Published at 11th of October 2021 11:05:07 AM

Chapter 76: 76

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Zhou Xuanji told the story of Marshal Tianpeng. His voice was not small, so that Zhao Congjian and Wang Jian, the North owl in the distance were listening.


Marshal Tianpeng?

100000 Tianhe water army?

Why haven't they heard of such a myth?

Listen to Zhou Xuanji, they almost believed him.

As the story goes on, the evil monk Tang Sanzang comes out with the demon Monkey King and breaks up Marshal Tianpeng, who has finally achieved good results, with Miss Gao. When she hears that the two daughters of Xiao Jiang Xue shed tears.

"In order to make Miss Gao immortal and accompany him forever, marshal Tianpeng finally said goodbye to Miss Gao. He was given the name of pig Bajie and word Wuneng by Tang Sanzang. He became a slave of Tang Sanzang and went to the west to learn scriptures."

Zhou Xuanji told the end of the story. He sighed, saying endless joys and sorrows, and endless love between children and women.

The two women were already sobbing.

Zhao Congjian sighed in a low voice, "what a marshal Tianpeng. He can bend and stretch. He is a hero."

North owl Wang Jian was also disappointed and thought of her.

The hero is sad after all.

Xiaojiang Xue wiped the tears on her face. Her eyes were red and swollen. She grabbed Zhou Xuanji's arm and asked, "what's behind? Has Marshal Tianpeng met Miss Gao again?"

Huang Lianxin also looked at Zhou Xuanji and hoped that marshal Tianpeng would have a good ending.

If such a long-term hero can't fulfill his wish, how many generations will he have to look for Miss Gao?

Zhou Xuanji got up, looked into the distance and said, "he went to the West and became the messenger of the clean altar under the Buddha. He will never see Miss Gao again, and Miss Gao can't resist the ruthlessness of years, turn into Loess and go with the wind."

"All the people in the world sigh that the immortal Buddha is good. Who can escape all human feelings."

"Whether immortal or demon, they can't escape a love word."

With that, he shook his head and walked away.

Even he had to praise himself. Now he pretended that it was really flowing and had a special charm.

Xiao Jiang Xue was stunned and hurriedly got up to catch up with the mystery of last week.

She tilted her head and asked, "can they really never see each other again?"

Her tone was low, and Zhou Xuanji was helpless.

Am I speaking too well, or are you too soft hearted?

"The story belongs to others. How to compose your story is what you really should care about."

Zhou Xuanji patted her on the head and comforted her.

Xiao Jiang Xue nodded and said, "Why are you so reasonable now? Have you grown up?"

Zhou Xuanji almost collapsed.

What is growing up?

Xiao Jiang Xue hooked Zhou Xuanji's neck, put his forehead against his forehead, and asked in a low voice, "say, do you have someone you like in your heart? You must be precocious if you know so many stories."

Zhou Xuanji glared at her and wanted to break away. However, the girl didn't let go.

He said helplessly, "I'm only twelve years old. I have a fart sweetheart."

Young girls are full of shit.

Think about what you have and what you don't have all day.

Xiao Jiang Xue let go with satisfaction, and Zhou Xuanji hurriedly ran away.

"Wait! He has no sweetheart?"

Little Jiang Xue suddenly thought of something and his face was gloomy for a moment.

Unfortunately, Zhou Xuanji has run out of sight.

For the next month, Xiao Jiang Xue was sulking.

Although she still washed and cooked for Zhou Xuanji, every time Zhou Xuanji talked to her, she turned away with a cold hum, just ignoring Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji looked funny. In fact, he knew little Jiang Xue's mind.

He just wanted to be angry with her.

Five months later.

Zhou Xuanji broke through again and reached the seventh floor of Kaiguang territory.

On this day, Zhao Congjian returned with his sword.

He fell beside Zhou Xuanji and bent down: "master, the great Zhou Tianxuan election has begun. There are 372 people in the martial arts department. Their goal is to hunt and kill the fourth order monster, the fifth order monster king and the sixth order monster king."

Zhou Xuanji opened his eyes and asked in surprise, "can only hunt these three-level monsters?"

Zhao Congjian nodded and said, "no matter how low it is, it will not meet the grade of Dazhou Tianxuan. Dazhou sent a second-class general and six third-class generals to guard and patrol, including Xia Houjin who helped us that day."

Zhou Xuanji asked, "is Meng Tianlang here?"

He didn't feel guilty for breaking his appointment with Meng Tianlang.

After all, he didn't owe Meng Tianlang anything, and he didn't use the Meng general's order.

Zhao Congjian said, "here we are."

"Many princes and princesses came to the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, but neither the emperor nor the queen came."

Zhou Xuanji nodded and said, "don't worry about them. We continue to practice."

Although the Tianxuan of the great Zhou Dynasty is in the Duanxian mountains, there are no Qing people in the great Zhou Dynasty. Even if the Tianxuan people have conflicts or fight with irrelevant people, they will not intervene.

As long as the accomplishments do not exceed the spiritual spring realm, they are all regarded as a test.

Therefore, many losers come to each session to deliberately find trouble.

This also made the great Zhou popular and all kinds of things spread all over the world during the great Zhou heavenly election.

Zhao Congjian nodded, then went to the tree and continued to practice his sword.

On that day, after Huang Lianxin, Wang Jian and a Xiaoer came back, Zhou Xuanji worried them and reminded them not to go out at will recently to avoid accidents.

Everyone has no opinion.

Xiao Jiang Xue asked, "are we here? Don't we hide?"

On the cliff, it is too conspicuous to avoid trouble.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and said, "there may be someone suitable to be my sword slave with so many talents."

As soon as their eyes brightened, they all looked forward to it.

Zhao Congjian looked at Wang Jian, the northern owl, and said, "don't go to practice the sword quickly. It's not very successful. There are new people coming. You're still at the bottom."

North owl Wang Jian is depressed. Isn't there still Huang Lianxin?

The first round of martial arts held by the emperor of the great Zhou Dynasty lasted a year. Twenty out of 372 were decided, and then entered the imperial city of the great Zhou Dynasty to decide the top three under the eyes of the emperor.

The people continued to practice. They had already built five wooden houses under the tree, which stored a lot of dry firewood and food.

There is a small river at the foot of the mountain, which can also be washed.

With their cultivation, they put on clothes and jumped into the river. After landing, they can steam dry with mana. They don't even have to take off their clothes. Just change clothes in the house.

They began to practice day after day. After dinner every day, Zhou Xuanji would tell people stories with truth. Even Zhao Congjian liked to listen to them.

In a flash.

Another two months passed.

On this day, Zhou Xuanji and others finally waited for a genius.

"I'm long Yangtian, the 26th in the list of heroes of Zhou Dynasty. How about these two Heavenly Dragon Eagles sold to me?"

A handsome young man came with a flying fan. He was dressed in a green shirt and had an extraordinary bearing. He stared at a Xiaoer with burning eyes.

Zhou Xuanji and others laughed.

North owl Wang Jian said excitedly, "let me come?"

Huang Lianxin gave him a white look and said, "don't you weigh yourself? Go to kaiguangjing to die?"

Long Yangtian saw that Huang Lianxin was beautiful and said this again. He immediately raised his jaw and raised his toes.

Zhao Congjian got up slowly, looked at long Yangtian and said, "I'm the ninth in the list of heroes of Zhou Dynasty. Zhao Congjian, stay when you come."

Long Yangtian's eyes widened and his face was confused.

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