Published at 24th of October 2022 05:54:42 AM

Chapter 173

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After returning to the player's room, Xiao Lan felt covered in seawater.

The half-dried seawater stuck to their clothes and made them feel very uncomfortable, but fortunately they were now back in safety and naturally did not need to endure this discomfort.

Xiao Lan rushed into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

The warm water wrapped around the body, washing away the stains and the fatigue of a battle.

When she came out, Xiao Lan was in no hurry to go to training.

The two returned to the real world first to relax their over-stretched nerves a little.

Back home in reality.

Xiao Lan casually turns on the TV and watches the news while ordering takeaway on the app.

Special services like takeaway are a rarity in the real world, so how could you come back and not experience it?

"There have been a number of disappearances recently and the police are reminding the public to avoid going out alone and late at night and to call ...... if they see anyone suspicious."

Xiao Lan's attention was drawn to the news.

He changed several news stations and flipped through the online news, and almost all of them mentioned the recent spate of disappearances.

There have been a number of disappearances not only in the city and the country, but also in other parts of the world, and the whole world has been on edge, with people speculating about what has happened.

Xiao Lan's brow furrowed the more he watched. With all the commotion, it couldn't be related to the Advent World, could it?

Has that plan to have the Advent world cover all of humanity started after all?


Luo also saw the news and suggested: "Why don't we go out and have a look?"

Xiao Lan thought, "It's good to see for ourselves what's really going on.

By now it was late afternoon.

No sooner had the pair left the house than Xiao Lan noticed that something was wrong next door.

Tie Hanhan was so bored lying in the vegetable patch at Zhang's house, looking so listless that he didn't even chew his slippers.

Xiao Lan had a bad feeling in his heart, could it be that something had happened to Master Zhang?

He walked quickly to the front of the next yard.

"Ow~" Tie Hanhan stood up and wagged his tail in a rare burst of excitement at the sight of a familiar face.

Xiao Lan stroked Tie Hanhan's dog's head and called out into the unlit room, "Grandpa Zhang?"

There was no response from inside.

Xiao Lan wanted to try again when the voice of Master Zhang came from far behind her, " Little Xiao, Little Fei, you're back?"

Xiao Lan turned his head just in time to see Master Zhang getting out of a luxury car.

He is almost a different person from before.

In the past, Zhang used to wear slippers and vest and big trousers all day long, squatting in the vegetable field with an unkempt look.

He was now suited and booted, his hair neatly combed, and looking a little tired, but still looking imposing and composed.


Xiao Lan was a little surprised: "What are you doing, Grandpa Zhang?"

Master Zhang gestured for the driver to park the car and came over with a helpless smile, "You know about the recent disappearances, right? My son also disappeared last night, and the company can't run without someone to sit on it, so I had to take over again for the time being."

Xiao Lan asked, "Has there been any progress with your son?"

The car was still there, but the man was gone. I've used many methods, but I still can't find any clues before or after, it's as if he disappeared into thin air."

Xiao Lan said, "Sorry."

At the same time, a sense of foreboding came over him -

Such a disappearance is all too similar to the modus operandi of the Advent world.

Zhang waved his hand, "No need to apologize, although I'm not sure what exactly happened, but the more times like this, the less you can panic."

" Tian Yi is my oldest son born at the age of forty, but he is very competitive and has not been a fragile person since he was a child, and I trust him to work out the problems he faces on his own."

Despite saying this, he sighed, "Unfortunately, I'm an old father who can only help him with the company but not much ......"

Xiao Lan thought about it and said to him, "If, one day, your son suddenly comes back, you can ask him to come to me and we can play games together and relax."

Zhang was a little confused: "Thank you, but Tian Yi He doesn't play ......"

Suddenly, he met Xiao Lan's eyes.

Those eyes were so full of seriousness that it suddenly dawned on Zhang that Xiao Lan was not comforting himself.

He seemed to be hinting at something, but for some reason was unable to say it explicitly.


Xiao Lan also thought about the fact that he didn't have much time in reality and that it was erratic, so to avoid any surprises he added: "You can also contact Cheng Wenyi if I'm not at home, and remember to be as quick as possible."

As if he saw a bit of hope, Master Zhang nodded, "Yes, thank you."


After saying goodbye to Mr Zhang, Xiao Lan went back home.

Luo gave him the tawdry business card left by Cheng Wenyi earlier.

Xiao Lan dialed the phone.

The person who answered the phone happened to be Cheng Wenyi himself.

His tone was the usual lazy condescension: " Xiao Lan ? What can I do for you?"

Xiao Lan didn't really want to find out how Cheng Wenyi knew his home phone number, so he briefly told Cheng Wenyi about the incident at Grandpa Zhang's house.

" Tian Yi 哥......" Cheng Wenyi's tone gruffened, "Don't worry I'll send someone to keep an eye on it."

"You don't have much time to stay in reality, so why don't you leave it to me. Reincarnation has a special department that deals with helping low-level players, and as soon as he shows up, I can pick him up directly from my side."

Xiao Lan said, "Thanks, I owe you one."

Cheng Wenyi: "No, Tian Yi and I are not more than a few years apart, although he is a generation older, but we grew up together and we are still close.

Having settled the matter with Zhang Da, Xiao Lan spoke of another matter: "Maybe soon we will have the opportunity to work together."

Cheng Wenyi: "Oh? So fast? You are confident enough. I hope your chances of winning are better, otherwise I won't bet the whole reincarnation with you."


Xiao Lan smiled softly, "Don't worry, not now, but I'll try to do it as soon as possible."

Cheng Wenyi's voice came out, "Hm, we'll see."


Hanging up the phone, the two men still left the house together.

The streets are quite obviously much depressed.

The streets are full of people in a hurry, everyone looks quite nervous, and hardly anyone is left alone.

