Published at 11th of October 2021 11:01:23 AM

Chapter 229: 229

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It takes longer to inherit the magic power than to inherit the sword technique.

That huge memory poured into Zhou Xuanji's mind, as if to burst his head.

A strong wind wrapped around him, and others nearby noticed his abnormality and turned their heads to look at him.

"What is the master doing? Breakthrough?"

Xiao Jinghong asked curiously. Zhou Xuanji's accomplishments had far surpassed him and made him unable to see through.

The old man who stole the cliff wondered, "no, he's not breaking through. It's like an epiphany."


Others gathered around. Zhou Xuanji's talent was evil enough. You can have an epiphany by sitting down?

Isn't that shocking?

"Xuanji is 24 years old today."

Jiang Xue said coldly, brightening everyone's eyes.

Every time Zhou Xuanji's birthday, he will get a new sword and sword technique.

Although they don't understand why, they understand that Zhou Xuanji may become stronger again.

They began to look forward to it.

"Old man, how long is it from the sky?"

The little black snake shouted in a very impolite tone on the tree.

The old man who stole the cliff replied, "it's estimated that you can arrive in half a month. Don't be frightened when the sky falls."

Lifting the fall of the sky, his face showed respect.

After all, it is one of the highest mountains in the northern wilderness.

The place closest to the sky!

The little black snake despised it, but did not continue to ask.

Half an hour later.

Zhou Xuanji suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes burst out.

His whole temperament changed suddenly.

Everyone's eyes cast, Jiang Xue took the lead and said with a smile: "Xuanji, happy 24 years old."

This is what Zhou Xuanji taught her to wish each other a happy birthday every year.

"You too, happy twenty-eight."

Zhou Xuanji got up and said with a smile. What he got was her white eye.

Women are always eighteen!

Speaking these words, Zhou Xuanji was inexplicably in a trance.

The girl is twenty-eight years old.

On the earth, she is already a leftover woman, but in the northern wasteland, she is still a girl, very young.

Of course, the girl's character is not mature.

"Master, show it to us."

Zhao Congjian said excitedly that it must be a new sword technique.

In his eyes, Zhou Xuanji was already a treasure house, and all kinds of sword techniques made him want to learn.

However, there is no supreme sword system. Even if he has excellent talent, he has to practice slowly.

Zhou Xuanji said with a mysterious smile, "we'll talk about it later. Let's go."

The domineering sword master can make a leap in his control over all divine swords.

Although his accomplishments have not been enhanced, his soul power has been greatly improved. Coupled with his magical powers, his overall strength is not comparable.

Seeing that he did not want to say, it was not easy for them to force, so they continued to rush to the sky.

There are more and more mountains along the way, and there are many monsters. The strength is also gradually increasing. There is a feeling of going deep into the demon family.


With continuous mountains and rolling forests, there is a huge mountain towering into the clouds, connecting heaven and earth.

The sky falls!

In front of this mountain, all the peaks between heaven and earth look small, like saplings surrounding the giant trees in the sky.

The falling sky covers an area of hundreds of miles. Although it becomes narrower and narrower upward, it doesn't feel like an awl. From a distance, it's like a pillar of heaven, and the top doesn't go into the sea of clouds, so that all living beings can't tell how high the falling sky is with their naked eyes.


The earth suddenly trembled, and countless monsters galloped from the mountains and forests, like thousands of troops and horses.

In front of them, a famous monk flew his sword and ran through the woods. He was as fast as a sharp arrow.

The leader was a one eyed man with thin body and dark skin. He gritted his teeth and said, "everyone insist that we must escape before the eighth order demon appears!"

His white robe was stained with blood. It was obvious that he had experienced a fierce battle before.


Hundreds of monks shouted in unison, their eyes red with fear and anger.

They are the disciples of bajian sect. They were ordered to go to the sky. As a result, they encountered an accident. Thousands of disciples died and injured, leaving only more than 300 people.

"Hahaha! Where else do you want to run, you bastards?"

A arrogant laughter came, and an extremely domineering figure jumped from the hillside falling from the sky. He was wearing a robe made of tiger skin, with brown hair dancing in the wind, a strong face, two sharp fangs in his mouth and six strong tails behind him.

He quickly landed on a mountain in front of the monks, causing the mountain to collapse, the rubble to fly, and the strong wind to carry the dust to sweep all directions.

The one eyed man stopped quickly and the sword fell into his hand to ward off the wind and waves for him.

The surrounding woods were blown up like the last day.

The disciples of bajian sect behind them all looked desperate.

"It's over! Liuwu wolf demon is still awake!"

"What should we do now? Are we really going to die here?"

"Damn, I'm not willing!"

"We fought with him!"

"Yes, it's all dead anyway! At least you have to pull a cushion!"

The monks roared again and again. Their faces changed and they were ready to fight.

The one eyed man took a deep breath and his eyes also became fierce.

Liuwu wolf demon flew out of the rolling dust. He smiled contemptuously and was rebellious.

"You bastards dare to go up and down the sky and want to run for your life? Your death is the best warning to the world!"

Liuwu wolf demon said with a grim smile. After that, he licked his lips and wanted to eat people.

Just then.

The swords of more than 300 monks in bajianmen suddenly trembled violently and uncontrollably.

"What's going on?"

The one eyed man widened his only eye with a frightened expression.

The same is true of other monks.

Their swords are dripping with blood essence and connected with their blood. Such abnormalities have never occurred.

Whew! Whew! Whew

A sword came out and flew over the woods.

Liuwu wolf demon narrowed his eyes and was not in a hurry, but curious about what these people wanted to do.

"What are you doing? Sword array?"

Liuwu wolf demon asked in a deep voice, with disdain in his eyes.

No one answered him, because the monks were also very frightened. A cold air rose from the soles of their feet and rushed to the sky.

"Hahaha! The little wolf demon dares to be rampant! From today on, we have occupied the sky top!"

A wild laugh came from the back of Liuwu wolf demon. It was Chongming demon emperor!

The seventh order monster provokes the eighth order monster, which is undoubtedly looking for death.

But Chongming demon emperor did not pay attention to Liuwu wolf demon at all.

I saw Zhou Xuanji, Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian and other imperial swords flying, all smiling and fearless, like a Sword Fairy.

Liuwu wolf demon turned to look, frowned and asked, "who are you?"

Hundreds of swords suspended in mid air suddenly killed him.

Very fast!

He was surprised to escape subconsciously, but these swords seemed to live. They chased him crazy and stunned everyone.

Chongming demon emperor was also surprised and asked, "what's going on? Can they solve it by themselves?"

He thought these sword repairs were the end of a powerful crossbow.

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