Published at 16th of March 2022 12:55:23 PM

Chapter 2388: come again

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boom boom-

In the distance, the god-killing cannon fired almost simultaneously!

Before they had time to disperse, a large number of their magical machines were bombarded by the powerful force of the God-killing Cannon!

The power of each cannon is huge, and the range may not be so exaggerated, but it is definitely not small.

Ten shells destroyed dozens of magical machines.

Together with those powerhouses in the divine machine, all of them will be killed in seconds!

"Do not!"

Mo Tang roared.

To tell the truth, in this battle, he is absolutely ready for a large number of strong people in the Shenjimen to fall!


He died like this, the loss was so great, he couldn't accept it!

"Come back! Come back!"

Mo Tang roared.

Then, the other surviving magical machines also returned quickly.

Ye Tianyi laughed.

Especially when he heard Mo Tang's heart-piercing roar, his heart felt even more comfortable.

"Leave the cannonballs first. If there is a particularly good chance to fire the cannon, you can try it. If not, use it as protection for the time being."

Ye Tianyi said.


Qiyue nodded.

Then Ye Tianyi looked at other battlefields.

His brow wrinkled!

Although Long Lingjun brought a large number of powerhouses from the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Realm to join the battle, to be honest...

There are less than 1,000 people in the Primordial God King Realm on their side, and it can be counted as almost 1,000.

As for Tianguimen, there are more than 1,000 immemorial gods and kings here, and everyone has powerful ghost babies, and the quality of the strong is higher.

It can even be almost done, one-on-two!

Therefore, the battle situation below is very bad.

And the arrival of the Shenjimen, although the loss is relatively large, but after all, they are the remnants of the god-level forces, and there are still many strong ones.

Although Demon Moon's combat power is strong, she can only entangle a **** of the ninth order of the Primordial God King Realm.

"No, in this case, even if it can be delayed, the loss is too great."

Ye Tianyi frowned.

In Qingyun Villa, Chang Xi, Han Ya'er, Feng Yao, Huang Lian, Yaoshen Mountain, including Wandu Demon Realm, Ye Tianyi would really feel guilty if any party suffered the most casualties.

"Got to shake."

Ye Tianyi thought about it for a while.

Depend on!

It seems... that's probably all that can help him, right?


Not far away, a group of strong men gathered there.

"Are we really going?"

This group of powerhouses belonged to Haotian Temple.


Yi Haotian said in a deep voice.

"However, Sect Master, look at the situation inside. Although there are many people in the first Divine Sect of all ages, the situation is still not optimistic. Even if my Haotian Temple joins the battlefield, it will not be able to turn the tide of the battle. A large number of strong people are in danger!"

Naturally, Yi Haotian also knew.


He thought about it for a long time.

First, his relationship with Ye Tianyi can't be said to be very good, but it has always been okay.

Second, and a very crucial point, although it may sound outrageous, Yi Haotian felt that this Ye Tianyi might have some means.

Maybe there are others out there.

Wealth is in danger.

This is a high risk but high reward business!

This Ye Tianyi, he is convinced that if he does not die, Ye Tianyi will definitely become the most terrifying and powerful top-level existence on this continent and even in the Divine Realm!

Helped today, this Ye Tianyi owes Haotian Temple a great favor after all.

Not necessarily, but what if?

"I want Ye Tianyi's favor."

Yi Haotian said.

"Sect Master, use everyone's life to bet on a genius future who doesn't know if he can survive forever, let alone where the height of the future is. Is it really possible?"

Yi Haotian's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What do you think?"

They were silent.

Yi Haotian said: "I believe in him, I am not betting on his future, but the future of my Haotian Temple!"

"Sect Master, I agree!"

"I agree!"

"Well, the old man also agrees."

Yi Haotian looked at the dozens of strong men behind him.

"Okay! Then we'll go in and do our bit! Come on!"


In a short period of time, dozens of strong men rushed into the huge blocked area of ​​the No. 1 Shenzong of the Ages!

"Here comes again!"

"Which side?"

"One shot of scourge! It's Haotian Temple!"

"Damn it! Haotian Palace is here? It's very important, this Haotian Palace has Xuantian poison weapons, and their combat power is extraordinary."

"Dozens? But Haotian Palace can send dozens of people, it is really a lot of effort, go to the seventh hall, and it is estimated that a large part of Haotian Palace does not agree to take action."


Ye Tianyi looked at Haotian Temple.

have to.

Again indebted.

However, it doesn't matter!

He was very grateful to the people in Haotian Temple for being able to take action.

"Give it to me!"

A group of strong people who are all in the dark can't wait!


A group of strong men poured into this space!

"It's Haijia!"

"Hai Lan Army, **** it! The Hai family is here!"

"It's not uncommon for the Hai Family to come to this divine machine gate! Shit! The No. 1 Divine Sect of all ages is finally getting better, and yet another Hai Family has come!"

"Although the Hai family suffered heavy losses, most of their strong men were looking for Ye Tianyi in the Nine Heavens Empire. Now they are back, and they have come to seek revenge from the First Divine Sect of the Ancients!"

"Fuck! Here again! Is that??"

Everyone looked at a group of strong people.

"Medicine Emperor Sect!"

They look at those strong men!

Medicine Emperor Sect, the former emperor-level power in the lower domain of the realm of the gods, Ye Tianyi also participated in the doctor competition here, but later they were conflicted.

Later, the Emperor Yaozong was destroyed by Ye Tianyi, and he became the first Shenzong of all ages.

After that, Ye Tianyi was plotted by the people of the Medicine Emperor Sect and sent him to the dark ancient sky. They thought that those who entered the ancient sky would never be able to come out!

But who knows, Ye Tianyi actually came out and met An Yushuang there.

By the way, will they come too?

Ye Tianyi just thought of this, another group of strong people came!

An Yuqing and An Yushuang sisters led the team and rushed in!

"Medicine Emperor Sect, kill me!"

An Yushuang's eyes narrowed slightly.


She gave a cold drink!

"Damn it! The Empress of the Heavenly Snow Empire!"

"Is this... crazy? Are so many female emperors here to help Ye Tianyi?"


Everyone was very surprised.

An Yushuang has the Xuantian Holy Artifact God and Demon Book in his hand, but this Xuantian Holy Artifact has no effect in this kind of battle!

However, there is one more powerhouse, and they are under pressure...

It's a little bit smaller!

After all, there was another Hai Family and Yao Huangzong on the opposite side.

"There is still a gap, and it's quite big."

Ye Tianyi was a little anxious.

Although he has some abilities, in this ultimate battle of thousands of ancient gods and kings, the effect is really not great!


However, at this moment, a phoenix roar rose from the sky!

Everyone turned their attention to the past.

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