Published at 11th of October 2021 10:50:21 AM

Chapter 657: 657

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"Come on, how do you want me to serve you?"

Zhou Xuanji took a deep breath and said, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.


Now it's time to bow your head to the cat.

The black cat walked aside, and Zhou Xuanji felt relaxed for a moment.

He sat up with his hands propped up and was stunned to find that there was still a blood hole in his chest and his heart had disappeared.

He's not dead!

He turned to the black cat and asked, "where's my heart?"

The black cat licked the cat's paw and said, "I ate it. It's delicious."

Eat... Eat!

If Zhou Xuanji was struck by lightning, his calm state of mind could not collapse.

The purple demon emperor's heart is a major source of holy power. Without the purple demon emperor's heart, his cultivation speed will be greatly reduced.

"Don't look at me like this. You have taken some kind of pill before. Although your accomplishments have increased a lot, the toxicity of the pill goes deep into your heart. If you practice like this, when you break through the Taoist priest, the poison will explode and die. At that time, you can't stop it."

The black cat said lazily, as if you were thanking me.


Zhou Xuanji frowned and scolded in his heart.

Sure enough, Yinxin didn't follow his good intentions!

Next time I meet Yinxin, he must settle accounts!

"You can't die now, but you can only live for ten days. If you want to live, come and make me happy. I've been here for billions of years. I'm so bored that I want to explode. Those guys I've been looking for were either scared to death or panicked one by one. The story is not funny, and the food is terrible." the black cat lay on the ground and joked.

Zhou Xuanji subconsciously looked around and found that the top of the mountain was full of white bones, including human and animal bones. If ordinary people were here, they would be scared to death.

He looked back at the black cat and fell into thinking.

The top of the mountain fell silent.

"Hurry up, I want to sleep."

The black cat snorted coldly. He was dissatisfied. Why didn't the boy panic at all?

Zhou Xuanji said, "come here and lie on my leg."

The black cat jumped over, landed on his legs and lay down lazily.

"Boy, I tell you, don't make small moves. My flesh is strong. You can't hurt me at all. You'll only annoy me, okay?"

The black cat groaned, with a murderous tone.

Zhou Xuanji was expressionless. He reached out to grab his cat's paw and stroked his meat pad. He subconsciously retracted his paw. He soon felt comfortable and no longer struggled.

Sure enough, it's a cat

Zhou Xuanji was speechless. It was the first time he saw such a powerful cat.

As he stroked, he asked, "what's your name, what's your origin, and why are you here?"

The black cat felt very comfortable by him. The cat stretched out and said with a smile: "my name is very loud. It is called crazy Jue God. It is one of the five great gods of the yuan court in Kunlun. It offends a great power of the yuan court and is suppressed here. I can't escape forever. Even this forbidden area can't step out."

Five great gods?

Zhou Xuanji instantly thought of the five unique God eyes. What's the relationship between the two?

"Yes, your mind killing eyes and my eyes belong to the five unique God eyes. That's why I can talk so much nonsense with you."

The black cat turned over and revealed the cat's stomach. Zhou Xuanji raised his left hand and rubbed his stomach.

"Did you create the five unique God eyes?"

He asked curiously. He didn't know the real origin of the five Jue divine eyes.

The black cat replied lazily, "I advise you not to ask so many questions. I'm the end. The less you know, the safer you will be."

Zhou Xuanji was thoughtful.

The black cat stared at him and scolded, "little boy, let you serve me, not be my apprentice. You should not only massage, but also make me happy!"

Zhou Xuanji sighed and said, "then I'll tell you a joke."

The black cat sneered, "all the people who tell me jokes are dead. No one can make me laugh."

Zhou Xuanji's eyes were faint and said, "then you'll be ready and laugh to death."

As soon as the black cat heard it, he came to the spirit, turned over, faced him and waited for him to tell jokes.

"When I was walking at the end of the world, I once met a thief who stole my sword. I immediately noticed it and quickly chased him. However, the other party's cultivation was similar to me. You chased me. I didn't catch up with him for the past six months."

"Then we came to the ends of the earth. He stood on the cliff and scolded, claiming that if I forced him again, he would throw his sword down."

"I said, then you lose it. If you lose it, I have reason to kill you."

Zhou Xuanji began to tell a story with a sad look on his face. Seeing that he was so serious, the black cat was not surprised.

Isn't that a joke?

How do you feel talking about the past?

"The thief is so brave that he threw my sword directly. How can I bear to pull out another sword and kill him."

Zhou Xuanji sighed and heard the black cat frown.

It asked, "and then?"

He didn't figure it out. What's funny?

Zhou Xuanji said, "he died and then reincarnated."

The black cat asked, "and then?"

It almost blew up. It felt like it was being teased.

"Are you sure you want to know more?" Zhou Xuanji confirmed again.

The black cat's sharp claws pressed down his throat and told him the answer with action.

"Later, I met an old man who called himself Jiang Ziya. He looked mysterious, so I talked to him and he told me his story." Zhou Xuanji went on and changed the whole Fengshen romance.

The wonderful battle of Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the calculations of immortals immersed the black cat.

Daji's malice and the cruelty of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, especially the torture of Shang Dynasty, made the black cat gnash its teeth.

Zhou Xuanji talked for an hour, refining the romance of Fengshen and telling an epic story.

Finally, Jiang Ziya returned to the field, not into immortals and demons, not into the government. Such a thorough understanding also made the black cat appreciate it.

The black cat sighed, "pity those saints. They fought to death in the end. I really don't know what it is for, just for the struggle of the disciples?"

In its view, since it is holy, why stay on earth, we should pursue stronger power and higher-level universe!

Generally speaking, this story is very wonderful, which makes it have a sense of substitution. It can also feel the pride, calculation, sinister, righteousness and so on of those characters.

It was very satisfied and even had a feeling that it was not finished.


The black cat blew his hair, stared and asked, "does Jiang Ziya's story have anything to do with what you first told?"

Zhou Xuanji nodded seriously and said, "of course it does, but I can't tell you for the time being. It's important. There's a shocking secret involved. If you know, I'm afraid the Supreme Master will kill you."

Look at what he said so seriously, the black cat was bluffed.

If it were someone else, he probably wouldn't believe it, but this boy has a determined eye to kill God. He must have an extraordinary origin.

And the story is very detailed. It doesn't seem to be made up.

Zhou Xuanji suddenly turned his words and said, "since you also have one of the five divine eyes, it shows that we are in the same camp, your enemy may also be my enemy, and my enemy may also be your enemy. Why don't you teach me to practice and let me completely control the mind killing eye, and I'll tell you the secret. We are connected with each other, and I'll help you escape. How about it?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!