Published at 11th of October 2021 11:02:24 AM

Chapter 188: 188

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"Ding! Congratulations to the sword master for winning the [heavenly soul] and burying the tianmiegang sword and the [golden] truth sword!"

Heavenly soul!

Heavenly soul!

Heavenly soul!

Important things have to roar in my heart three times!

Zhou Xuanji trembled with excitement. Jinyao divine sword was already very strong. How strong was tianhun divine sword?

When he breaks through the body state, relying on the Amethyst sword and Jinyao sword, he is sure to sweep across the refining state and shake the Mahayana. How strong is it if there is a heavenly soul sword?

consider everybody and everything beneath one 's notice!


Only this word can describe his inner expansion.

Then the information of two divine swords appeared in front of him:

Sword Name: burying heaven and killing Gang sword

Level: Heavenly soul

Note: the divine sword born at the beginning of heaven and earth contains the power of destroying heaven and earth. You can't use it unless you go out of the body!


Sword Name: Zhenyan sword

Grade: Gold

Note: if you are stabbed by this sword, you must tell the truth.


Can't be used outside the body?

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows. Is this a rare threshold for me?

As for Zhenyan sword, although it has a special ability, it has been ignored by him.

"Where's the sword of burying heaven and killing Gang? Take it out and let me see!"

Zhou Xuanji asked in his heart. He couldn't wait to see the amazing appearance of tianhun divine sword.

"The sword master must reach the exit state before he can view and use it."

The sword spirit replied, but did not extinguish the flame in his heart.

In a good mood, he got up and went to Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue was meditating and practicing. He came up to tickle her, which made her stare at him.

He chuckled and turned to harass the others.

After a while.

The old man who stole the cliff called Zhou Xuanji, who was wandering around. He said with a dignified face, "it's not good."

Zhou Xuanji went up to him and sat down and asked, "what's the matter?"

Red Qilin jumped directly into his arms and rubbed him intimately.

"When you were born, a unicorn appeared. Do you remember?"

The old man who stole the cliff frowned and asked, with a murderous intention in his eyes.

Zhou Xuanji stroked the red unicorn in his hand and asked, "is this little guy the son of the unicorn?"

"Yes, Emperor Zhou Yandi hunted the unicorn and pulled out its tendon. The unicorn sent the little guy near us before he died. It has turned into Loess and disappeared."

The answer of the old man who stole the cliff made Zhou Xuanji frown. Zhou Yandi's move was too cruel.

What would the world say if it were spread?

"When you were born, the unicorn came to pray for you. In fact, your luck has been connected. Over the years, your luck has been so good that you have escaped from death many times. In fact, it also has the function of Unicorn praying. Once the unicorn dies, it is equivalent to cutting off some of your luck. I'm afraid Emperor Zhou Yandi is worried that you will suppress Zhou Yalong, so he will strive for growth time for him."

The old man who stole the cliff guessed and made Zhou Xuanji frown deeper.

It's really vicious!

Just in time, I'm ready to break into big week!

Zhou Xuanji took a deep breath and said, "I have written down this revenge."

With that, he grabbed red Qilin and left.

"Hey, don't go. Let me play with it."

The old man who stole the cliff stretched out his hand and shouted, but Zhou Xuanji ignored it.

At this point, red Qilin also joined Zhou Xuanji's team.

Kirin is a auspicious beast, representing good luck, and its strength is also very strong.

It is said that a long time ago, before the Terran was born, the Kirin family once dominated the world.

The red unicorn and the three eyed Xerox are about the same size. The two little guys soon play together and roll around in the snow.

Next, Zhou Xuanji continued to practice hard.

Four months later.

Zhou Xuanji broke through to the eighth floor of Yuanying territory.

Now he is so powerful that even the old man stealing cliff is amazed.

The flesh sword made his strength terrible, and the world map could provide him with a steady stream of spiritual power.

The old man who stole the cliff often lamented that in less than a hundred years, this boy will be among the top 100 in the northern wilderness. When he meets Lin Guanyu and Huang Hantian, he can be hard.

Zhou Xuanji is also looking forward to meeting those two people.

He wants a snow before shame!

North owl Wang Jian also broke through to Lingquan. Jiang Xue was ten days later than him, and Huang Lianxin was still sprinting.

Xiao Jinghong and Han Shenbo have reached the tenth floor of Yuanying territory, and Zhao Congjian is on the fifth floor.

Others have made progress, but none of them has broken through the great realm.

"Everyone is extraordinary, but compared with the mystery, it seems mediocre."

The old man who stole the cliff sat on a big stone by the lake and said with a smile.

The talents of Jiang Xue, Xiao Jinghong and Zhao Congjian can all join the holy land, and Han Shenbo is a disciple of the holy land.

Although Huang Lianxin's cultivation talent is not top, she has the eyes of the ghost Emperor God. That thing is powerful. When she achieves great accomplishments, she will be the earth shaking master.

A big and small two are the dragon and eagle in the sky. They are the mounts that countless people desire.

The three eyed dry rat knows the best treasure in the world.

Chongming demon emperor is a seven level demon. Few of the demon families can cultivate to this level.

That is to say, the qualifications of North owl Wang Jian and little black snake are mediocre.

So these two guys don't like each other and don't want to be called the weakest.

In the process of their practice, people occasionally passed by, but they did not cause conflict.

Zhou Xuanji and others were scattered during their cultivation, and the two heavenly dragons and eagles soared everywhere, so their identities were not exposed.

Unfortunately, it won't last long.

Three months later.

A team of chariots and horses broke into the cultivation place of Zhou Xuanji and others.

Headed by a burly man wearing heavy black armor, he has dark skin, no helmet, black hair, and a huge tiger riding under him. He is also black, and his tiger eyes are murderous.

Behind him, fifteen soldiers riding monsters escorted four carriages.

"Who is Zhou Jianshen?"

The black armour man asked. As soon as he said this, Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian, Han Shenbo and Chongming demon emperor looked at them with vigilance.

Feeling their eyes, the black armour man frowned slightly and said, "I'm the envoy of Canghai tower. LV Longlin, representing Canghai tower, came to visit Zhou Jian God. There are generous gifts behind. Don't blame Zhou Jian God."

Canghai Tower!

It is one of the eight holy places in the northern wasteland and the largest intelligence force.

They created the top 100 northern wasteland.

Zhou's list of heroes is to imitate them, but it's not rigorous enough.

"I don't know what LV envoy will do to find our sword God?"

The old man who stole the cliff asked with a relaxed look.

Canghai tower rarely competes with the secular world. It is estimated that it is to explore intelligence.

"Well, recently, we canghailou want to create the Northern Wilderness Tianjiao list. The world says Zhou Jianshen is an old monster, but according to our observation, Zhou Jianshen's body has been growing, so we want to measure Zhou Jianshen's bone age. If it meets the requirements, we will enter the Northern Wilderness Tianjiao list."

LV Longlin replied, glancing at the crowd and quickly locked Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji was still practicing by the lake. The aura vortex on his head was visible to the naked eye, which made him slightly moved.

"This is a good thing, mystery. Come here."

The old man who stole the cliff waved to Zhou Xuanji. Hearing the speech, Zhou Xuanji got up, took eight sword steps and came to him.

"What a wonderful footwork."

LV Longlin was surprised. He didn't see the moving track of Zhou Xuanji just now.

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