Published at 19th of January 2022 08:06:13 AM

Chapter 2213: The secret of the age of the gods

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The evil emperor shook his head slightly.

Seeing the evil emperor shook his head, Ye Tianyi also knew that he was too mindless to ask, and the evil emperor was not a god.

"I don't know the specific reason. He appeared because of the birth of a force."


Ye Tianyi asked.

"Yes! Do you think that the power of this plane can prevent Shura's slaughter? Too young, even if Shura did not prove to be a god, he did not surpass the supreme god, but the power is Shura's power after all, that is no longer this plane. What can be shaken is just like the Lord of Demons."

Ye Tianyi, the lord of the evil spirits, knew that at that time, he had used the Peak of Perfection to kill him.

"But the Lord of the Demons is not that strong. It is so difficult to deal with because his power surpasses this plane. He has the opportunity to be subdued, because in that civilization, he is a low-level existence, but Shura Can't."

The evil emperor said.

Then he looked at Ye Tianyi and said: "I know you are very interested in Shura, because you also have Shura's power."

Ye Tianyi was surprised.

"It's easy for me to discover this. I really can't detect your evil emperor's power without revealing it, but now, you haven't discovered that any trace of your power has actually been involved in the power of Shura? It's just a normal warrior. It’s impossible to perceive, even if you perceive it, you don’t know it."

Ye Tianyi said: "The juniors really haven't noticed."

"As time goes by, you will slowly discover that this is not something you can control."

Ye Tianyi nodded.

The evil emperor then continued: "Back then, Shura was born and slaughtered the souls. That person should have come for Shura. As for why he could come here, the old man doesn't know."

Ye Tianyi thought for a while.

"I remember that I had a conversation with Shura. He said that Shura is an existence above God. The so-called above God is not the Supreme God, but the God above the Supreme God."

The evil emperor nodded; "Yes."

Ye Tianyi; "..."

At that time, Ye Tianyi thought he was bragging.

"However, I remember he said at the time that he had recovered a trace of clarity and ended himself."

The evil emperor said: "Perhaps what happened between this time is the matter between Shura and that person, maybe only the two of them know."

Ye Tianyi then continued: "Furthermore, Shura said that the civilization of the Age of Gods that he destroyed is actually not him in the final analysis."

"Really? He said it himself?"

The evil emperor was surprised.

"Yes!" Ye Tianyi nodded.

He remembered this very clearly.

"Then I'm afraid something happened in this." The evil emperor stood up and paced slowly, thinking about something.

The evil emperor then thought: "Back then, when Shura slaughtered civilization, the strong resisted hard, and countless strong men died under his sword. After that, one person appeared. It should be the strong civilization. He raised his hand to create one. The new world has brought many people into this world, including the old man."

"But before that, what I saw was countless Shura massacres in the world, one after another, one after another race was killed by him."

"Are there countless... clones?"

"It should be. At that time, I knew that the civilization of the age of the gods would definitely come to an end. The top powerhouses were almost dead, many races were almost annihilated, and countless lives died. All of this was done by Shura."

"The old man can be regarded as one of the survivors. After being brought into this world, the affairs of the Kyushu Continent are not known. According to what you said, Shura said that these were not done by him, but these are all the old man said with his own eyes. Then there are only two possibilities."

"First, Shura was telling lies, and second... Shura was forced to be helpless or manipulated."

Ye Tianyi nodded.

But which is exactly, he doesn't know.

"But in fact, listening to what you said, the old man is inclined to the latter."

"But what's the reason?"

"Reason? Of course there is. During that period, someone who was able to smash the void and go to a higher plane, killing the top class or even the race with this ability, would be fatal to the entire fortune. If the old man guessed right , As of today, no one should be able to go to that place anymore, right?"

Ye Tianyi shook his head: "I don't know."

"It should be. They should be trying to prevent someone from continuing to enter the higher civilized world. You should be able to think of the reason, but this is all speculation. Or, they want to prevent Shura from contaminating that world? The old man doesn't know."

Ye Tianyi is roughly clear about the events of that period, and the rest is nothing more than confirmation.

"Later, the old man crushed the void in this world and went to that advanced civilization."

Ye Tianyi:? ? ?

"What? Senior..."

The evil emperor smiled, and said: "This is just a strand of clone left before I smashed into the void and went there. As for the situation above, my clone naturally cannot know, but I know that if I I have the ability to come back, and I will try to come back at least once, but it hasn’t been there for hundreds of thousands of years, so I know I can’t come back.”

Ye Tianyi was still quite shocked.

"Didn't the senior say that the people above do not want the people below to crush the void? Then why can Seniors crush the void?"

"Because the old man is special, half of the reason the old man can go up is because he was picked up, and I don't know the specifics."

"It turns out that this is the case. It seems that there is still some ability to communicate between the Kyushu mainland and the world."

"It's not necessarily anymore, and the old man can't be sure, but you have a chance to try it."

"Because of Shura?"

The evil emperor nodded.

"As for Shura, everyone knows very little, but this kind of power is definitely not limited by this law. The Shura before UU reading is derived by itself, but you are different. You have obtained Shura. For this reason, the old man has reason to believe that there is a slight possibility that you will not be forcibly occupied by Shura's killing. It is even possible that you can occupy the consciousness of Shura's power and perfectly manipulate Shura's power."

"is it okay?"

Ye Tianyi groaned.

The evil emperor shook his head: "I don't know, but maybe there is a possibility."

"Back then, Shura told me that becoming Shura would definitely become a killing machine that lost his mind. But what he said later made me feel that he was not sure. He also said that he fell into Shura because he lost his only love. He said that because I have a lot of love, this is different from him, so it may not be completely corroded by Shura. He also said that Shura is related to love, and he has not completed the exploration."

"He also said that he wants me to have Shura stronger, so as not to repeat the tragedy of 190,000 years ago. This tragedy should be the fall of the age of the gods, and he meant to see me take control of Shura. Power to be this savior."

Ye Tianyi groaned.

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