Published at 11th of October 2021 11:04:48 AM

Chapter 90: 90

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Seeing that Zhou Xuanji wanted to be impulsive, Zhao Congjian hurriedly said, "master, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. At least Xiao Jinghong will be fine before you appear."

He regarded Xiao Jinghong as a competitor and didn't want Xiao Jinghong to die.

Zhou Xuanji frowned and said, "there is no way but to sneak into the imperial city and wait for the opportunity to act."

Huang Lianxin suggested: "why don't brother Zhao go to inquire about the news again? Xiao Jinghong is not an ordinary person. The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty can't be indifferent to being so captured by the Meng family. Maybe Emperor Zhou Yan has already shot?"

The others nodded, thinking that the matter should not be rushed.

Zhou Xuanji was not dazzled by anger.

He pondered: "from the sword, you go first. You must keep a low profile and don't expose your identity."

Now in the great Zhou Dynasty, who knows that Zhao Congjian has become a sword slave of Zhou Jianshen?

Presumably, the minions of Queen Zhou are also asking about Zhao Congjian's whereabouts.

Zhao Congjian nodded and immediately turned away.

After saluting Wang Jian and Huang Lianxin, the northern owl left and continued to practice their swords.

They understand that Zhou Xuanji needs to calm down at this time.

Moreover, they knew no more about the great Zhou Dynasty than Zhou Xuanji.

Jiang Xue took Zhou Xuanji's hand and comforted: "if you really want to go to the imperial city of the great Zhou Dynasty, I'll go with you at that time. We can disguise as Yi Rong. Recently, I have learned the Yi Rong technique of Qin Qicun to ensure that the gods of the great Luo can't distinguish."

Zhou Xuanji smiled angrily and said, "I'm bragging. Do you like bragging too?"

Jiang Xue saw him smile, so she laughed and said, "compared with boasting, I still learned from you."

Zhou Xuanji patted the back of her hand and said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't mess around."

His eyes fell on Jiang Xue. Zhou Xuanji suddenly found that he was as tall as her.

Before he knew it, he didn't notice it.

He took a deep breath and said, "in recent years, the mood is not good, but he has ignored the people around him."

When Jiang Xue heard this, she felt a little sad, but she didn't show it. She reached out and touched Zhou Xuanji's head and said with a smile: "Xuanji has grown up. The man is ambitious. Now you are very good."

Zhou Xuanji looked back at the top of the hillside and said, "haven't we watched the sunset together for a long time?"

Jiang Xue hooked his neck and said with a smile, "this is what you said. You are delaying my cultivation."

Zhou Xuanji said carelessly, "it's okay to practice less for a while. Besides, you don't have to work so hard. I'll raise you and protect you anyway."

Jiang Xue smiled and didn't answer. She sighed in her heart, "I don't want to be a burden to you. I also want to protect you."

They walked towards the top of the hillside.

Huang Lianxin turned her head and looked at the picture of two people holding hands, inexplicably in a trance.

At that time, Jiang Xue was taller than Zhou Xuanji. At that time, her sister led her brother up the mountain.

Today, both have grown up and there is no difference in height.

"How fast."

Huang Lianxin muttered to herself. She couldn't help thinking of her own affairs and began to be distracted in situ.

Twelve days later.

Zhao Congjian returns.

He quickly came to Zhou Xuanji and said, "master, things have changed. The emperor of Zhou has made a move."

Jiang Xue, North owl Wang Jian and Huang Lianxin immediately gathered around.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "what's the situation with Jinghong? Tell me carefully."

Zhao Congjian nodded, and then said in an eloquent way.

It turned out that the whole territory of the Zhou Dynasty was dissatisfied with the capture of Jianjun by the Meng family.

The engagement between Xiao Jinghong and Meng Tianlang is a gentleman's agreement. As a royal general clan, the Meng family is so arrogant that they don't deserve their current status.

The sword emperor of the great Zhou Dynasty also sent a letter to Emperor Yan of the Zhou Dynasty.

After knowing the impact of this matter, Emperor Zhou Yandi couldn't sit still. He directly dismissed all serving officials and generals of the Meng family and closed the Meng family.

Xiao Jinghong is now invited to the imperial palace of the great Zhou Dynasty to meet Emperor Zhou Yan in person.

It is said that Zhou Yalong was scolded by Emperor Yan of Zhou for this matter and ordered not to leave the house for three years.

Speaking of this, Zhao Congjian's eyes twinkled and said, "master, this may be a turn for the better."

North owl Wang Jian and Huang Lianxin were also excited.

If Xiao Jinghong told Zhou Xuanji in front of Zhou Yandi, would Zhou Yandi send someone to pick Zhou Xuanji into the palace?

After all, Zhou Xuanji is also his own son.

Zhou Xuanji glanced at Jiang Xue without leaving a trace and found that although she was laughing, she was not excited.

"Maybe it's more trouble," he said calmly

Although he once wanted Zhou Yandi to see his talent and accept him again.

But it had to take part in the election on Sunday. In front of the whole world, Emperor Zhou Yan must protect him.

But now Xiao Jinghong met Emperor Zhou Yan privately.

The empress of the great Zhou Dynasty can trace him. As long as Emperor Yan of Zhou has a heart, he will find Zhou Xuanji earlier.

"Yes, the least important thing in the imperial family is emotion. Zhou Yandi is about to rise, and Zhou Yalong is mature. Even if the master's talent is revealed, there is a big gap between him and Zhou Yalong, not only his accomplishments, but also his control over the contacts of the court."

The little black snake came twisting its body, and the snake's letter was huff and puff, which made people shudder.

Zhao Congjian said: "anyway, Xiao Jinghong is temporarily out of danger. The name of Zhou Yandi's love for talent is well known. Zhou Yandi may like Xiao Jinghong's talent."

Zhou Xuanji touched his chin and fell into meditation.

He doesn't want to go to big week.

Just want to kill the queen of Dazhou, leave Dazhou.

Now, Xiao Jinghong's arrest has completely messed up his plan.

"An imperial dynasty, if there is an emperor purple, can rise strongly and the national fortune lasts for thousands of years."

"But if there were two emperors with purple Qi, there might be a disaster to destroy the dynasty."

At this time, an old voice suddenly came.

Everyone turned around and saw a figure standing on the top of the hillside.

His back is bent, he is leaning on a crutch, his white hair is tied behind his head, his eyes are narrowed into two seams, his face has many yellow spots, and he is dressed like an old man in the countryside.

Zhao Congjian pulled out his sword and asked in a deep voice, "who is your excellency?"

The old man ignored him, stared at Zhou Xuanji and said with a smile: "Zhou Yalong was born with imperial purple Qi and was cultivated by Zhou Yandi as a prince. Later, Zhou Yalong became a great weapon, but I didn't expect that you were born at this time and you also had imperial purple Qi, which put the emperor of Zhou in trouble."

Imperial purple?

Zhou Xuanji frowned. What's that?

He suddenly thought that the race in the self attribute list was not a human race, but the emperor of the great Zhou Dynasty.

The old man walked down the hill. As he walked, he said leisurely: "if it were 500 years earlier, Emperor Zhou Yandi might be able to arrange for you two brothers, but now, only one of you can live, and before he soared."

"This is your destiny with Zhou Yalong."

Zhou Xuanji raised his hands slightly, and Daqian Pluto sword and thunder sword appeared in his hands.

He squinted and asked, "if you don't tell us the history, don't blame us for being rude!"

The man appeared nearby unconsciously and said these words. I'm afraid it's a bad comer.

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