Published at 26th of October 2021 08:52:02 AM

Chapter 321: 321

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Just then Aunt Rosy along with Uncle Peter entered the dark cell.

"Rosy." Grandpa Taylor said 

Aunt Rosy legs turned weak and tears started flowing down her cheeks when she looked at her father. Her heart is flustered with various emotions right now. She is feeling scared, sad by looking at the man who is responsible for all her fears in the past twenty years. 

At first Aunt rosy wanted to ignore him and let her husband and sons do whatever they want but she doesn't know why her heart is warned to see him once. She then decided to see and talk to him for one last time. She wanted to ask many questions, she wanted to say things to her so-called dad.

"Rosy, stay strong." Uncle Michael said before patting her shoulder 

Aunt Rosy smiled and said, "I have you to take care of me." 

Kissing her forehead, Uncle Michael said "I am telling you this again, no matter what it is, I will always support you." 

"I know." Aunt Rosy said 

"Aunt, your orange juice," Erik said before giving it to her 

"Thank you." Aunt Rosy said before walking towards her father holding orange juice in her hand 

Sitting before him, Aunt rosy sighed and called "Dad." 

Grandpa Taylor heart skipped a beat when he heard his daughter's voice. It's been several years since she called him dad so lovingly.

Though Grandpa Taylor is egoistic and thinks about only himself, he always cared for his daughter. He never tried to make her sad instead he kept on doing things that make her happy apart from the Taylor crown thing.

Since Grandpa Taylor has only one daughter, he doted on her too much. He earned money to her happiness. He did everything to make her daughter win the crown. He never minded killing peter and his family for the sake of the crown but the question is did Aunt Rosy ever asked him for the crown? Is she happy with his stupid and cruel decisions? Does Aunt rosy ever support him?

"You haven't eaten anything since yesterday right?" Aunt Rosy asked 

Giving him an orange juice, she said "Here, drink this."

"You are here to save me?" Grandpa Taylor asked 

Aunt Rosy chuckled and asked, "Do you think whatever you did is forgivable?"

Without waiting for his reply, she said "No dad, nothing is forgivable."


"Dad, did I asked you for the crown? Did I ever told you that I want to take brother peter's place?" Aunt Rosy asked 

"I did it for your happiness pumpkin, I want you to be happy—"

"Did I ever felt happy with materialistic things? " Aunt Rosy asked 

"You never understood my intentions pumpkin." Grandpa Taylor scoffed 

"Your intentions are wrong dad." Aunt Rosy snapped 

Pausing for a while, she took a deep breath and said "You were so good at our childhood, you gave us everything but what happen to you suddenly? Did that stupid crown is more important than family?" 

"You kidnapped me and tortured me, husband, he even did things which he hates. Did you ever thought about how I felt when I got you know that he is going against my brother? You created a rift between brother Peter and me. Did you ever thought how my heart yearned for him?" Aunt Rosy yelled 

Aunt Rosy smiled and said, "If you ever thought about us then you would have never done so many cruel things." 


"Shut up dad, you tortured me, you made me weak physically and emotionally. I lived my life without my other son because of you. We left Andy because of you. Did you ever thought about how I felt without my son? I used to cry for hours, I used to stay lost." Aunt Rosy said before wiping her tears 

Looking at Peter, Aunt Rosy sighed and said "He always cared for you dad, he treated you like his own dad but what did you gave him at the end?" 

"You ruined our beautiful lives dad." Aunt Rosy said in between her sobs

"Rosy—" Grandpa Taylor took a deep breath and closed his eyes to control his overwhelming emotions. Yes, it was his mistake for running his daughter's life, it was his mistake for creating differences between brother and sister. 

Out of ego and greedy, he lost his own family. What did he get in the end? Did he have the crown? Did he have his family support? No, he didn't have anything except hatred from his family.

"I don't want to listen to your words dad." Aunt Rosy sighed and said before getting up from the chair

"I am sorry Rosy." Grandpa Taylor managed to say something 

"Rosy, I am sorry for doing things which made you hurt pumpkin, I am sorry for making things complicated." Grandpa Taylor said 

"I want to give money to you, I want to give the crown to you but I forget that peter is also my son." Grandpa Taylor sighed and said 

"I forget values, I forget relations, and I did mistakes." He said in between his sobs

Aunt Rosy took a deep breath and said "Your sorry won't help dad, you lost everything including your family." before walking away 

"Rosy—" before Grandpa Taylor could say anything Aunt Rosy left the room

Uncle Michael chuckled and said, "You never worried about your daughter then what happen to you now?" 

"Wanna see her again?" Uncle Michael asked

"I want to apologise to her." Grandpa Taylor said 

Pausing for a while, he said "You can kill me once I apologise to her."

"I will let you talk to her but I have a condition." Uncle Michael said


"You shouldn't make her cry." Uncle Michael sighed and said 

Pausing for a while, he said "She cried a lot today and I can't let her cry anymore."

"Done, I won't make her cry, I will just apologise to her."Grandpa Taylor sighed and said

"She is outside, you can go and talk to her." Uncle Michael said 

"Thank you." Grandpa Taylor said before rushing outside

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