Published at 11th of October 2021 11:03:44 AM

Chapter 130: 130

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The lake is nearly 200 meters deep. If they hadn't cultivated high and deep, they couldn't swim to the end.

Soon they entered the cave.

Well, the hole is very wide here. It would be embarrassing if Ah Da and Xiao Er got stuck at the hole.

After entering the cave, they continued to swim.

After swimming out of the cave Road, and then 100 meters upstream, there is another heaven and earth.

This is an underground space, incomparably open. The reefs hanging on the top are extremely sharp and dripping with water.

There are many strange crystal stones inlaid on its surface, with a faint light, gathering together to illuminate this underground space.

After they got ashore, they all lay on the ground and began to breathe.

The long nervous escape made them very tired.

Even the little black snake didn't play with his mouth. Like a dead snake, he lay on the ground and didn't move.

Jiang Xue lay beside Zhou Xuanji and asked breathlessly, "can you really avoid Lin Guanyu here?"

"I can only pray."

Zhou Xuanji sighed that he had kicked the iron plate this time.

He did not expect that the queen of the Zhou Dynasty had such a strong brother.

Han Shenbo sighed: "now we are chased and killed by Xinhao sect, Beiba Daosheng and Dazhou. It's really embarrassing."

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help reflecting on which step he had taken wrong.

Shouldn't he join hands with Xinhao religion?

Xinhao was a great believer. Lin Guanyu didn't dare to fight directly, so the hatred shifted to him.

But if he didn't join hands with Xinhao cult, he might not be able to kill queen Zhou.

Investigate the reason, or their own strength is too weak.

Then Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian and Han Shenbo got up and began to use the Dharma array to cover up the breath around them, so as not to be found by Lin Guanyu.

Gollum - Gollum——

At this time, bubbles suddenly appeared on the lake, which frightened everyone to get up and be ready.

The North owl king sword swallowed his saliva and murmured, "can't it be him?"

Zhou Xuanji took out the ghost emperor sword.

Even if he dies, he will die!


At this time, a figure emerged from the lake, and everyone was surprised!

Old man stealing cliff!

He jumped up quickly and landed by the lake. While patting his Taoist robe, he scolded: "Mom, I was almost killed by Lin Guanyu. Fortunately, Lao Tzu's immortal magic power has reached the realm!"

Zhou Xuanji and others came up and asked.

The old man who stole the cliff sat on the ground and told the battle process again.

It turned out that the mark he had left on Zhou Xuanji in advance could be tracked for thousands of miles.

He restrained Lin Guanyu for half an hour and was finally beheaded. Fortunately, Lin Guanyu didn't destroy his body.

After Lin Guanyu left, he grew his head again, then used his magic power to track Zhou Xuanji.

"Immortal supernatural power? Are you Wolverine or death attendant?"

Zhou Xuanji exclaimed, it's really awesome.

The old man who stole the cliff put his hands around his chest and said proudly, "why do you think there are so many legends about me? I'm really an immortal!"


Zhou Xuanji rolled his eyes, but he found that the return of the old man who stole the cliff actually reduced the tension of the team.

The old man still gives people a great sense of security.

The old man who stole the cliff supported his legs with both hands and said, "from now on, don't go out. Rest assured to practice here. When you are successful and don't fear Lin Guanyu, I'll let you go."

They nodded and were chased by Lin Guanyu. They all held a fire in their hearts.

Especially Zhou Xuanji!

For years.

Except when he was two years old, he was so embarrassed for the first time.

"Lin Guanyu, right? Wait for me. One day, my sword will cut off your knife!"

Zhou Xuanji's eyes were burning with flames, and his heart roared.

The old man who stole the cliff glanced at him and sighed in his heart: "it's very different from his mother's temperament. It's really strong. It's good. A man should be like this. If he has revenge, he will be rewarded and brave without fear."

After thinking about it, the old man stole the cliff slowly got up and said, "I made some small moves in the lake. Lin Guanyu can't find this place. Now start practicing!"

When they heard this, they were all excited and got up one after another.

Sitting by the lake, Zhou Xuanji took out a panacea and began to receive Qi.

The old man who stole the cliff came to him, took a circle with his fingers, surrounded him, and then he felt the gathering of auras.

He looked at the old man who stole the cliff in surprise.

The old man who stole the cliff stroked his beard and smiled, turned and left.

In this way, Zhou Xuanji and others began to practice hard with the goal of breaking out as soon as possible.

At first, the old man who stole the cliff would instruct Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian and Wang Jian, but when Zhou Xuanji showed his sword skills, he went to teach others.

He can't compare with Zhou Xuanji in kendo.

But he can teach Jiang Xue, Han Shenbo and little black snake.

Jiang Xue, in particular, made him marvel at his talent, which was more powerful than Zhou Xuanji's mother.

So he began to focus on teaching Jiang Xue.

Under his guidance, Jiang Xue broke through a small realm in less than a month.

While Zhou Xuanji was happy for Jiang Xue, he also fell into self doubt.

It seems that he is only suitable for teaching sword.

This day.

"It is detected that the sword owner has reached the age of 18. Start random lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the sword master for winning the [gold] soft sword, [silver] divine crane sword, [silver] virtual and real sword, sun, moon and stars!"

The voice of Jianling rang out in Zhou Xuanji's mind as scheduled, which made him open his eyes.

Three swords!

He immediately took out the three divine swords, and their information also appeared in front of him:

Sword Name: soft sword

Grade: Gold

Note: only the enemy does not exceed the two great realms of the sword master. Once stabbed by this sword, he will be weak and paralyzed to the ground.


Sword Name: Divine crane sword

Grade: Silver

Explanation: it is made of the bones of the Millennium crane. It is extremely hard.


Sword Name: Xu Shi sword

Grade: Silver

Note: when wielding the sword, the blade can be invisible and produce a virtual shadow, making the enemy defenseless!



This soft sword has some meaning. If he is stabbed, he can do whatever he wants?

Zhou Xuanji was surprised and his eyes fell on the three divine swords in his hand.

The soft sword is a soft sword. The blade is only two fingers wide. It looks like an ordinary silver sword.

The divine crane sword is a white jade sword with a white crane shining its wings.

The Xu Shi sword is a black sword. It is simple and unique.

None of the three swords looks gorgeous.

But three more swords are also good. They are getting closer and closer to the demand of hundred swords.

Then he began to inherit the sun, moon and stars.

The sun, moon and stars are a sword technique. It contains a huge memory, which almost dazzled Zhou Xuanji.

This sword technique is very strong!

The sword Qi is separated from the body and turns into the image of sun, moon and stars. It kills the front!

After a while, after passing on the memory, he took back the divine crane sword and the virtual and real sword, and then began to practice the sword technique with the soft sword.

Seeing Zhou Xuanji practicing his sword, Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian, Beixiao Wang Jian and Huang Lianxin all lit up and surrounded.

There's a new sword technique!

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