Published at 11th of October 2021 10:59:59 AM

Chapter 282: 282

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"Bring him up."

Zhou Xuanji nodded. After getting the order, Xu Yang quickly went down the mountain.

Then, Zhou Xuanji asked every second generation disciple to come forward and report his practice progress.

These second-generation disciples are all geniuses and have their own gains. No one will have stage fright. Instead, they expect their ancestors to praise them.

Jiang Xue, the old man who stole the cliff, Huang Lianxin, Xiao Jinghong and Lin Changge all sat behind Zhou Xuanji and watched quietly.

They all sat cross legged and had no sense of distance.

The prison burning Dragon King and the four mountain guarding Kings also sat not far away. They exchanged in a low voice and were in a good mood.

A disciple began to report the results. If he met the results he was interested in, Zhou Xuanji would let them show them on the spot.

So far, the cultivation of the second generation of disciples is the lowest, and they also reach the Kaiguang realm. It seems very low, but they are young and can be expected in the future.

After half an hour.

Xu Yang took Zhang Fenglan up the mountain. They sat aside without interrupting the cultivation report of the second generation of disciples.

The last person to report is naturally Xu Yang.

The boy is a chicken thief and doesn't speak. He comes up with a set of thirty-six jade flute swords, which is more powerful than other disciples.

Zhou Xuanji stared at him thoughtfully.

Instead of being attracted by his sword technique, he was thinking about who was the reincarnation of the ancient great power.

When he finished practicing, Zhou Xuanji waved directly and signaled that he could go down.

Seeing this, Xu Yang's face suddenly collapsed.

The whole person was discouraged and watched the other disciples cover their mouths and laugh.

With a move from Zhou Xuanji's right hand, Zhang Fenglan jumped over the disciples' heads and fell in front of him.

"The cultivation of this boy..."

Zhang Fenglan was secretly frightened. Every time he saw Zhou Xuanji, he seemed to be getting stronger.

It's horrible.

He felt that if he fought against Zhou Xuanji again, he would never turn over.

"Go ahead."

Zhou Xuanji stared at him and said.

At the age of 31, he has experienced countless killings, and his gestures exude an unspeakable dignity. It is difficult for ordinary disciples to keep calm in the face of him.

He has grown into a world-famous strong man.

The sword emperor!

"If I tell you a shocking secret, you will no longer torture me. In the future, I hope you can give Haotian a chance."

Zhang Fenglan knelt in front of Zhou Xuanji and said with his teeth.

In recent years, he has thought a lot.

He felt that Zhou Xuanji would change the pattern of northern wasteland, and Haotian cult was difficult to be an enemy, so he wanted to resolve the contradiction between the two sides.

"It depends on what the secret is."

Zhou Xuanji didn't promise immediately. Zhang Fenglan glanced at the other disciples and hinted whether Zhou Xuanji would let the second generation of disciples step down.

However, he was unmoved.

Zhang fanlan sighed and began to tell the world-shaking secret.

"Haotian cult and Tanhua sect dominated the evil way and even suppressed the right way. If they didn't meet the bajian emperor and prove the great emperor, they wouldn't be lonely. What I want to say is why the bajian emperor can prove the emperor! Why is there no great emperor in the world after him!"

When he mentioned bajiandi, he gnashed his teeth.

Haotian cult and tanhuazong are sworn enemies, but bajiandi is also their common enemy.

It turns out that there is a way to prove the great emperor, that is to find the Qiyun emperor river.

As long as the cultivation is enough, it can support the washing of the Qiyun emperor River and prove the emperor invincible in the world.

If the great emperor ascends to the upper world, he can also dominate.

After the bajian emperor proved the emperor, he directly sealed the Qiyun emperor river. Few people knew about it. Only Tanhua sect and Haotian sect had clues about the Qiyun emperor river. They didn't tell about it, but they couldn't break the seal.

"Qiyundi river? Where is it?"

Zhou Xuanji squinted and asked. The others had different expressions.

Most of the second generation disciples were surprised that the legendary bajiandi was so vicious and selfish.

His skill has ruined the thoughts of countless people in future generations. It's hateful.

"In Yangling."

Zhang fanlan sighed. Once he said this, everyone was moved.


Isn't that the nest of emperor Yang?

The little black snake cried, "is the Yang emperor so rebellious because of the emperor's river of Qi?"

"I just said, how can there be such a abnormal person in the world!"

It subconsciously glanced at Zhou Xuanji and didn't speak again.

"In other words, if you want to find the Qiyun emperor River, you have to defeat emperor Yang? How do you know that emperor Yang has not achieved the throne?"

Zhou Xuanji asked, can emperor Yang easily defeat the second in the world? Has he proved the emperor?

Zhang Fenglan shook his head and said, "if you prove the emperor, it will be earth shaking. Everyone knows that emperor Yang can't break the seal of BA Jiandi for the time being, but if he becomes the Lord of the world, he will absorb the Qi of ordinary people and help himself become stronger."

"His skill can absorb Qi, which is why he can rise rapidly."

His tone is complex, and he doesn't feel good looking up to future generations.

Zhou Xuanji stared at him and said, "what's the point of saying so much? You have to defeat emperor Yang first."

Although this information is very important, it is not enough for him to let go of Haojiao and Haoqi alliance.

Zhang Fenglan sighed and said, "it's too difficult to defeat emperor Yang. When you achieve great accomplishments, he will prove the emperor long ago, and the gap will only get bigger and bigger. But if you let me go, I will revive the devil ancestor of Haotian cult. At that time, I will join hands with you and xianxianghua, and there will be a chance of winning!"

Haotian cult demon ancestor?

Everyone was in an uproar. The name was not a good kind.


"Hum, you dream!"

Chongming demon emperor said impolitely, "if it's a big deal, let emperor Yang prove the emperor. When he rises, we'll seize the emperor river."

He looked like a fool and was so angry that Zhang Fenglan trembled all over.

"Yes, don't dream. Emperor Yang can only be defeated by himself!"

A cold and arrogant voice came, startling everyone to get up.

Ji Huangyao Jun!

The demon supreme is coming!

He was standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at them with a smile, his eyes fixed on Zhou Xuanji.

"Emperor Jiang Wu has gone to duantianya. Who else can help you now?"

Ji Huang demon Jun asked with a sneer, his words full of excitement.

The map of the world was in front of him.

Everyone was like a great enemy, sweating profusely.

On that day, the horror scene of the war between Ji Huang demon king and Emperor Jiang Wu was vivid.

Zhou Xuanji stepped out with his sword in his hands.

Left hand immortal sword, right hand buried tianmiegang sword!

He went to the front of the crowd, stared at Ji Huangyao Jun, disdained to smile and said, "you know nothing about power."

Now he can sense the spiritual power in any creature.

Ji Huangyao Jun's spiritual power is as strong as the scorching sun. Compared with it, Ning Zifeng and Lin Changge in Mahayana are like fire, far less than it.

But for him, Ji Huangyao Jun is not invincible.

This guy seems to be seriously injured.

His body surface turned into gold, and thunder lingered around him, just like the God of thunder.

He walked to Ji Huangyao Jun, and the strong momentum made the people behind him feel safe.

"You've become stronger. No wonder you're so arrogant, but talking about power in front of me? It's ridiculous!"

Ji Huangyao shook his head and laughed. In his eyes, Zhou Xuanji was a fool.

No matter how strong the refining realm is, it is impossible to compete with him!

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