Published at 11th of October 2021 10:56:37 AM

Chapter 409: 409

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"He will be swallowed up by the power and desire of emperor evil, and finally his temperament will change greatly and become a moody and murderous man."

The man in coir raincoat sighed that he had seen more than one descendant of emperor evil blood, all of whom were the masters of harming ordinary people. Although they were eventually destroyed, they caused too many sins.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jinghong immediately drew his sword and prepared to commit suicide, which was stopped by Zhou Xuanji.

"Are you a fool?" Zhou Xuanji glared at him and scolded.

Xiao Jinghong said with a bitter smile, "I don't want you to be embarrassed."

He understood Zhou Xuanji. Although he had a heart to save people, he attached more importance to emotion and righteousness.

Ordinary people and people around them, Zhou Xuanji will definitely choose the latter.

The man in coir raincoat advised, "don't take chances. The emperor evil pulse is really harmful."

Zhou Xuanji snorted coldly and said, "people are stronger than strength. People are easy to degenerate and can't be covered up with strength."

Xiao Jinghong was thoughtful.

The coir raincoat man was silent.

Zhou Xuanji looked at the coir raincoat man and asked, "why did you come to me?"

The man in coir raincoat shook his head and said, "the prince and Ji Xian disappeared. Xiao Hongjun found the tomb of Wuwei emperor, but his heart has been stolen. Even the purple demon palace has been recognized as the Lord. Xiao Hongjun is full of anger. I'm afraid he will do extreme things."

Zhou Xuanji's pupil contracted.

Purple demon palace?

Is the heart of the Wuxu emperor the heart of the purple demon emperor?

Xiao Jinghong glanced at Zhou Xuanji without leaving a trace.

They know the purple demon palace, but they don't know Xiaozi demon emperor's heart.

Zhou Xuanji asked curiously, "can the heart of emperor Wuwei be preserved for so long?"

He once heard emperor Hanlan say that the purple demon emperor's heart is a creation of heaven and earth. How can it be the heart of the great emperor?

The coir raincoat man replied, "the heart does not belong to the Wuwei Emperor himself, but is a creation of heaven and earth. It is called the purple demon emperor's heart. Whoever gets it can obtain the potential to prove the emperor. After it is obtained by the Wuwei emperor, the legend of the purple demon Emperor's heart is also erased and no one knows."

i see.

No wonder I can prove the emperor.

Zhou Xuanji suddenly realized that the people in the Northern Wilderness could not prove the emperor, and the emperor Yang could not.

The reason why he was able to rely on the transformation of the purple demon emperor's heart.

In other words, Xiao Hongjun is likely to find him.

Zhou Xuanji gave full play to his acting skills and said with a narrow smile, "then help me find out where the purple demon emperor's heart is. With him, can you create another arrogant emperor?"

The man in coir raincoat was speechless. After a while, he said in a voice, "you are so greedy."

Zhou Xuanji's talent is no worse than that of Wuwei emperor, or even worse.

Then, the coir raincoat man left and began to help Zhou Xuanji find the purple demon emperor's heart.

Killing him, he could not guess that the purple demon emperor's heart was in Zhou Xuanji's body.

Zhou Xuanji took Xiao Jinghong to the top of the mountain, gathered all his cronies together and told Xiao Jinghong about his awakening.

He hopes that their team can keep honest and say harmful things in advance. As for their own card ability, they can say it if they want, and they can be surprised if they don't say it in the future.

Everyone was shocked when they knew.

Chen Bantian said excitedly, "brother Xiao, it's amazing that you are the descendant of the emperor's evil vein. You will have a chance to chase our eternal emperor in the future."

The little black snake was envious and jealous, and wailed, "I want to wake up, too. God is unfair."

Others spoke one after another, all joking in good faith. Of course, someone was really surprised.

The talent of the descendants of the imperial evil vein is not inferior to that of the emperors of all ages, and may even be stronger.

Xiao Jinghong's heart was warm. Meng Tianlang hooked his neck and said with a smile, "you have to be careful in the future. I have to follow wherever you go, otherwise some evil people may use you to lure you into the devil."

Zhou Xuanji told them many stories, and there are many such bridges.

Xiao Jinghong had no good way: "I think you are more easily deceived."

Zhou Xiaoxuan hugged Zhou Xuanji and said with a smile, "Dad, did you let me inherit special strength? Isn't your talent beyond ancient and modern times?"

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "you know the emperor of heaven, the Lord of the gods, is supreme. In fact, I was the emperor of heaven in my previous life. The constitution I left behind is called the emperor of heaven, which is incomparably overbearing..."

He began to blow in the sea, which made Zhou Xiaoxuan's eyes shine with stars.

Jiang Xue couldn't help interrupting: "don't listen to your father. You don't know his ability to make up stories?"

Zhou Xiaoxuan didn't believe it and hummed, "Dad's blood must be strong. At least he has changed in his generation."

A purple light flashed across the bottom of her eyes.

No one noticed except Zhou Xuanji.

This girl

Zhou Xuanji sighed in his heart and expressed his pride.


As time turned, Zhou Xuanji ushered in his 79 year old birthday.

"It is detected that the sword owner has reached the age of 79. Start random lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the sword master for winning [Amethyst] Wei wuqinghong, [Jinyao] magic shape thousand change sword and virtual cave instant kill!"

Zhou Xuanji opened his eyes. He was not very interested in the two divine swords. Instead, he was curious about the instant killing of the empty hole.

It's not easy to hear the name.

He immediately inherited the virtual cave instant killing.

After a while, he opened his eyes and sighed in his heart.

What a domineering sword!

Cross space and point to the goal!

You can use your mind to lock the enemy at a short distance. If his blood falls on the enemy, you can cross the space and kill the enemy across the border.

This sword technique can become a magic power!

He immediately began to practice virtual hole instant killing.

It is worth mentioning that after Xiao Jinghong's awakening, the cultivation talent broke out completely, which made the two emperors feel a sense of crisis.

Zhou Xuanji no longer let him go out to work in case of accidents.

He turned his eyes to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang is also a great reincarnation. Will he be surprised?

But this guy doesn't have a normal shape all day. He won't be like Bai Hao, right?

After he was 79 years old, Zhou Xuanji still stayed in the sky, practiced at ease and taught his disciples.

Occasionally, tiandian soldiers come out to commit crimes, but strong people of other forces can stop them.

Not all the people in tiandian are very strong. Tianwei has a high position among the soldiers in tiandian.

Not all tiandian soldiers fly into tiandian. There are also native people in the upper boundary. They can't be strong from the moment they land.

After the human catastrophe, the sky network of the imperial sword court was restored, and the disciples continued to take the task and began to join the world for experience, not only them, but also other sects.

It seems that the vitality of the northern wasteland is beginning to recover, but after the catastrophe, the Terran population has suddenly decreased, and the places are still deserted. It will take at least ten years to return to its peak.

This day.


An earth shaking roar suddenly sounded from the East, and even the sky trembled.

Everyone turned and looked.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Zhou Xuanji squinted. He could see huge waves thousands of feet high rising in the distance, as if they were going to drown the earth and mountains.

A powerful sea of magic, even if he is far away, he can still feel it.

The East Ocean.

The boundless waves swept towards the land. If you look down from a very high place, you can see that the waves are connected. In fact, it is a huge circle, like the creation giant stepping on a foot and splashing water.

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