Published at 11th of October 2021 10:54:31 AM

Chapter 494: 494

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Boom! Boom! Boom

The nine swords were crazy and kept chopping the demon food dragon, causing the demon food dragon to spit blood one after another.

Although the realm was pressed, his physical strength was still large. Even if he encountered such a crazy attack as Zhou Xuanji, he could still carry it.

As for the other five members of the Taoist court of the great emperor, they were blocked by more than 300 divine swords and could not get close to Zhou Xuanji at all. So did their magic powers.

"What? Aren't you crazy?"

"Is that all you can do?"

Zhou Xuanji sneered as he attacked.

For the emperor Daoting, he has been holding a fire.

Since he was born, he has been targeted.

Wherever he goes, these guys always try their best to calculate him.

Qiang Ruo temple was also implicated.

The more he thought, the more angry he became, and his face became ferocious.

At the beginning of the seven emotions, the evil spirit overflowed from the magic sword, making Zhou Xuanji's momentum turn to evil.

Anger is making him stronger.

The demon eating dragon was also angry, and his anger was even stronger than Zhou Xuanji.

After all, Zhou Xuanji was venting, and he was being beaten.

His pride and self-esteem were trampled and suffered to the extreme.

He waved his knife fiercely and tried to repel Zhou Xuanji. Unfortunately, he couldn't.

Zhou Xuanji's sword Qi was so strong that his sword Qi could not be suppressed.

He doesn't understand

Why is Zhou Xuanji so much better than him?

He is also a great emperor and a peerless Tianjiao who amazes both ancient and modern times!

"My physical body seems to be limited to the realm of heaven... Hateful heavenly Saint..."

The demon eating dragon roared in his heart. He ignored one point.

His physical strength is still stronger than when he completed his cultivation in the true God of heaven.


The prison King Kong suddenly rose to a height of ten thousand feet, stepped on mountains and rivers, and stormed into Zhou Xuanji angrily.

Even though the divine swords stabbed the flesh, he didn't stop. He still rushed. He was about to step on Zhou Xuanji.

"Sing -"

Zhou Xuanji turned into a five clawed Golden Dragon. His body expanded rapidly and rocked up. With an irresistible momentum, he bumped into the prison King Kong.

This time, the prison King Kong didn't stand like that when he was on the divine cliff.

The five clawed Golden Dragon directly threw him to the ground, opened the mouth of the dragon, and countless sword Qi shot out of the mouth of the dragon. He rushed frantically to the face of the prison King Kong, roaring the prison King Kong.

A strange man with a cat like face jumped up, holding a hammer in his hand, and the hammer head expanded rapidly, like a mountain.

He smashed the five clawed Golden Dragon with a hammer in his hand.

The five clawed Golden Dragon changed into Zhou Xuanji, which also made the hammer hit the empty and hit the prison King Kong's leg.

"How old are you..."

The King Kong in the prison was in terrible pain. Before he finished speaking, Zhou Xuanji rushed in, holding two Wanggu magic swords and stabbing them into his throat.

Zhou Xuanji followed him to show the burning flame of Jiuyou. The flame broke out and drowned the prison King Kong. The cat faced man quickly retreated.

"Ah, ah --"

Prison King Kong screamed and wanted to escape. It was too late.

How painful it is to burn yourself with fire.

Zhou Xuanji stepped on the huge body of the prison King Kong and looked at the other five strong men in the distance.

In the scream of prison King Kong, Zhou Xuanji slowly said, "are you afraid?"

His voice was cold and light, but it was like the scream of a dagger tearing the prison King Kong into the ears of every enemy.

The demon eating dragon gnawed its teeth and glared at each other.

The same is true for the other four.

Before they joined the Taoist court of the great emperor, they once dominated one side and were arrogant. As a result, they were beaten by Zhou Xuanji.

The Taoist court of the great emperor has been paying attention to Zhou Xuanji. They know the root and origin of Zhou Xuanji.

A little doll less than 200 years old pressed them to fight.

This is definitely the biggest insult to them.

At this moment, they have ignored the entrustment of hanging theft cliff and just want to kill the boy.

Not long.

The prison King Kong fell and was burned alive by the flames of Jiuyou.

"Am I powerful?"

Liu Wuji smiled proudly in Zhou Xuanji's mind.

Other powerful souls spoke and praised one after another.

Zhou Xuanji took his sword and walked to the other five.

No matter what he is, Zhou Xuanji will kill them all in these three days.

This is a declaration of war against the Taoist court of the great emperor!

Now, can you stop making peace?

Zhou Xuanji's killing intention became more and more high. He slowly flew up. The immortal ghost cry of the sword sect continued and was extremely strong.

The demon food dragon vomited a mouthful of blood and killed Zhou Xuanji.

The four strong men walked side by side with them, and five powerful momentum wreaked havoc in the world.

The other side of the small world.

The Lord of gods opened his mouth with a complex look: "the prison King Kong was killed by Zhou Xuanji."

As soon as he said this, the immortals around him were shocked.

The expressions of the great immortals are similar to those of the Lord of gods.

They know that Zhou Xuanji's talent is very strong, but the enemy's talent is not weaker than him.

With one enemy against six, can Zhou Xuanji kill an enemy in such a short time?

"Zhou Xuanji is so strong..."

"I see. No wonder the Taoist court of the great emperor wants him so crazy."

"If Zhou Xuanji wins, the Taoist court of the great emperor will not enter China for ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, can he become the strongest in the temple?"

"Yes, he is too strong. His talent should rank first in the monument of the great emperors of the heavens!"

"No nonsense."

The immortals talked and looked very excited.

The Taoist court of the great emperor was so arrogant that they couldn't swallow it.

Huanghao giant god sat on the hillside to heal. He didn't open his eyes, and his eyelids trembled slightly.

He was caught by six guys such as demon food dragon. Unexpectedly, Zhou Xuanji was killing these guys.

His mood is very complex. He is not happy at all, but very unwilling.

He shouldn't sit here to recuperate, but go to the Taoist court of the great emperor in person.



The red haired man was trampled on the ground by Zhou Xuanji, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

He looked up at Zhou Xuanji with a look of resentment.

The previous time, he also looked up to Zhou Xuanji, but he was chasing Zhou Xuanji at that time

Now, he was trampled by Zhou Xuanji and had no power to fight back.

Facing the surging sword Qi, a magical power is like a punch on the wall. It has no effect, but hurts itself.

Zhou Xuanji despised him and said, "very dissatisfied?"


The thunder sword burst out bright thunder and hit them. Zhou Xuanji was not affected, but the red haired man suffered.

He tried not to scream, but he couldn't stand up anyway.

As for the demon eating dragon and the other three, they were blocked by the immortal ghost cry of the sword sect. They couldn't get close at all. They could only watch Zhou Xuanji torture the red haired man.

"Ah! Zhou Xuanji!"

The demon eating dragon fell into a state of madness and roared.

Zhou Xuanji looked at him disdainfully and said, "what else can you do except like a mad dog?"

Tianyu sword is playing an effect, which makes the demon eat the Dragon so angry that every pore is bleeding.

"Zhou Xuanji, our emperor Daoting didn't want to kill you. You will join us sooner or later. You really want to kill the dead and break the net. You're stupid!"

A pockmarked old man gnawed his teeth and scolded, with an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!