Published at 28th of April 2022 07:48:12 PM

Chapter 2463: Shin'iki

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Ye Tianyi then told her the situation here.

"Since you can withstand the water pressure of Jiuzhongtian, then enter the League of God. It is a good place to go. Unlike Zongmen and the like, this place also depends on your personal ability."

Ye Tianyi asked: "Master Fairy, tell me about it."

"Well, the Shenmeng was founded in the Holy Sun Empire and has a history of tens of thousands of years. Now it is distributed in the five major empires of the gods. The members of the Shenmeng are called the guardians of the gods. They are responsible for guarding the safety of the continent, and they are also quite dangerous. Occupation, the guardian of the gods has grades. The higher the level, the higher the status in the realm of the gods. The realm of the gods looks down on the realm of the gods, but if you become the guardian of the gods, you do have a position, and your future path should also be It will be better to go, Shenmeng can indeed be used as a springboard for you."

Ye Tianyi pondered slightly.

"I joined the Shenmeng to maintain the safety of the mainland, right?"

"The general responsibility is the same, but it depends on how you arrange it on your side, and the salary of the guardian of the gods is also quite large. After all, anyone who can become a guardian of the gods is not weak. It can be seen by entering the Jiuzhongtian trial, but 90% of the people are from the Divine Realm. It is not that difficult to enter the Divine Alliance in the Divine Realm, but it is definitely not something that ordinary people can enter. It belongs to the direct forces of the royal family of the Holy Sun Empire. , the entire Divine Alliance together, belongs to a top-level force in the Divine Realm."

"Understood, then I'll go to the Shenmeng."

"Well, the relationship in the Shenmeng is extremely complicated, you should pay attention to it yourself."

"Understood, thank you Fairy Master."



Ye Tianyi hung up the phone.

And Qin Luofeng has already left here!

"Two seniors, if I go to the Shenmeng, where do I need to report?"

Ye Tianyi clasped his fists and asked.

"You will naturally know when you arrive at the Holy Sun Empire. This is your Jiuzhongtian identity certificate. Just show it to them at that time."

A strong man handed Ye Tianyi a badge.

"Okay, thank you!"

"Well, are you ready? You can go to God's Domain."

Ye Tianyi nodded.


In the next instant, a wormhole-like flying door appeared above Ye Tianyi's head.

"go in."

"Thank you."

Ye Tianyi then jumped directly into the flying gate.

Entering the flying gate, there is a passage similar to passing through space.

The speed was very fast, Ye Tianyi left here directly!

In the next instant, Ye Tianyi appeared in a huge open space!

Scan the same.

This doesn't look like a wilderness, but the interior of a huge building.

Because Ye Tianyi could see buildings all around.

However, it may be because there are too few people here, so it looks a bit like a wilderness.

"Is this the realm of the gods?"

Ye Tianyi's first feeling when he came here was...

Outrageous spiritual power!

This realm of the gods will never compare to the realm of the gods!

The spiritual power of this world is not at the same level!

No wonder God's Domain is really powerful!

The realm of genius in God's Domain, talent, etc. are generally stronger!

Their starting point is different.

The world is just like that, it's not fair.

Ahead, a huge building came into view.

It looks like some kind of building like a chamber of commerce.

Moreover, Ye Tianyi glanced at the architectural style of this God's Domain.

how to say?

The architectural style of this God's Domain is a bit retro.

The Realm of the Gods, the Eight Wildernesses, and the Eight Kingdoms are all super technology eras.

So, in those places, you will see all kinds of technology, including all kinds of high-rise buildings, extremely luxurious, all kinds of shopping malls, supermarkets.

Ye Tianyi didn't see the appearance of this God's Domain, but just looking at this building felt that the technological civilization here should not be as developed as the God's Domain.

However, Ye Tianyi also knew about this!

The Domain of Gods is indeed not as developed as the Domain of the Gods in terms of technology!

It’s very simple, the vast majority of everyone here in God’s Domain is focused on cultivation!

Moreover, there are very few ordinary people who cannot cultivate in God's Domain.

Then think about it, since there are few ordinary people here who cannot cultivate, and since everyone can cultivate, who wants to develop scientific and technological civilization?

No matter how poor your talent is, you don’t want to develop scientific and technological civilization. You also want to work hard to improve your talent, practice hard, become a strong person, and live longer.

Because in a place like the Realm of the Gods, there are too many ordinary people who cannot cultivate. As ordinary people, they really have no choice. In order to live a good life, they can only study hard, improve themselves, and develop scientific and technological civilization!

However, on the Divine Realm side, because they have been accustomed to such a life for a long time, they do not think that the technological civilization of the Gods Realm is good.

But some people do like modern technology.


Although God's Domain is not so developed in technology, it does not mean that God's Domain is almost as devoid of technological civilization as that place in the Land of Totems.

Here, computers, cell phones, etc. are very common things.

Cars and planes are also easy to see.

Just saying, it's not that good.

These buildings are more like buildings from the 80s and 90s or even longer!

There are even buildings that look completely ancient.

However, Ye Tianyi is very adaptable.

He then walked towards the huge building ahead.

Here, what he needs to do is now simple!

First, go to the Divine Realm Guild to open an ID card, otherwise, it will be a bit difficult to move here, as if you don't have an ID card.

It shouldn't be easy to open a hotel.

Second, go buy a mobile phone.

Ye Tianyi is very handy with this kind of thing.


The embarrassing thing here is that the currencies are different.

He Ye Tianyi has no money.

It's a small thing, though.

Because Ye Tianyi has something on his body, it is no problem to sell some money casually.

Then I went to find the League of God, and joined the League of God directly, and there was no need to think about it anymore.

Walking into the building, you can see that the lobby inside is very large and there are some people at the counter. Except for these staff, there are almost no other people.

Ye Tianyi walked in, and their eyes fell on Ye Tianyi.

"So handsome. UU reading"

Seeing Ye Tianyi's appearance, some MMs in uniform couldn't help their eyes glow!

Although Ye Tianyi is from the Realm of the Gods, his handsomeness will not change!

Especially the current Ye Tianyi, in fact, he is a little mature, but he is even more charming!

Especially for a woman who may be a little older, such as a woman who looks in her thirties, has a previously unattainable attractiveness.

Ye Tianyi casually walked in front of a MM.

"Hello, may I ask where is the God's Domain Guild?"

"This is the God's Domain Guild."

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