Published at 11th of October 2021 10:48:53 AM

Chapter 717: 717

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"Why let him be my slave?"

Zhou Xuanji frowned and asked. He thought it would humiliate Ying Zhuge.

Will Ying Zhuge go crazy?

The demon emperor said calmly: "because he is a chess piece, he is still abandoned now. Being a slave to you is his last value. If this matter is spread, your reputation will be greater. I want to cultivate you and make you radiant. If possible, you can become the leader of the evil dry God vein in the future, and even continue to go up!"

Above the pulse master?

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and asked, "where are you going?"

The demon emperor narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "what do you think, what seat is higher than the seat of the master of the super divine vein?"



Zhou Xuanji's heart beat faster.

Even if he is calm, he will be moved in the face of such a status.

To be supreme is invincible!

Control all the universe, and all living beings live and die at the same time.

"Don't think too much. Even the Buddha is not qualified. That's why I want to build momentum for you. If you don't work hard, don't say that position, you won't even get the Lord of the divine pulse."

The demon emperor Zun said solemnly, and his eyes were full of expectation.

Zhou Xuanji fell silent.

To tell you the truth, he couldn't understand it at all.

Even if he is gifted, he doesn't have to be trained like this, does he?

The demon Emperor himself is also an 18 star qualification, and the 18 star Tianjiao of Kunlun Yuanting is not without.

"I want to ask you why you value me so much? I need a reason."

Zhou Xuanji looked straight into the eyes of the demon emperor and asked seriously.

At this moment, he was not afraid of the wrath of the demon emperor.

The demon emperor's face was cold and his momentum leaked out, which made Zhou Xuanji feel the overwhelming pressure.

He was still as stable as Mount Tai and looked at the demon emperor.

If even the demon emperor is afraid, what qualifications does he have to compete for the supreme position?

Presumably, the demon emperor is also considering his courage!

After three interest rates.

The threat suddenly disappeared, and the demon emperor asked, "you are more than 18 stars."

Leaving this sentence, the demon emperor disappeared in place.

Zhou Xuanji was stunned.

He's more than 18 stars?

He suddenly remembered the original words of the golden mirror. He couldn't test his qualification. It was tentatively set as 18 stars.

Does he surpass the 18 star qualification?

Over the years, he really felt that his cultivation speed was getting faster and faster, and his Taoist realm was also strengthening.

But this degree is far less than the 18 star qualification, let alone beyond the 18 star qualification.

It seems that Hongmeng's chance is far beyond his imagination.

He suddenly wondered where Hongmeng's chance came from and how it was born?

He couldn't figure it out, so he had to sit down and practice.

In the next period of time, qingjiantian also felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

From time to time, powerful thoughts swept away from Qingjian sky, which made the old beggar, Zhou Xiaoxuan and others nervous.

Chang Xiyan visits them one by one and tells them why.

They were very nervous when they learned that the evil dry divine pulse and the emperor divine pulse had made trouble.

I'm afraid there's a mistake in the evil dry God vein.

They still remember Shenya.

At that time, the divine cliff was destroyed to protect Zhou Xuanji. The longbow divine pulse was ok, at least let go in time.

For the past six months.

The tension finally dissipated.

No more divine thoughts swept the sword sky, indicating that the emperor's divine pulse has left.

Zhou Xuanji had been concentrating on Cultivation and was not on guard.

The demon emperor must be secretly protecting him. If he is still captured or killed by the emperor's divine vein under such circumstances, the demon emperor is not worthy to be the pulse master of the evil dry divine vein.

This day.

The demon emperor appeared in front of Zhou Xuanji. With a wave of his right hand, a figure flew out of his sleeve and fell to the ground.

It was Ying Zhuge.

Ying Zhuge was in ragged clothes, messy hair, blood stains on the corners of his mouth and godless eyes.

He stood up slowly and looked at Zhou Xuanji calmly.

He was not surprised and surprised. It was obvious that the demon emperor had done ideological work to him before he came.

As soon as Zhou Xuanji opened his eyes, the demon emperor's palm was pressed on his forehead.

A strange force penetrated into his mind.

It is Ying Zhuge's soul.

After Zhou Xuanji was manipulated by a special supernatural power and fused, Ying Zhuge must do whatever he said, otherwise the origin of the soul will suffer heavy damage and pain.

Zhou Xuanji could decide Ying Zhuge's life and death with one thought.

But he was not surprised, but had an unspeakable taste.

"From then on, he will be in your charge. You can kill him if you want."

The demon emperor left this sentence and left quickly, leaving Ying Zhuge to look at Zhou Xuanji.

Four eyes are opposite, and their eyes are very complex.

When the superstar shengbi, Ying Zhuge is high.

Who ever thought he was today?

Zhou Xuanji didn't expect that he was confident of surpassing Ying Zhuge, but he never wanted to enslave Ying Zhuge.

"Do you want to clean it up?"

Zhou Xuanji first asked, how can such a proud son of heaven suffer such humiliation?

He was worried that Ying Zhuge would collapse.

Ying Zhuge shook his head and said, "don't comfort me. In fact, I have figured out that I am a chess piece in the eyes of the emperor. The demon emperor is right. Maybe I can get hope from you."

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and scolded, "is the emperor's divine pulse blinded by lard? Is he willing to treat you like this?"

He really appreciates Ying Zhuge.

Ying Zhuge's strong demeanor made him remember deeply. He didn't want this guy to sink.

"In fact, I am not the first in the emperor's divine vein. There is a guy who has been closed. If he is born, the whole pattern of Kunlun Yuanting will be impacted. I always thought it was his stepping stone. MY reincarnation and reconstruction is for him."

Ying Zhuge Pingjing said that he had experienced great storms and waves, but he was not as fragile as Zhou Xuanji imagined.

In his previous life, he did not have the qualification of 17 stars, and he could still surpass all sentient beings.

The present predicament is nothing to him!

The two sat down and began to talk to each other.

Zhou Xuanji did not hide his past, and so did Ying Zhuge.

From now on, Ying Zhuge is Zhou Xuanji's subordinate and works hard for him.

Xianxianghua, Jiang Xue and Zhou Xiaoxuan stood in the stone pavilion in front of the building and talked about Ying Zhuge curiously.

The previous superstar shengbi, they have heard in detail from xianxianghua, so they know the name of Ying Zhuge.

At this time, they can't help sighing. It's really hard to predict the cause and effect.

So far, Ying Zhuge lived in qingjiantian.

Chang Xiyan arranged accommodation for him.

Knowing that Ying Zhuge became Zhou Xuanji's subordinate, she worshipped Zhou Xuanji more deeply.

Following such a man is really promising.

Zhou Xuanji began to talk to Ying Zhuge from time to time to discuss the Scriptures and learn from each other.

With the help of Ying Zhuge, his cultivation grew faster and faster.

Every once in a while, the evil dry divine vein will send people to practice resources.

Zhou Xuanji felt that he was about to become a medicine jar, but under such circumstances, he was getting closer and closer to the later stage of the Taoist priest.

"Kunlun Yuanting should not exist!"

A loud cry broke the sky and startled qingjiantian. To be exact, it startled the whole Kunlun Yuanting!

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