Published at 11th of October 2021 10:53:32 AM

Chapter 533: 533

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Facing the request of the demon king entering the yuan, Zhou Xuanji asked, "can you take it under the eyes of the demon emperor?"

He is not afraid of the powerful soul to deal with him in the future, because the immortal sword still has the powerful soul. He can let the sword spirit destroy the soul in the sword, let the other party suffer heavy damage, and kill him with another blow.

As long as he doesn't say, the powerful souls will never know this.

"I dare to make this request. I'm sure. Don't worry."

The demon king entering the Yuan said confidently that he didn't talk much among the nine souls, which was better than xuanzun and Xuantian Dao Jun.

Zhou Xuanji immediately asked the sword spirit to divide his soul.

He doesn't like the demon emperor. He seems dignified, but he is full of bad water and always leaves a hole in his speech. Since the yuan demon king wants to deal with the demon emperor, he will complete the yuan demon king.

Not long.

The soul of the Demon King appeared in front of him, hugged him and said, "this grace will never be forgotten. I swear I will never be an enemy with you!"

With that, the demon king into the abyss turned into a streamer and disappeared.

Zhou Xuanji raised his mouth and closed his eyes to practice.

There are too many strong people in the demon world. Even if Wu demon God one day, he can't break out. It's better to wait here.

See what the demon emperor wants to do. It would be great if he could give you a chance.

In a twinkling of an eye, a month passed.

The green snake king did not come, nor did the demon emperor.

Although Zhou Xuanji suspected something fishy, he didn't worry too much.

"It is detected that the sword owner is 250 years old. Start random lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the sword master for winning the [Qianyuan] Xingtian shaking divine sword and Tianjian falling!"

Zhou Xuanji opens his eyes, Qianyuan sword!

All stones, black iron, bronze, silver, gold, amethyst, golden radiance, heavenly soul, hegemonic spirit, shaking immortals, slaughtering gods, exterminating the world, looking at ancient times, shie, Qianyuan, Tianfu, Tongtian, Jiuji and flood!

Qianyuan had the power to surpass shi'e, just in time.

But can you draw the Qianyuan sword? Is it related to your birthday?

Two hundred and five

He shook his head and smiled. The message of Xing Tian shaking the divine sword appeared in front of him:

Sword Name: Xing Tianzhen sword

Grade: Qianyuan

Note: the sword made by Xing Tianshi has the power to split the five elements and overturn Yin and Yang. You must have at least seven levels of cultivation of Hunyuan Luotian to use this sword.


He immediately took out Xing Tian's shaking sword. The center of the sword was silver and the blade was blood, like a sword that had just been killed.

The hilt of the sword is exquisite. It looks like two palms are side by side, emitting a evil spirit.

Holding this sword, Zhou Xuanji inexplicably raised his heart to kill.

"Good sword! Worthy of the name of heaven!"

Zhou Xuanji exclaimed that the hegemonic power contained in Xing Tian's shaking divine sword made him feel like entering the state of God moon.

In Yuanzhu mainland, he uses the state of God moon. It can be said that God blocks and kills God and Demons block and kill demons. Is this feeling coming again?

Then he began to inherit the Heavenly Sword Pendant.

This is the magic power of kendo. It can condense the Heavenly Sword, fall from the sky and kill the enemy by surprise.

To use this magic power, you need to lock the enemy's breath. In this way, the sky sword will chase the enemy until the sky sword dissipates.

The lethality of Tianjian is comparable to that of Zhenshi, which makes him feel satisfied.

This 250th birthday is quite a surprise.

Three days later.

The demon emperor finally came to the door.

Seeing him, Zhou Xuanji sat on the bed and said with a smile, "I thought you forgot."

The demon emperor was not embarrassed and said seriously, "I'll find the treasure for you and finally find it."

He took out a lotus stand, the size of a palm, as if it were made of sapphire.

"This is the twenty-four Xuan green lotus. It has strong defense and can seal the enemy."

The demon emperor threw the lotus platform to Zhou Xuanji, then left with a word: "when you let it recognize the Lord, I will send the green snake king to send you back. If you stay in the demon world for a long time, you may miss the emperor evil."

Zhou Xuanji played with twenty-four xuanqinglian to see how powerful it was.

He swept the divine knowledge inside and was surprised to find that there was an independent world hidden in the twenty-four Pinxuan green lotus, with beautiful mountains and rivers, but there were no creatures.

"If I let the imperial sword court live here..."

His eyes lit up and his heart beat.

This idea is very good. From then on, he can not be separated from his family, but also cultivate the emperor sword court at any time.

But he had to be careful if the demon emperor left any hands and feet.

After confirming that the demon emperor's breath was not there, he took out the eternal sword and asked the origin of twenty-four xuanqinglian.

Xuanzun took the lead in saying, "he has blood. There are 36 of the 24 Xuanqing Lotus products, and 12 of them disappear due to great power struggle. He can't move his hands and feet in this lotus, because this lotus is transformed by the Qi of heaven and earth, and the forces and thoughts that don't belong to its Lord will be destroyed if they fall into it."

"As long as you let the twenty-four Pinxuan green lotus recognize the Lord, he can't rob this lotus again unless you die."

Zhou Xuanji was relieved when he heard this.

He forced his blood essence out and dropped it into the twenty-four Xuanqing lotus.

In an instant, his consciousness came to heaven and earth in the lotus.

He stood on a high mountain overlooking the mountains and lakes. The magnificent mountains and rivers were like a picture scroll, epic and great.

He was surprised to find that the aura here was very strong, no worse than that of China.

His mind moved, and every corner of this world came into his eyes.

Very suitable for survival!


Zhou Xuanji opened his eyes, raised his mouth and murmured, "it's really a big gift!"

He did not thank the demon emperor.

The more so, the demon emperor explained that in his heart, Zhou Xuanji was dead.

Once he dies, the twenty-four Pinxuan green lotus will become an ownerless thing again.

It didn't take him too much time to let 24 pin Xuan Qinglian recognize the Lord. His physique is strong, and his blood essence is far more tenacious than the existence of the same realm. He won't be eaten by 24 pin Xuan Qinglian.

He got up, picked up the eternal sword and walked out of the attic.

The green snake king had been waiting in front of the railing by the river. When he saw him coming out, he was surprised and asked, "so fast?"

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile, "take me back."

This trip was not bad. He got the evil soul pearl and twenty-four xuanqinglian. As for the agreement with the demon emperor, he left it behind.

Emperor evil wants to kill, but he won't kill by killing evil soul beads.

The green snake gentleman nodded and left with Zhou Xuanji.


The demon world.

The immortal wanted to spend time in the center of the lake to practice. There were waves on the lake below, but there was not much noise.

A figure appeared above her head.

This is an old man with white hair. He is possessed by evil spirits and hunts in black robes.

He looked down at the fairy and thought of flowers and said, "the demon ancestor has an order to summon all Lixu Jue immortals to the enchanting hall."

The fairy wanted to open her eyes and asked, "can you tell me what it is?"

The old man with white hair sighed: "it's very dangerous to fight for sainthood. You must be careful. Don't act alone."

Holy fight!

The fairy wanted to spend her eyes to become dignified. She asked softly, "is there a heavenly Saint falling?"

The old man with white hair shook his head and said, "the venerable Daojing left and gave up his holy throne. Now all walks of life are ready to move and are ready to look for the purple Qi of heaven."

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