Published at 11th of October 2021 10:51:34 AM

Chapter 609: 609

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What does Yuanzhu mainland mean?

Huang Yuxiu was in a trance. She couldn't help thinking of the scene when Zhou Xuanji killed the four sides in Yuanzhu mainland.

At that time, Yuanzhu mainland was helping him.

"What are your plans?"

Zhou Xuanji changed the subject and asked.

He has learned from Si mengyan about the relationship between Yuxiu and the ancestor of the red lion that Yuxiu is helpless now.

Hearing the speech, Huang Yuxiu shook her head and said, "follow the fate. Yuanzhu mainland is taken away by you. I can only wander around and see if there is a place suitable for opening up the cave."

The old beggar looked curious and turned his eyes back and forth between the two.

Take care of the world and look in other directions. It looks like no disrespect.

Zhou Xuanji frowned and said, "you can continue to practice in Yuanzhu continent. I won't disturb you."

Huang Yu frowned and hesitated.

"You can also join my imperial sword court. My disciples and grandchildren are in one of my magic weapons and form their own world. Their aura is not inferior to that of the world."

Zhou Xuanji threw out an olive branch. Huang Yuxiu is the top existence in the mixed yuan Luo Tianzhong. She has strong talent and will achieve higher achievements in the future. It's no loss to pull her into the court.

Coupled with prisoner tiger, six immortals in the West pole, Chiyu boy and Gu jianzun, the imperial sword court has the strength of overlord forces.

Huang Yuxiu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Zhou Xuanji explained a few words and sent her to the lotus world. The old man who stole the cliff was responsible for receiving and arranging accommodation. He specially sent a message to all the elders of the imperial sword court and told them the cultivation and origin of Huang Yuxiu, so as not to annoy Huang Yuxiu.

After all this, the four of Zhou Xuanji continued to look for the xuantie heavenly statue.

It is estimated that the xuantie Heavenly Master is close to the thousand gods, and their Zhengqian thousand is not far from the thousand gods.

Different from wanshen Daqian, Zhengqian Daqian has been divided into dozens of continents. The specific reason is estimated to be related to the fall of the ancestor of the red lion.

"We are looking for xuantie Tianzun. He should be able to feel it, but he didn't show up. Either he couldn't draw his origin, or he was planning something."

The old beggar murmured, with a dignified tone.

Zhou Xuanji didn't change his face and said, "no matter what he's planning, it's meaningless."

The old beggar and Gu Tianxia gave him a deep look.

Absolute confidence often comes from strong strength.

They also believe that Zhou Xuanji was not blindly arrogant in the face of heavenly saints.


Among countless stars, xuantie Tianzun sat on a meteorite, and many figures were suspended in the surrounding starry sky. They were all meditating and practicing.

Xuantie Tianzun opened his eyes and said, "Zhou Xuanji is coming. The opportunity is right in front of you. It all depends on your ability."

As soon as he said this, everyone opened their eyes and a strong breath broke out.

Among them, the cultivation is the worst, and there are seven layers of mixed yuan Luotian. They gather here. In addition to listening to the sermon of xuantie Tianzun, the most important thing is the purple Qi of Tiandao.

Xuantie Tianzun expected that Zhou Xuanji would come to the door, so he called them here.

No one will worry that Zhou Xuanji has become a saint.

If you become a saint, you will certainly cause a vision of heaven, just as when the ancestor of the red lion fell.

"Zhou Xuanji is finally coming."

"Holding the purple Qi of two heavenly ways in his hand, he dares to come to trouble the heavenly saint. This son is really crazy."

"Maybe he doesn't know the method of sanctification?"

"In any case, I dare not trouble the heavenly saint."

"Isn't that what makes you and me?"

The strong people talked one after another, and they were full of expectations for the upcoming Zhou Xuanji.

A dark shadow appeared behind xuantie Tianzun. At first glance, it was like his shadow, motionless.

"The desolate God is also coming here. It seems that Ren disobedience has persuaded him."

The dark shadow whispered, and the xuantie Tianzun narrowed his eyes as soon as he heard it.

He ordered: "pass this news to yuxuanzong."

The shadow disappeared immediately.


Deep in the starry sky, a magic sword flew at a high speed and gathered into a Jianhe river. Zhou Xuanji stood on the Jianhe river, and the old beggar, Gu Tianxia and Xu Qing followed behind the Jianhe river from a distance.

"We're not going to support him?"

Gu Tianxia frowned and asked. He could already feel many powerful breath and the boundless power of the heavenly saint.

The old beggar gritted his teeth and said, "if we go up rashly, it will cause him more trouble."

His eyes were fixed on Zhou Xuanji.

Unconsciously, Zhou Xuanji was strong enough to make him a burden.

"If their brothers are all right, I can concentrate on training. Will you be stronger than now..."

The old beggar looked sad and thought of it silently.

He could feel the estrangement between himself and Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji looked ahead, and he had seen the xuantie Tianzun.

He holds thunder sword and Sanqing Taiji sword, and his black clothes flutter.

He had no reason to fear with two nine pole divine swords in hand.

"Xuantie Tianzun, you destroyed our gods and slaughtered countless creatures. Aren't you looking for me? Today, you and I will settle accounts and decide whether to live or die."

He shouted coldly, shaking the star dome and startling all living creatures.


The creatures gathered around xuantie Tianzun turned their heads together. As soon as they saw Zhou Xuanji, they quickly took out their magic weapons, stood up and killed Zhou Xuanji.

There are only two purple Qi in heaven!

Whoever is fast, it belongs to him!

Seeing them coming, Zhou Xuanji was not afraid.

The corners of his mouth rose with a mocking smile.

Eighty one swords are condensed out of thin air!

While he became stronger, his understanding of Kendo also leaped. Especially after he realized the rules of kendo, his Kendo has surpassed all sword cultivation in the world of heaven.

"Go to hell!"

Zhou Xuanji said in a cold voice, and eighty-one swords were cut out together.

The sword light shines, and the strong subconsciously use their magic powers to resist.

Boom! Boom! Boom

A famous and powerful man was cut off by the sword soul and was scared to death.

The Jianhe river under Zhou Xuanji's feet suddenly accelerated, and a steady stream of mana penetrated into his body by relying on Tianhua.

"Since you want to die, I'll pass for you!"

The voice fell, and behind Zhou Xuanji gathered the emperor's thousand handed sword Buddha. The golden light was bright, up to one million feet, and the thousand swords were cut together.

Buddha said, one flower, one world.

Sword Buddha, one sword one world, thousands of swords destroy all ages!

A loud bang!

Like the first big bang of the universe, countless stars were shattered, and the screams of the strong were covered up by the explosion.

Zhou Xuanji showed his sword melting skill in the explosion, leaving only the thunder sword and Sanqing Taiji sword in his hands. He stepped on corpses and rushed to the xuantie heaven in the dazzling explosion light.

At this moment, he is the overlord!

If you go ahead, you can't stop it!

The black iron statue on the meteorite had no expression, but his heart was full of shock.

Why is this boy so strong?


How long has it been?

He immediately waved his palm out, and a black aperture appeared in front of the meteorite, with a diameter of ten thousand feet. With a bang, black light balls flew out of the black aperture, like a black hole, and crashed into Zhou Xuanji.

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