Published at 11th of October 2021 10:59:28 AM

Chapter 296: 296

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The day returned to calm again. Zhou Xuanji taught Meng Tianlang the soul devouring and mourning demon chop, and then gave up.

Meng Tianlang followed Lin Changge and Ning Zifeng.

Although they were a little jealous, they soon recovered their sense of normalcy and bullied Meng Tianlang less and less.

The relationship between the three is getting better and better.

Time flies.

In a twinkling of an eye, four years have passed.

Zhou Xuanji has reached the age of 36, and his cultivation is still on the first floor of Mahayana.

Instead, he practiced the first level of the great day demon rebirth skill and got a chance to rebirth.

In four years, he won seven divine swords, the highest level is Amethyst.

Obviously, heaven's punishment has consumed his luck.

The seven divine swords are evil purple sword, surging sword, burning sun sword, West sky limitless sword, South flying sword, Da Kui sword and various disgusting swords.

It is worth mentioning that Meng Tianlang has broken through the state of being out of the body. He has practiced soul devouring and demon cutting to great success. He began to learn batian divine sword.

This guy doesn't like fancy swordsmanship. He likes the domineering swordsmanship of reducing ten skills at one time. After all, he has been on the battlefield for a long time and likes the invincible momentum.

In just four years, he practiced batian divine sword to a small degree.

Its talent is really terrible, much stronger than Lin Changge and Ning Zifeng.

Fortunately, he was not arrogant and remained modest and polite in the face of others.

In addition to Xiao Jinghong, he became one with the demon emperor of Chongming Dynasty and the four mountain guarding kings, because they were all physical practitioners and could often fight hand to hand.

This day.

Zhou Xuanji called Xiao Jinghong, Zhao Congjian and others together.

He is going to select a group of second generation disciples to go down the mountain for training.

Just then, a footstep appeared behind them.

Everyone turned around and saw a white haired man standing on the edge of the cliff. He was wearing an old blue and purple Taoist robe, expressionless and indifferent in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

Lin Changge asked in a deep voice. The other party went up the mountain silently, but he didn't notice it.

Others are also facing great enemies.

Over the years, from time to time, monks or demons have sneaked into the sky to steal the world map, and they have sent them away.

Zhou Xuanji frowned. He couldn't see through the spiritual power in the human body.

All along, he thought that he could see through all the creatures in the world by relying on the holy skill of floating slaughter in the world.

Does this person's cultivation far surpass him, or does he have a special identity?

"Zhou Xuanji, come with me, or I'll kill them."

The white haired man stared at Zhou Xuanji and said faintly.

Ning Zifeng looked at him thoughtfully.

He suddenly thought of something and exclaimed, "you are heaven! Impossible! Aren't you overseas? Why did you appear in the northern wilderness?"


The people were shocked. This was even more terrible than the ancient emperors. It was a mythical strong man who could not even dominate the sword emperor and the ancient evil king.

"Heaven is just my identity. I have my name. My name is Xuanyuan day."

The white haired man glanced at Ning Zifeng and whispered.

The voice fell, and his eyes coagulated. Except Zhou Xuanji, everyone was lifted out by an invisible wind.

Zhou Xuanji took out the buried tianmiegang sword and the immortal sword, and said in a deep voice, "you and I will fight in the distance!"

He didn't expect to find him so soon.

However, he has long predicted today's war.

After all, heaven specializes in killing people with imperial purple.

Xuanyuan nodded gently and turned to the horizon. He believed that Zhou Xuanji would follow.


Jiang Xue got up from the ground and looked at Zhou Xuanji with worry.

He looked back and smiled at her and said, "stay here. Trust me, I will come back. Don't come to me."

With that, he turned into a sword light and chased Xuanyuan day.


In a clear sky, Zhou Xuanji and Xuanyuan were suspended in the air during the day, standing opposite each other, less than 100 meters apart.

Four eyes are opposite. Their eyes are cold and fearless.

"I know the origin of Qitian very well."

Zhou Xuanji said, four years later, his realm has not increased, but his strength has been getting stronger.

In the face of the mysterious and unpredictable Xuanyuan day, he was not afraid, but some eager to try.

Xuanyuan day didn't rush to fight and replied, "heaven is naturally a law enforcer adhering to the will of heaven. Whenever there are too many emperor Qi owners in the world, heaven will be born to kill the emperor Qi owners and return a bright future in the world."

Those who have imperial spirit are all destined to be emperors. They are ambitious and will bring war to the world.

When many emperors appear, they will often usher in a terrible disaster.

Zhou Xuanji squinted and asked, "are you born from heaven?"

Xuanyuan didn't answer.

He raised his jaw slightly, looked at Zhou Xuanji and said, "Zhou Xuanji, you are different from the previous emperor Qi. Your luck is mysterious and the number of days is unpredictable. I don't want to kill you for the time being. If you follow me, I can spare your life."

Zhou Xuanji smiled and wanted to accept him?

It seems that heaven is not absolutely fair and ruthless.

"It's not what you think. I just want to observe you for a period of time. With your power, I can kill the imperialists and those who shouldn't have appeared in this world."

Xuanyuan continued in the daytime. His eyes were as indifferent as ever, without any fluctuation.

He waved his right hand down.

In an instant, the earth below was stretched directly, forming a huge Canyon extending towards both ends of heaven and earth.


The dust is flying like the end of the world.

From a high altitude, it seems that the semicircle earth is divided into two. You can't see the end of the canyon. It's at least ten thousand miles long.

Zhou Xuanji frowned and was shocked.

These forces

He didn't even see clearly the spiritual power track of Xuanyuan day.

He was lost in thought. Should he do it?

"Your realm is the first level of Mahayana realm, and you can practice the second level of the world's holy skill of floating slaughter. Your strength can sweep away one looted Sanxian. You may have the power to fight against two looted Sanxian, but I have the strength of three looted Sanxian. You have no chance of winning. Follow me, maybe I will make you stronger."

Xuanyuan calmed down during the day and directly drew a big cake for him.

He was moved and asked, "if you just observe me, why do you want to help me become stronger?"

How did he feel that this day was different from the legend.

In the legend, when he met the emperor Qi, he went to war without saying a word.

How can you be so polite?

"I want to see if you are qualified to be a day."

Xuanyuan said nothing at all in the daytime. Hearing Zhou Xuanji's pupil shrink suddenly.

Become a day?


Under the blue sky and white clouds, there is a vast grassland.

A group of brightly dressed women are moving forward. Among them is a man with red lips on his face.

This person is Bai Haoxin who appeared in the imperial city of Dazhou that day.

"When the emperor finds the magic weapon of his life, it will be the day when the emperor regains control of the world. At that time, you girls will all be concubines and concubines. What do you say?"

Bai Hao laughed with all his heart. He was unrestrained and indulged. It was so fast.

A beautiful woman beside him shook her fan and hummed, "who will be the emperor?"

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