Published at 11th of October 2021 10:42:44 AM

Chapter 944: 944

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Oh, my God!

Hearing the name, Zhou Xuanji couldn't help jumping.

The Supreme God is resurrected here and is chasing the supreme god of Kunlun Yuanting. Isn't he equivalent to a sheep into a tiger?

Without hesitation, he turned and ran away.

Even if he didn't learn to be in a state of nothingness, Zhou Xuanji understood it much faster than before, and stepped out of the realm of Wanyu demon cave in one step.

"Next, I have to find an undisturbed place to practice quietly."

Zhou Xuanji said as he moved forward.

He can't wait to be in a trance.

With such a state, where can't we go?

Just thinking about it, his heart was burning.

The little Supreme Master was also excited and sighed: "God is in no state. I can't help it. It's the first time I have this state. It's more like a realm."

In theory, no one can catch Zhou Xuanji as long as he enters the state of nothingness.

Isn't it equivalent to an invincible talisman?

"I think fengyuanzhu can give me more surprises. The cold force I absorbed before is very strong. Although I can't stop the Supreme God, it's more than enough to deal with Gu Tianlin."

Zhou Xuanji smiled confidently. Although Gu Tianlin had not fully revealed his cards in front of him, he just didn't pay attention to Gu Tianlin.

The little Supreme Master nodded and said with a smile, "if he knows that you have become so strong, he will be angry."

He suddenly expected Zhou Xuanji to hit Gu Tianlin.

Hearing the speech, Zhou Xuanji couldn't help laughing, and he began to look forward to it.

Maybe he wandered around for a while, and Gu Tianlin came.

Zhou Xuanji moved forward at full speed. He protected the little Supreme Soul with the supreme power. They talked and laughed and were not happy.

For the rest of your life, you should laugh!


On a huge mangrove, God picked up the star and practiced against the trunk.

She suddenly opened her eyes, looked surprised and said, "this guy appears again!"

She immediately disappeared into the tree and went to pursue Zhou Xuanji.

But before long, Zhou Xuanji's breath disappeared.

She stopped in the turbulence of time and space and frowned.

"Did he really master the state of nothingness? It's impossible. He has lost his breath many times before. It's estimated that he hid in a certain direction."

God picked up the star and talked to herself. She didn't believe that Zhou Xuanji could master Shenwu.

Both she and the supreme god believed that there was a treasure to help Zhou Xuanji enter the state of godlessness.

Think about it, she can only go back.

The other side.

Zhou Xuanji has returned to absolute time.

He took the Fengyuan bead and continued to understand the state of nothingness.

Fengyuanzhu took him into a state of nothingness one after another. Every time he withdrew, he was no longer in the absolute time, but in another strange time and space.

It's hard to imagine the span of godlessness. Under its leadership, Zhou Xuanji saw many unimaginable racial worlds.

There are really countless races in the endless universe. They have their own strengths. Some are weak, but they have special abilities. They don't need to consume mana. It's really magical.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xuanji's understanding of God's statelessness finally embarked on the right path.

when one has passed away.

He returned to the absolute time, called out a separate body, and his own self entered the soul plane.

After the end of the super star shengbi between Kunlun Yuanting and Zhenxu court, the two court circles were officially connected and began to communicate with each other.

Zhou Xuanji established a teleportation array for them so that they could break the wall of the court.

In the supreme hall.

Zhou Xuanji summoned Jiang Xue, xianxianghua, the Supreme Master of the world of mortals, the twelve Dharma ancestors and nine officials.

"What's the trouble with the recent development of the two circles?" he asked

Although he can see the situation of the two circles, he does not have the energy to pay attention to every detail.

"Supreme, the rules of peace have begun to backfire, because if there is no war, some divine veins will use other means to suppress other divine veins."

A Fazu stood up and said. He looked nervous for fear of saying the wrong thing.

The order of banning war was issued by Zhou Xuanji himself, which has kept the Kunlun yuan court peaceful for thousands of years.

"Well, from today on, the Kunlun Yuanting will be restored. As before, there can still be no large-scale war, but there can be fighting."

Zhou Xuanji nodded. How uncomfortable is it for friars to fight with heaven and people, but they can't fight with people?

A venerable official stood up and said, "can some unique natural materials and earth treasures of Kunlun Yuanting be sent to us? Accordingly, we will also contribute some to steadily improve the environment of the two courts. This matter involves too many God vein interests, so we can't make a direct decision."

Whether in Kunlun Yuanting or Zhenxu court, resources are divided up by the divine veins. If you want to trade on a large scale, you will affect the interests of each divine vein.

Zhou Xuanji said, "with my order, let them exchange the same value. The divine pulse willing to exchange can enjoy my sermon."

As soon as these words came out, the nine officials and the twelve Dharma ancestors were pleasantly surprised.

They even want to hand over their resources.

At the beginning, Zhou Xuanji preached for them. No matter how high the cultivation is, they will get the field.

Today, I don't know how many creatures are dreaming that the sword emperor can preach again.

Then the twelve Dharma fathers and nine officials continued to speak the wishes of all living beings.

Jiang Xue, xianxianghua and the Supreme Master of the world of mortals stood aside and didn't speak.

Xianxianghua and the supreme mortal have become the two supreme masters in Zhenxu court. They have high virtue and high prestige, so they must maintain basic etiquette here.

After the twelve Dharma fathers and nine officials left, Xian Xianghua said, "these trivial things hurt my head. It's much harder to manage the court world than to control a religion."

Her tone was plaintive and her face was full of helplessness.

Zhou Xuanji glared at her and didn't have a good way: "it's good to say that most of the affairs fall on the Supreme Master of the world of mortals. You've been practicing and you're tired?"

"Or you'll give up the throne to your grandson."

Zhou Epiphyllum has a loose nature and likes cultivation. It's not suitable to be in power. Instead, his son Zhou Tianyuan likes power.

The fairy wanted to spend her lips and said, "is that boy qualified?"

Jiang Xue said with a smile, "Xuanji said it was enough."

The immortal wanted to spend a moment listening. Zhou Xuanji was arbitrary. Whoever he let be the supreme, he represented him. No one dared to refute.

"How's my sister? Have you ever heard of her?" the supreme mortal then asked, with expectations in his eyes.

She knew that Zhou Xuanji had been wandering in the endless universe and had long wanted to ask about it.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and said, "she's fine, but she may not really be..."

He did not clarify his words, and the supreme mortal could understand his meaning.

"I believe Nianxing is still alive. One day, I will find her." the supreme mortal sighed.

This sisterhood makes Jiang Xue and Xian want to move.

They didn't know how to comfort and could only look at Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji stared at the supreme mortal and said, "I promise you, I will find out her identity and find the God Nianxing."

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