Published at 11th of October 2021 11:02:25 AM

Chapter 187: 187

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"Handsome, as long as you change, all handsome, okay?"

Jiang Xuebai glanced at Zhou Xuanji and said perfunctorily.

Zhao Congjian, Xiao Jinghong and Wang Jian, the northern owl, gathered around and asked what the sword technique was.

Zhou Xuanji's answer was "Kung Fu", which immediately disappointed them.

They all have their own skills. If they rebuild them, it will take too much time, and they can't afford it.

"By the way, master, Emperor Yan of Zhou will rise in two years. On that day, Zhou Yalong will marry Xu Xianxuan, a big businessman."

Zhao Congjian suddenly remembered something and said to Zhou Xuanji.

Not far away, the little black snake heard a swish and jumped over.

"Hahaha, I really abandoned the little evil gentleman?"

It was so excited that Xu Xianxuan should have married Xiao Xie Jun. as a result, the marriage changed. It suddenly understood the reason and felt full of a sense of achievement.

Zhou Xuanji touched his chin and thought, "Emperor Zhou Yan wants to find a backer for Zhou Yalong."

Hanyin Shenjiao is a first-class force, which is no inferior to Haojiao and Haoqi alliance.

But aren't they in alliance with big businessmen? In doing so, they won't give big businessmen face?

Xiao Jinghong asked, "in two years, it will be enough for the master to break out of the body. Will you go then?"

Once Zhou Yalong ascends the throne, he will certainly try his best to avenge Zhou Xuanji.

It will be even more troublesome if we successfully get married and climb up the cold sound god religion.

"Of course! I want Emperor Zhou Yan to watch me kill Zhou Yalong."

Zhou Xuanji said calmly that he didn't hate Zhou Yalong very much, but he had to avenge Huang Lianxin. This was a promise.

Moreover, without Huang Lianxin, Zhou Yalong could not let him go.

There are many things in this world that cannot be explained by reason.

It's never easy to kill and pay for your life.

"Then we have to hurry up to practice. We can't drag the master back."

The North owl Wang Jian mused, looking serious.

The little black snake despised it and said, "you are the one who lags behind. Our hostess's accomplishments are almost surpassing you!"

Upon hearing this, the North owl Wang Jian blushed and glared at it.

Zhou Xuanji ignored their quarrel and led Jiang Xue away.

He was in a good mood and planned to take a day off, enjoy the snow scenery with Jiang Xue and spend some time alone.

The old man who stole the cliff stood in place and thought hard.

"Incarnate the divine sword. In today's world, do you still have this sword cultivation method?"

He really can't figure it out. He's only heard of such skills in legends.

It is said that the ancient sword emperor could turn into a divine sword and kill millions of enemies.

Is Zhou Xuanji really the reincarnation of the ancient sword emperor?


Zhao Xuan, I'm ashamed of you and let your child be taken away!

So, in the next few days, the old man who stole the cliff stared at Zhou Xuanji with a strange look.

Until one day, Zhou Xuanji couldn't stand it and found him.

After learning what he thought, Zhou Xuanji was speechless.

How many times have you suspected that I was robbed?

He was too lazy to explain. Looking at his attitude, the old man who stole the cliff was relieved.

This bad temper is obviously not lost.

Just like the fuck.


In an attic.

Xu Xianxuan sat in front of the dresser. The maid helped her comb her hair and looked at herself in the bronze mirror. Her eyes were a little blurred.

"What are you thinking, miss?"

The maid asked. While talking, she looked at Xu Xianxuan in the mirror and sighed sincerely. It's so beautiful.

It deserves to be the first beauty in business.

Xu Xianxuan sighed faintly and said, "I feel very confused. Even if I practice hard, I am still a chess piece of the divine religion, which can be used as a chip at any time. My face really hurt me."

The maid stared and said, "how could it hurt you? You want to be the queen of the Zhou Dynasty. How many women can't envy you."

The great Zhou Dynasty was the imperial dynasty. She became a queen. She was lucky and lived a long life. She even had the hope of flying in the future.

As a mortal, she dare not dream like this.

Xu Xianxuan smiled and didn't speak.

She doesn't want the queen of Zhou.

Somehow, the ugly face of the Phoenix sword emperor suddenly appeared in her mind.

No, he should be called Zhou Jianshen.

Recalling the legend of Zhou Jianshen, she was full of envy.

She also wanted to be like Zhou Jianshen, happy with gratitude and hatred, and took a sword.

No one can bind, even the empress of the Zhou Dynasty dare to cut, even if she believes in Haojiao and Haoqi alliance dare to resist.

That is true freedom.


With a heavy sigh, she subconsciously reached out and touched her face.

If she doesn't have this face, can she be free?


In a flash.

Zhou Xuanji is about to celebrate his 21st birthday.

Early that morning, he opened his eyes and was ready to get up.

Jiang Xue held him like an octopus, making him unable to get away.

"Smelly girl, how old are you? Still press me like this!"

Zhou Xuanji stared at her and remembered that when he was young, he was pressed out of breath by the girl. He was in a hurry.

Childhood shadow!

Hearing his voice, Jiang Xue rubbed her eyes and slowly got up. She hugged him and said weakly, "what are you doing early in the morning..."

When she woke up, she didn't come back. She didn't look like a monk at all.

Zhou Xuanji said, "it's all right. I want to go out for a walk. You can continue to sleep."

"Forget it. I'll get up and get ready for you."

Jiang Xue muttered, then turned out of bed and put on his clothes.

Zhou Xuanji got up and put on the white dragon Royal gold clothes.

They cleaned up for a while and went out.

As soon as they got out of the cabin, they saw Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian, Chongming demon emperor and others gathered together. They didn't know what they were discussing.

"What is this?"


"It's impossible. Is there such a small unicorn?"

"It must be a divine beast. It has no evil spirit."

"It's so cute. Don't scare it."


As soon as Zhou Xuanji and Jiang Xue listened, they were immediately interested and walked over hand in hand.

Soon, Zhou Xuanji saw the unicorn.

Only the palm is big, the whole body is red, small and lovely. The lion's head, antlers, tiger's eyes, Elk's body, dragon scales and oxtail gather together. Even if they are small, they also appear powerful.

As soon as Qilin saw Zhou Xuanji, he jumped up and jumped into his arms. Everyone was surprised.

"Does this little guy know the master?"

Xiao Jinghong asked curiously, and so did others.

Zhou Xuanji touched the red Qilin with a curious look on his face. He could feel the little guy's intimate attitude towards him.

At this time, the old man who stole the cliff came over.

As soon as he saw the red Qilin, he immediately opened his eyes, rushed over and grabbed the red Qilin.

"Let me check. You spread out first. Don't disturb me."

The old man who stole the cliff grabbed the red unicorn and turned to leave. The red Unicorn shouted in a young voice like a chicken.

They looked at each other and said nothing.

"Kirin is a auspicious animal. It seems that we should be lucky today."

Zhou Xuanji said expectantly that he would be 21 years old today.

I hope I can draw a powerful sword!

Where stone, black iron, bronze, silver, gold, amethyst, Jinyao, tianhun, bully soul

It's time for a divine sword to surpass Jinyao?

Then they dispersed.

Time turns.

Several hours passed.

Zhou Xuanji came to the lake and was about to sit down. The voice of Jianling sounded in his mind:

"It is detected that the sword owner has reached the age of 21. Start random lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the sword master for winning [heavenly soul]..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!