Published at 11th of October 2021 10:49:16 AM

Chapter 701: 701

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"Thank you, Miss Yu."

Zhou Xuanji stared at Yu Zhongxiu and said slowly, "it's Miss Yu who bought us back from the black market. Fate is unpredictable. If it's difficult in the future, you can come to me."

Although he was bought by yuzhongxiu, he didn't suffer at all, and his treatment was very different from that of the slaves of Longgong Shenmai.

Yu Zhongxiu listened to the emotion surging, and thousands of words turned into a heavy nod.

She quickly left to summon xianxianghua and others for Zhou Xuanji.

Ji huanglin looked at Zhou Xuanji and said, "are you the God of war in the virtual world? There is a task behind. Let's do it together. This is a great opportunity. I will protect you as much as possible."

Zhou Xuanji asked, "what chance?"

Now in his eyes, there was no other thing to call opportunity except the avenue quenching pool.

"A divine fruit that will bear fruit again in a billion years. We need to grab it. I'll tell you the specific task at that time. The reward for this task is also great, including the length of the avenue quenching pool."

Ji huanglin said mysteriously. As soon as Zhou Xuanji heard it, he immediately became interested.

He was not worried that Ji huanglin would harm him.

If so, Ji huanglin doesn't need to come to Longgong shenmai in person.

Moreover, this task is not to start immediately.

The two began to talk in the courtyard. Ji huanglin was very curious about Zhou Xuanji's experience, while Zhou Xuanji was curious about the evil dry divine pulse. They knew everything and had a good chat.

On that day, xianxianghua, old beggar, prisoner tiger and others came back one after another.

Sheng Tiandao said excitedly, "Eighteen star qualification... Evil dry divine vein! I really admire you to the point of throwing yourself into the ground!"

He was glad to hold Zhou Xuanji's thigh before he left the universe of heaven.

So do others.

Especially the old beggar.

After learning that Zhou Xuanji was an 18 star qualification, he was worried about gain and loss.

All along, he felt that he had discovered Zhou Xuanji, but after hearing the news, he was drunk with a stick.

He took the wind of Zhou Xuanji.

"No wonder that guy is so desperate for this boy."

The old beggar sighed in his heart. Gu Tianxia and Xu Qing admired Zhou Xuanji very much.

They have all tested their qualifications. Compared with Zhou Xuanji, it is hardly worth mentioning.

When a person surpasses his attitude, they can't even afford to envy.

The gap is too big.

Xianxianghua didn't speak, but her eyes were full of worship.

Once, she sheltered Zhou Xuanji.

Now, she looks up to Zhou Xuanji.

The alternation of status and the widening gap did not disappoint her, but let her enjoy it.

Which woman doesn't want a man to rely on?

Just like another resolute man, he occasionally wants to have a warm home.

Zhou Xuanji said with a smile, "let's tidy up and get ready to go."

The crowd nodded and went back to the house.

On the same day, Zhou Xuanji and others left with the farewell of Longbow divine pulse.

Father Longgong also had the cheek to see him off in person. The old man burst into tears as if he had lost his heart and liver.

half-genuine and half-sham.

He has real heartache.

He's really embarrassed, too.

After leaving the longbow divine vein, Ji huanglin took out a golden boat, quickly enlarged and turned into a giant ship for them to settle down.


The golden giant ship suddenly tore the space and disappeared into the distance, passing through the divine veins like a blink.

On the ship, Zhou Xuanji and others did not feel any discomfort.

The old beggar exclaimed, "these divine ships need at least 100 million merit points to withstand the attack of the Taoist ancestors."

The others were stunned.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows. Should he also buy such a divine ship?

If you offend Daozu in the future, you can run away.

He has 2.7 billion merit points, which can be squandered.

Ji huanglin looked back and said with a smile: "with the qualification of Zhou Xuanji, such a divine ship can be selected at will in the evil dry divine vein. Not only that, but also divine clothes and many treasures. There are countless, only those you can't think of."

Eighteen star qualification is extremely rare even in Kunlun Yuanting.

After knowing this, the demon emperor was very happy. His unhappiness with the longbow divine pulse disappeared in an instant. He felt as excited as if he had picked up stool.

Now he has made a training plan for Zhou Xuanji. He wants to cultivate Zhou Xuanji himself!

Even in the evil dry God vein, there is only one eighteen star Tianjiao.

That Tianjiao has lived for countless years and has become one of the rulers of the evil dry God vein.

The golden ship is very fast.

About half an hour later, they came to the evil dry God pulse.

The evil dry divine pulse is hundreds of times larger than the long bow divine pulse and can't see the top.

After flying into the evil dry God vein, they saw a magnificent heaven and earth, and the golden God ship rose upward without slowing down.

Soon they came to the top and landed on a wasteland.

"Wait here. I'll take him to the pulse Lord first."

Ji huanglin left this sentence and left with Zhou Xuanji, turned into a golden light and disappeared at the end of the horizon.

Zhou Xuanji could not see things under his Taoist power.

After a while.

The golden light dispersed and Zhou Xuanji landed. This is a bright palace. It seems that there is a bright sun embedded above. The temperature is very high, and the creatures under the holy land are estimated to be unbearable.

The demon emperor sat on the crystal throne. When he saw Zhou Xuanji, he showed a strange smile.

"Ji huanglin, go down."

The demon emperor slowly opened his mouth and heard the speech. Ji huanglin immediately disappeared.

Zhou Xuanji came up to him and said, "thank you for your love."

Since he came to the evil dry God vein, Zhou Xuanji had to straighten out his attitude.

He can't incarnate long Aotian and tell the demon emperor what to do. In that case, even if he is 28 Star qualified, he will have to die.

"I appreciate you very much. In the future, your identity card will be marked with my own mark. In case of danger, take out your identity card directly. In addition, I will ask someone to lead you to choose your resources."

The demon emperor stared at Zhou Xuanji and smiled softly.

The more he looked at Zhou Xuanji, the more satisfied he was.

This son is gifted, evil and behaves well. He is neither humble nor arrogant and knows etiquette. Only in this way can he go further.

Before the rise of the demon emperor, he had the same character.

Only when you are strong enough can you do whatever you want.

"Thank you."

Zhou Xuanji thanked again, and he looked forward to what resources he would get.

The demon emperor continued: "you have a strong origin of the eye of the God of destruction. I can find a great God of five wonders to teach you."

Zhou Xuanji suddenly thought of kuanjue God and asked, "can you save kuanjue God? He has a teaching grace for me."

With the ability of the demon emperor, it should not be difficult.

"Crazy God? It's a small matter. He will be your subordinate in the future. With your qualifications, he doesn't deserve to be your predecessor."

The demon emperor shook his head and smiled. He didn't pay attention to crazy Jue God at all.

He said in a tone: "practice well, the evil dry God pulse will try your best to cultivate you, but you also have to repay the evil dry God pulse. Your first goal is to surpass and defeat Ying Zhuge!"

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