Published at 11th of October 2021 10:55:57 AM

Chapter 436: 436

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Under the leadership of the disciples of daotianzong, ten people from Zhou Xuanji came to a hall.

At the same time, their peers followed.

Gu Moyuan kept staring at Zhou Xuanji. His eyes wanted to eat him.

In the hall, three daotianzong elders are waiting. They are immortal, kind-hearted, and white haired, as if they came out of the painting.

"Congratulations to you Tianjiao for winning the assessment of the soaring person. Next, get the reward according to the ranking."

The white haired elder in the middle smiled, and then received the award from the tenth place.

The envoy of Liqing sent a message to Zhou Xuanji and said, "let's live in Daotian for a few days until the cliff Lord comes to pick us up."

Zhou Xuanji nodded slightly.

He also knew that he would die if he went out now.

I just don't know if Han Xuzi can stop so many strong people.

Soon, it was Zhou Xuanji's turn.

Daotianzong put the prize into the storage ring. Zhou Xuanji swept it with divine knowledge and found that there were several hills piled up with pure elixirs. In addition, there was a fist sized red bead with a crystal clear surface, like fruit.

He wondered what it was, but he was embarrassed to ask.

"Xuanji little friend, why don't you stay and be a guest for a few days? Our patriarch wants to talk to you."

The white haired elder smiled and nodded to Zhou Xuanji.

The boy's talent is even worse than their patriarch. Naturally, they should make friends.

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile, "then I don't respect you."

He also wanted to see Taichu Yudao.

Then he left with Liqing envoy.

Gu Moyuan suddenly stopped him and said, "Zhou Xuanji, next time we meet, I will defeat you. Don't die!"

Then he left with the true God of the futu ghost sect.

Zhou Xuanji had two chances to kill him, but he didn't kill him, which made his mood a little complicated.

He decided to shut up when he went back.

If you don't break through the void, you will never leave the pass!

Zhou Xuanji didn't care, but Li Qing shook his head and laughed.

"It's nice to be young," he sighed

Zhou Xuanji glanced and said, "I'm young, he's not young."

God knows how old Gu Moyuan is.


In the Taoist temple.

Zhou Xuanji finally saw the famous Taichu Yudao. He entered the temple alone, while Li Qingshi waited outside.

This man is more ordinary than he thought.

Standing there, the breath is empty, integrated with heaven and earth, without the slightest strong spirit.

But the more so, he became more and more awed of the Taichu royal way.

This is another kind of strong man who reaches the top, sees through everything and converges his edge.

Taichu's imperial way stroked Xu with a smile and said, "you are worthy of being a great emperor. Your qualification is really great."

Zhou Xuanji hugged his fist and said, "thank you for your help."

Taichu Yu Dao waved and motioned him to come forward.

Zhou Xuanji was not vigilant and walked over without hesitation.

If Taichu Yudao wants to kill him, he can do it directly, and he can't resist it.

Taichu Yudao took his hand and began to sigh: "you should also want to know who the little friend I said is?"

Without waiting for Zhou Xuanji to answer, he said it himself.

As Zhou Xuanji guessed.

His little friend was the creation of the world's futu holy skill and the existence of the world map. As early as 180000 years ago, the world map fell into the world.

The man's name is Gu Tianxia. He has the blood of both human and demon races. Since he was born, he has not lived for both races.

After countless hardships, he created the world's futu holy skill and world map. He became famous and challenged the strong everywhere, winning every battle, until he met the Taichu imperial way.

After being defeated by the Taichu imperial Taoism, they sympathized with each other. They had discussed Taoism for thousands of years in the Taoism Tianzong, and each gained something.

Mentioning Gu Tianxia, Taichu Yudao sighed repeatedly, and his words were full of regret.

If such arrogance could last forever, it might have been comparable to him.

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help asking, "who killed him?"

Taichu frowned and said, "I don't know. I only know that man takes hanging as his surname."

Hanging theft cliff!

Zhou Xuanji almost scolded. It turned out that it was the dog.

No wonder this guy will change his life so that he can get the information of the world map by chance.

Feng Kule, the old man who stole the cliff and Dugu magic emperor all became his chess pieces.

Hanging theft cliff said he could be the bottom card of Zhou Xuanji, but he killed Gu Tianxia. This commitment may also be a threat.

Zhou Xuanji thought like electricity and thought of countless possibilities.

He didn't say it and pretended that he didn't know the cliff.

He couldn't convince himself to believe in the hanging robber cliff or Taichu Yudao.

The best way is to pretend to be a chess piece and watch it change.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyes and asked, "who is stronger than that man?"

This question is crucial.

Taichu Yudao said in a deep voice, "I only saw him once and haven't had time to fight, but he can easily escape from me. His cultivation is not lower than I should have."

In fact, he didn't think that man was his opponent, but in order to make Zhou Xuanji cautious, he had to exaggerate.

Zhou Xuanji felt a headache. He was a strong enemy that even Taichu Yudao could not defeat. When could he have the power of a war?

However, this guy has been walking in the dark. There must be forces stronger than him to limit him, so that he dare not appear in public. This can be a breakthrough for Zhou Xuanji.

"You'll stay in the Taoist sect and wait for Han Xuzi to pick you up. This boy is very powerful. Maybe he can surpass me sometime."

Taichu Yudao said with a smile. He dared to call Han Xuzi a boy. There are only a few people in the world who are qualified.

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "excuse me, Tianzong will entertain you."

Taichu Yudao waved his hand and said with a smile, "if I fall one day and the world belongs to you, I hope you can be kind to daotianzong."


Zhou Xuanji moved in his heart and solemnly said, "you are kind to me. This small matter can be done naturally. Of course, the premise is that I can have that strength."

Taichu Yu Dao smiled and nodded without doubting the potential of Zhou Xuanji.

After a few more words, Zhou Xuanji left.

Calm down in the Taoist temple.

Taichu Yudao restrained his smile. He took out a wooden stick with two strange words engraved on it.

He murmured, "what you said really came true. I was suddenly interested in who was playing this chess."

"It's time for your successor to be born."

The wooden swab in his hand dissipated into light spots and floated in the air.

The other side.

Zhou Xuanji and Liqing envoy returned to the house.

The green envoy smiled and said, "Tao's fetus is a congenital creation. It has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and daotianzong has less than ten. When you return to Shenya, you can take it again. After all, it takes a long time to shut down."

Zhou Xuanji nodded. In the Taoist temple, Taichu Yudao told him the origin of Tao tire red and tired of beads, so he wanted to return to Shenya early.

They went back to the house separately.

Zhou Xuanji sat on the bed, took out the eternal sword and summoned nine souls.

He asked Gu Tianxia and hanging theft cliff to see if anyone knew.

Emperor Zhao said with a scornful smile: "hanging theft cliff? It's just a paper tiger. Don't be fooled by him."

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