Published at 11th of October 2021 10:41:01 AM

Chapter 1015: 1015

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"I don't know. I've met a descendant of the founder before. He was mediocre, but he suddenly burst into talent and made a blockbuster. That man was once the opponent most admired by the ancient statue. Unfortunately, he was jealous of talents and was surrounded and killed by all forces. He died."

The old prisoner youyou said, and Zhou Xuanji was stunned.

Did the person whom the ancient master admired most also learn the unconstitutional creation Sutra?

In his opinion, the founder has no descendants at all, only the inheritor of the unconstitutional creation Sutra.

He was deep in thought.

"Well, let's go back."

The old prisoner shook his head and said, grabbed Zhou Xuanji's shoulder and took him back to the stars.

Zhou Xuanji returned to the hall of stars alone, while the old prisoner returned to his prison and continued to live and rest.

Sitting on the throne, Zhou Xuanji spoke Zuyin for the yuan court of Kunlun with his soul again.

As he preached, he took out two beads and continued to think.

I don't know how the old prisoner said that the first lord and later generations awakened.

How much faster did he become stronger after awakening than he is now?

What if what the old prisoner said was that the man had just learned the unconstitutional creation Sutra?

Zhou Xuanji played with the two beads, and his thoughts drifted farther and farther away.

Less than a month.

The news of the defeat of the supreme god spread wildly to the north.

According to the spies, the supreme heaven was beaten by Gu Jue Jiao and fled. He threatened to go to nanendless to find Hun Yuantian. He joined hands in two days and made a comeback.

The news spread like wildfire.

Although Gu juejiao was injured, he still sent a large army to invade beiendless. He was reckless and took it all the way. The target was the sword emperor shenting.

Knowing this, Zhou Xuanji wanted to scold the old prisoner.

What about the Supreme God?

He ran away with his tail!

Now there is only Jiandi shenting left in the North endless.

Zhou Xuanji will shoulder the last front of endless resistance in the north.

More and more strong people and creatures join the sword emperor divine court and want to make the final resistance.

Zhou Xuanji could no longer practice quietly. There were war reports every day. He summoned the blood dragon ghost and sent it to the front line, but he could not stop the edge of the ancient juejiao army.

Gu juejiao has not personally shot yet. Relying on his strong men, he can stop the violence of the blood dragon ghost and refresh Zhou Xuanji's understanding of the endless strength of the West.

The West endless is much stronger than the East endless!

It can also be said that the East endless has not yet made efforts.

Anyway, Zhou Xuanji must now face Gu Jue Jiao's anger.

good times don 't last long.

Half a year after the defeat of supreme heaven, Gu jujiao directly killed the stars.

"Zhou Xuanji! Let my son's soul go, or I'll kill your God court!"

Gu jujiao's murderous voice resounded through the stars.

All sentient beings were in an uproar.

Countless figures take off, like stars, trying to fight ancient Jue arrogance.

Gu juejiao was wearing a red robe with double swords in his hands. He was as angry as if he had been possessed by evil spirits.

His arrogance is surging, just like fire waves all over the sky, and the prestige envelops the whole field of stars.

Yuancheng took off and looked at Gu Jue Jiao with a thrill.

"It's really him..."

Yuan Cheng's scalp is numb. At present, this is the strongest one today. Even the supreme heaven is not his opponent. How can they defeat him?


In the hall of stars.

Zhou Xuanji held two beads and his eyes twinkled.

He had heard the voice of Gu Jue Jiao.

He got up slowly and prepared to go out of the hall to meet the enemy.

At this time, the two beads trembled, and a burst of light escaped, condensing a figure.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyes. Isn't this the beginning?

Although he still couldn't see his face clearly, he kept remembering his figure.

There is also the will of the founder in the beads?

"You can't go out, you'll die," the spirit of the creator said.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and asked, "do you really think of me as your descendant or disciple and want to help me?"

The spirit of the founder shook his head and said, "you don't need help."


Zhou Xuanji was confused and just wanted to ask.

"You are strong, but you haven't found it yet. Your opportunity should be used." the spirit of the founder said meaningfully.

Zhou Xuanji raised the beads and asked curiously, "how to use them?"

The spirit of the first lord shook his head and said, "it's not a chance."

Zhou Xuanji was stunned.

Is there a better chance than every bead?


Zhou Xuanji's pupils shook. Is it

Supreme sword system!

He has always suspected that Hongmeng opportunity is the supreme opportunity. Is it true?

"Up to now, the legend of the three supreme opportunities is still there. I said that the supreme opportunity can control everything."

The words of the spirit of the first Lord made Zhou Xuanji silent.

He has been using the supreme sword system. How else can he use it?

He raised his eyes to the spirit of the creator and asked with his eyes.

"You are indeed using it, but this time is different from the past. Let me help you. Are you ready?"

The spirit of the first Lord raised his right hand and shouted in a deep voice.

Zhou Xuanji hesitated and asked, "is it time now? My enemy is outside."

The spirit of the founder laughed: "your chance is the highest chance, surpassing everything, including time and heaven and earth."

With that, he turned his hands down.

The two beads exploded.

Zhou Xuanji stared.



At this time, the light generated by the explosion of fengyuanzhu rushed into his body.

His eyes suddenly lost color and his body sat rigidly.

The spirit of the first Lord looked down at him and said, "maybe you are his descendant."


Hoo hoo——

The cold wind blows and stabs people's souls.

Zhou Xuanji suddenly opened his eyes and he sat up suddenly.

He was stunned to find himself sitting on the grass. In front of him was a big lake, sparkling.

The Great Lakes are boundless, with fog at the end and no sun at the end.

There is a feeling of cloudy and rainy days, but there is no rain.

Zhou Xuanji took a deep breath, looked around and looked at himself.

His eyes widened.

"What's going on?" he whispered.

He looked unharmed. His purple clothes were clean and still noble and gorgeous.


His flesh is gone!

He has only his soul left now!


Out of body?

Zhou Xuanji took a deep breath. He wanted to take out Fengyuan beads, but he couldn't feel it.

He called the spirit of the original Lord, and the guy didn't come out.

The only good thing is that he can operate the supreme sword system.

He took out the mighty sword and let himself stand up.

His divine power was gone, and his soul was weak, as if he had suffered a heavy blow.

"What the hell is this place... What does the spirit of the original Lord want to do?"

Zhou Xuanji murmured to himself. He turned and looked. Behind him were the rolling mountains and forests, still shrouded in fog.

He wanted to fly and found that he couldn't take off.

At this moment, he was just like a mortal.

Even the mind can't move.

All he can use is the supreme sword system.

He walked towards the forest to see what was hidden near here.

A figure suddenly appeared on the hillside ahead.

Through the thick fog, it was a black cow two feet tall. There was a boy on the black cow, pulling the rope and picking his nostrils.

Zhou Xuanji went over and asked, "child, where is this place?"

The boy looked at him and replied, "this is the mountain forest."

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