Published at 11th of October 2021 10:47:35 AM

Chapter 769: 769

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"What's the matter?"

The little Supreme Master asked with a smile. Seeing Zhou Xuanji frown, he smiled very happily.

Zhou Xuanji stopped and didn't start because he felt an unusual smell.

If there is nothing, it seems that as soon as he makes a move, the mysterious existence will rush out.

It is definitely the existence of Yuanrong God King Siming above!

He met Sanming, the God of Yuanrong, but it wouldn't give him such a thrill.

He sat down slowly and drove the Sanfeng Qilin car forward.

As soon as the suppression of the magical powers in the universe was lifted, those creatures did not catch up, and they were sweating profusely.

The crackdown just now frightened them.

If Zhou Xuanji takes action, he can definitely kill them.

"Why didn't he do it to us?"

"I don't know. Let's forget..."

"It's crazy to kill God's eyes..."

"Whoever wants to kill, go, I give up!"

"It's too difficult. It's worthy of being one of the five unique God eyes!"

The creatures were amazed and could only watch the Sanfeng Qilin car go away.

Zhou Xuanji's uneasiness did not disappear.

He could feel the mysterious presence following him.

The little Supreme Master also noticed it. He sighed, "now you're going to capsize. The other party is likely to be the existence of a pulse master."

Zhou Xuanji frowned when he heard this.

Is there a pulse master staring at him so soon?

And the pulse master that can make him see through is definitely the divine pulse above the middle.


The Sanfeng Qilin car suddenly stopped. Zhou Xuanji looked intently. A figure appeared in front of him. He blocked the Sanfeng Qilin car with road power and almost turned it over.

Zhou Xuanji's expression changed and his eyes were full of fear.

Yuanting God of war!

The other party is the God of war of Yuanting!

Compared with the sacred and domineering God of war of Yuanting in Kunlun, the God of war of Yuanting wears black armor, looks ferocious, and there are three black light spears suspended behind him, just like the original God of evil.

Zhou Xuanji got up, held the little supreme sword, opened the curtain and went out.

He came to the pedal, looked at the God of war of Yuanting and said, "what can I do for you?"

The God of war of the yuan Court felt evil in front of him.

"You kill everywhere and ask me what I can do for you? Tell me your origin, or I'll kill you immediately."

The God of war of the yuan court said with a grim smile, and the three black light spears behind him rose up, pointing directly at Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji calmly replied, "what's my origin? Can't you notice it?"

The breath of Kunlun Yuanting creatures is essentially different from that of anti Kunlun creatures.

In addition, Kunlun Yuanting creatures often come to anti Kunlun. He doesn't believe that the God of war of Yuanting can't guess his identity?

Looks like this guy has a plot.

"How did you come here? Is there a way to take me to your place?"

Yuan Ting God of war narrowed his eyes and threatened.

In anti Kunlun, there has been another plane since ancient times. For anti Kunlun, Kunlun Yuanting is also regarded as an illusory existence.

In two directions, which is true or false, the creatures in it think the other party is false.

"I was sent in. He forced me in, or I would die."

Zhou Xuanji answered truthfully and heard the God of war frown.

He asked, "why did the man send you?"

"Let me go back alive."

"That's it?"

"Otherwise, why do I keep killing? I just want to adapt to you and find my way back. With my strength, is it difficult for the other party to expect me to annihilate all of you? Do you think it is credible?"


Seeing that Zhou Xuanji was so single, the God of war of Yuanting fell into silence.

Zhou Xuanji continued, "you are my son's master in our place. Are you sure you want to kill me?"

As soon as he said this, the God of war of Yuanting suddenly became gloomy. He felt that Zhou Xuanji was teasing him.

Zhou Xuanji continued without giving him a word and explained his to the God of war of the yuan court.

When Zhou Xuanji mentioned the demon emperor, the face of the God of war in the yuan court eased.

In anti Kunlun, the relationship between the God of war of Yuanting and the demon emperor is still the best.

He is no longer just and awe inspiring, but evil and easy to kill.

The demon emperor is no longer domineering, but submissive.

"In that case, why don't you take me there and you and I will depend on each other in the future? I can help you kill your enemies."

The God of war of Yuanting said, looking forward to it.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and asked, "why do you want to leave anti Kunlun?"

The war god of Yuanting glared at him and said, "you are the anti Kunlun! I have offended the Supreme Master. The Supreme Master is trying to cure me. Once he catches me, he can eradicate me squarely. I am not his opponent."

Zhou Xuanji was delighted.

This is the thug who came to the door?

He pretended to hesitate and said, "if you want to leave anti Kunlun, you have to leave from the Supreme Master, and you have to wait until I cultivate a special magic power."

The little Supreme Master said that anti Kunlun native creatures cannot learn to mix supernatural powers.

The God of war in Yuanting said, "it's all right. I'll wait for you. When can you learn?"

At the thought of supremacy, his eyes flashed murderous.

Zhou Xuanji was filled with emotion.

In Kunlun Yuanting, the God of war of Yuanting is the supreme loyal running dog. In anti Kunlun, it is the enemy of life and death.

No matter how good the relationship between monarch and minister is, it can't compare with beautiful brotherhood.

"I need to kill your creatures and get the anti mixed Qi, which is equivalent to your luck, otherwise I can't get through the boundaries here."

Zhou Xuanji replied, his eyes were honest, so that the God of war of Yuanting could not see the fishiness.

Yuanting God of war nodded and said, "OK, I'll take you to kill!"

Zhou Xuanji was completely surprised. There was a relationship between pie falling from the sky.

But he calmed down quickly.

The God of war of Yuanting in front of us is not the God of war of Yuanting in Kunlun. Who knows if he can keep his word.

The God of war of Yuanting disappeared in place out of thin air, which stunned Zhou Xuanji.

The little supreme sword trembled slightly, and the little supreme preached, "be careful, this guy is very strong. It's easy to kill you."

Zhou Xuanji understood this truth, but he couldn't escape facing the God of war of Yuanting.

After a while.

The God of war of the yuan court came back again. With a wave of his right hand, countless creatures appeared out of thin air. They were all fixed and could not move, and their faces showed a look of panic.

Zhou Xuanji's mind was swept away and there were at least millions.

He was frightened. Where did this guy get so many creatures?

The God of war of Yuanting looked at him and motioned him to do it.

Zhou Xuanji sighed in his heart. He had no choice.

He first showed the abyss of terrible dreams and let millions of creatures fall into beautiful dreams, and then showed the great chaos to make them disappear.

The majestic anti mixed Qi poured into his body and made his blood boil.

The war god of Yuanting smiled with satisfaction. It seemed that Zhou Xuanji had not deceived him. He could obviously feel that Zhou Xuanji's cultivation was improving.

As long as you can escape

The God of war in Yuanting's eyes became hot and placed his hope on Zhou Xuanji.

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