Published at 11th of October 2021 10:53:42 AM

Chapter 527: 527

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Ask the sword in my hand!


The sea of people around Shentai was shocked by Zhou Xuanji's strength. Zhou Xuanji is recognized as Tianjiao in China and the sword emperor recognized by heaven. He is really powerful.

But compared with the great God Emperor, he is still young.

Not a generation at all!

The great God Emperor was angry and laughed. He raised his sword and pointed to Zhou Xuanji and said, "Zhou Xuanji, you are really arrogant. If you think you are the sword emperor, you can do whatever you want?"

When he was at the Tiansheng Taoist temple, he also witnessed Zhou Xuanji break through the first floor of Hunyuan Luotian.

But it's just one layer.

The emperor next to him also looked at Zhou Xuanji with poor eyes.

Among his peers, he was often compared with Zhou Xuanji. When he was born, he once suppressed Zhou Xuanji's reputation. Unfortunately, Zhou Xuanji was too strong and soon got rid of him.

Now looking at Zhou Xuanji, the emperor's eyes are naturally unfriendly.

Zhou Xuanji flew to the top of the Shentai, looked down at the great God Emperor and said, "I don't like nonsense!"

With that, he showed all things back to the yuan and sucked the emperor's crown dragon.

The great God Emperor was so angry that he dared to rob people under his nose.

He immediately reached out and pressed the emperor's shoulder.

The sword flashed!


The right arm of the great God Emperor was cut off, and the emperor Guanlong followed him to Zhou Xuanji.

Everyone stared and couldn't believe their eyes.

They didn't even see Zhou Xuanji's hand, and the great God Emperor was cut off?

This is also

Jun Daodi wanted to make a move, and his eyes suddenly looked at the mystery of last week.

In an instant, his whole body was fixed, and an unspeakable fear enveloped his heart and made his soul tremble.


He stumbled and fell back, afraid to look directly at Zhou Xuanji.

Soon, the emperor Guanlong fell into the hands of Zhou Xuanji.

Jiang Xue also opened her eyes on the sword net. However, she knew the status of the great God Emperor in China and was prevailed by Zhou Xuanji.

"No wonder he has no fear in the face of Zhao canglan's threat."

Jiang Xue's eyes were full of splendor, and she thought of it curiously in her heart.

What happened in the war between the two worlds, and how strong is the mystery now?

In full view of the public, the great God Emperor was hurt and his heart was shocked and angry.

Seeing that Zhou Xuanji was about to leave, he shouted, "did I let you go?"

If Zhou Xuanji leaves today, the great God Dynasty will lose face.

Zhou Xuanji turned back, glanced at him with Yu Guang, and said in a cold voice, "do you want to die?"

Facing his eyes, the great God Emperor's heart jumped wildly, and a chill filled his heart. He wanted to fight, but his instinct told him that the other party was very dangerous.

If he does, he is likely to lose.

Seeing that Zhou Xuanji was so strong, the onlookers all held their breath and dared not breathe.

Shi Shenzong's expression in the attic is complex. Has Zhou Xuanji been so strong?

The ancient sword statue behind him stared at Zhou Xuanji and remained silent.

"His accomplishments surpass the eighth level of Hunyuan Luotian! How can it be... How many years..."

Gu jianzun was sweating on his forehead. He wanted to take Zhou Xuanji as his disciple.

Now it seems that

The great God Emperor hesitated, while Zhou Xuanji left with emperor Guanlong and Jiang Xue.

Until they disappeared in the sky, the great God Emperor snorted coldly, disappeared in place, and even had no face to meet all the guests.


Everyone was excited.

Zhou Xuanji's sword made the great God Emperor afraid to take action. Obviously, Zhou Xuanji was stronger than the great God Emperor, and more than one star and a half.

"How strong is he?"

"Stronger than the great God Emperor, is Zhou Xuanji the strongest in China?"

"In China, can you find others stronger than the great God Emperor?"

"This is a legend. It's a myth. It's the strongest in China when it reaches the top in its twenties!"

"Too domineering!"

Hearing these voices, Emperor Daodi wanted to make a crack and drill in.

He understood that from now on, he was not even qualified to compare with Zhou Xuanji.

He hated it in his heart, but at the thought of looking at each other just now, there was only fear in his heart.


Zhou Xuanji flew quickly with Jiang Xue and Emperor Guanlong.

He took out the Holy Light redemption sword to heal the emperor's crown dragon.

Jiang Xue asked excitedly, "Xuanji, what is your realm now?"

Zhou Xuanji smiled: "Hunyuan Luotian is on the tenth floor."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Xue stared.

She just guessed that Zhou Xuanji had reached the fourth or fifth floor, but she didn't expect that he had reached the tenth floor of Hunyuan Luotian.

This is also

Her surprise soon turned into heartache.

The stronger he is, the more suffering he must suffer.

After a while.

Emperor Guanlong's consciousness woke up. He looked up and saw the back of Zhou Xuanji and Jiang Xue.

He asked hard, "who are you...?"

Zhou Xuanji glanced at him and said, "take good care of your injury."

If it were not for the relationship between teachers and brothers, he would not save the emperor Guanlong.

He wanted to know where the old beggar was.

Was that guy caught by Emperor Daoting?

Emperor Guanlong just wanted to speak, a heavy sleep came and made him close his eyes.

I don't know how long it's been.

He finally woke up.

He was stunned to find himself lying in a cave with a letter on his chest.

He opened it and read:

The one who saved you is the sword emperor Zhou Xuanji. Don't thank him.

He couldn't help being silent.

He already knew that Zhou Xuanji had become his younger martial brother. He didn't expect that the boy could save him.

Did his master help?


Zhou Xuanji and Jiang Xue continued to travel. He didn't care about the decisive battle with Zhao canglan.

Even if he can't show the state of God moon, he still has the card of tianwu demon God.

Jiang Xue saw that he was full of confidence and didn't mention it anymore.

Zhou Xuanji continued to preach to Jiang Xue and occasionally enlightened her.

In less than five years, Jiang Xue reached Jiujie Sanxian.

This is the power of power!

The other side.

Above the thirty-three heavens.

The ancestor of the red lion suddenly came to the door. After meditating, he directly found the Taoist priest and saw Zhao canglan.

"Why are you here?"

The Red Lion ancestor frowned and asked. Zhao canglan's face was unnatural and didn't know how to answer.

The Taoist priest said, "he wants to avenge Zhou Xuanji. I asked him to wait a little longer and let him fight with Zhou Xuanji."

Surprised, the red lion asked, "are you willing to abandon Zhou Xuanji? Then give him to me!"

With that, he stared at Zhao canglan and saw that Zhao canglan dared to be angry.

"I intend to train him to be the next heavenly saint. I decided to go to the void and look for a super saint."

Taoist Jing continued, his eyes calm, and did not mention his deal with Zhao canglan at all.

The Red Lion ancestor frowned and sat down in front of Taoist Jing.

He said in a deep voice, "you have to think clearly. You really have to give up your cultivation. What you are looking for may be an irreparable road."

Most heavenly saints don't believe in the legend of super saints.

In their eyes, heaven is the highest.

There are thousands of things that cannot escape the control of heaven.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!