible. Bit killing is unlikely.

——But stealing things is really inconvenient.

Bai Liu raised the corner of his mouth.

It's really clever, so quickly realized what the key props are for playing this game with ‌ and ‌.

Bai Liutie flashed his dagger on the back of his neck, and no longer protected himself from stretching out, but gathered the skin and raised it up, and cut open the hair tie with which he tied his long hair.

The moment the hair rope was cut, long black hair slanted down from Bai Liu's shoulders like water, blocking the angle of view behind Bai Liu's thief.

At the same time, Bai Liu was wearing gloves, turned his right index finger and middle finger, and a poker card with sharp edges appeared in the gap between his two fingers. When his long hair fell, Bai Liu's eyes became more and more focused on the back of his neck. In an instant, Bai Liu hid the playing cards behind his neck, and flung them back under the cover of his long hair.

The playing card wears long hair on the back of the white six-neck neck, and turns around and strokes towards the face of Bai Liu, who is next to the long hair.

Bai Liu came back to his senses, leaned back his upper body to avoid playing cards, and at the same time, the monkey's claws continued to grab the back of Bai Liu's neck with unabated momentum.

The moment he was about to grab the cross, Bai Liu suddenly stretched upwards by more than ten centimeters, Bai Liuyuan aimed at the back of his neck, and the monkey claw finally only caught his shoulder.

The playing cards flew past Bai Liu's eyes, and plunged into the wooden plank behind her.

Plunged into the wooden board, the face of the card is still shaking, and in the center is a red peach heart that is spinning around, and various photos of people are constantly appearing in the peach heart.

The muscles of the shoulders are strong and familiar, and they are ready to grab directly through the shoulder blades. Bai Liu took a breath, and his dark eyes reflected Bai Liu who turned around.

[System prompt: The evil god Bai Liu uses the player (Queen of Hearts)‌personal skill (heart-for-heart)]

The peach heart in the center of the card keeps turning, and finally the photo freezes as a photo of Xieta reading a book with his head down. The background of the photo is the library of the orphanage.

Bai Liu turned around, his long black hair turned into silvery blue curly hair in the process of sliding down his shoulders, he looked down at Bai Liu, silver blue Eyes flashed with a gentle smile: "I really didn't expect that my heir would give up a creation to me so deeply."

‌completely changed into the appearance of Scheta‌.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!