As it was getting late, the pace of everyone heading back became more urgent.

They arrived at a restaurant where they had been before.

The restaurant was also noticeably less crowded for the most part.

Popular restaurants that used to have long queues are still not filled up even though it's clearly mealtime.

Seemingly for courage, the restaurant was also full of customers who gathered in multiples, with only a few like them having only two people.

After ordering, Xiao Lan and Luo eat and keep an eye out for movement.

Thanks to the sudden increase in physical fitness, Xiao Lan can hear conversations in almost the entire restaurant if she wants to.

"What do you think of the recent events?"

"I think there's some kind of transnational crime syndicate making a big move, otherwise why else is the whole world in trouble."


"No, I think it's a certain country's tactics against us, otherwise how come we're the only ones who have the most accidents here?"

"Actually, right ...... I don't think it's necessarily people, how do people do so many people go missing without being caught."

"Are you saying that ...... has ghosts?"

"Welp ...... you guys don't scare people."

"No, no, no, I don't mean ghosts, I mean - aliens."



"Yeah, maybe aliens are capturing earthlings for experiments? Let me tell you, there are many scientific studies that show that aliens really exist, let me show you ......"

"Che~ You're the least interesting."

"Aliens are too much of a bullshitter."

Xiao Lan and Luo can't help but look at each other.

And who knows, the conclusion that seems most absurd is actually the one closest to the truth.

But at the same time, another thought came unbidden to their minds -

Time, not much of it.



After the meal, the two returned to the house.

After showering, Xiao Lan changed into a comfortable robe and stepped out of the bathroom.

Luo had already prepared black tea for him, just like every other time before.

Xiao Lan expertly sits on the sofa and drinks his tea while Luo takes his towel and wipes his hair.

Scenes like this happen so often that they seem to have become a daily occurrence between the two.

The aroma of the black tea and the gentle force of Luo's hand made Xiao Lan a little sleepy.

Sensing his sleepiness, Luo gently squeezes Xiao Lan's shoulder and rests his head on his lap.

Xiao Lan followed the force and lay on his side in Luo's lap, turning his back to facilitate the rubbing of his hair while asking softly, "What happens next when he ...... takes over?"

Xiao Lan did not mention who "he" was, but both knew unspokenly that it was a reference to the Lord who had descended upon the world.

Luo: "Probably would have found a way to implement his previous vision."

Xiao Lan was a little worried: "Will he find you?"

Luo kept his hands on his hair, "He won't be able to find me anytime soon. After all, there are so many games and he can't monitor all the playgrounds at all times, so the chances of bumping into him on his rounds like this one are actually very small."

Xiao Lan thought for a moment, "Then he'll send contracted players to look in the game, I guess, like he did before."

Luo said, "Yes, from what I know of him, there will be a large number of indentured players out in the playground after that."

Xiao Lan's brow furrowed slightly and he did not speak.


The situation seems to be heading in a bad direction.

Luo smiled: "Worried about me, sir?"

Xiao Lan didn't hide: "Of course. I should have a fighting chance with the Pact now, but my combat experience is still perhaps not as good as those players who have entered the Advent world for many years, and if I were to take on a Pact player, the outcome would still be unpredictable."

Xiao Lan doesn't think he and Luo can take on the Juggernaut, who Luo and Xiao Chengyan have failed to take down.

Xiao Lan sighed in silence. It seemed that the speed at which he was growing up was still not keeping up with the speed at which things were changing.

Luo stopped wiping his hair, "Don't be too hard on yourself, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Xiao Lan gave a soft "hmm".

The two men stopped talking and Luo resumed the act of wiping his hair.

The room was silent, except for the slight rustling of towels against hair.

Xiao Lan's breathing calms down, he is surrounded by the people he trusts most, he is surrounded by peace, and he falls into a deep, unguarded sleep.

Luo put down the towel in his hand and touched Xiao Lan's hair, which was almost dry.

He gently reached out and stroked Xiao Lan's cheek.

What entered his hand was as warm as his body heat, with the soft texture characteristic of human skin.

"Sir." Luo called out softly.

The slumbering Xiao Lan did not respond, still sleeping peacefully, as if he could only sleep so soundly next to Luo.


The corners of Luo's mouth curled up and he reached out and picked Xiao Lan up with gentle force, making his way smoothly to the bedroom.

After gently placing Xiao Lan on the bed, Luo does not withdraw as usual.

This time Luo also lies down on the bed and extends his arms around Xiao Lan, lying beside him in an embracing position.

Although non-humans don't need sleep, it doesn't matter.

Luo closed his eyes as Xiao Lan had done.


I don't know how long it took.

Luo feels as if he has fallen into a wonderful state.

He saw that Xiao Lan was smiling at him.

But his consciousness was clear; Xiao Lan should be lying next to him in a deep sleep right now.

Xiao Lan is wearing a loose white bathrobe.

The straps of his bathrobe were not fastened, revealing his beautifully muscled body, and even his abs and mermaid line could be seen faintly if you looked further down.

Xiao Lan opened her arms to him and her lips opened and closed slightly, calling out to him, " Luo ."

This one word was the beginning of all the connections between them and the name that would be with him for the rest of his life.

Just one word makes Luo feel like his soul is boiling.


An impulse and joy rose up from his heart.

He stepped forward and reached out to give the other man a fiery hug.

Perhaps, there are others ......

Instead, he saw his raised arm.

The arm was covered in cracks and the human epidermis became mottled like the ugliest mutilation in the world.

Luo's heart snapped to attention.

He looked up at Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan still smiles at him and opens his arms as if waiting for a hug.

But right behind Xiao Lan, a white spike slammed into his vest, and he was oblivious to it.

Luo's heart swells with fear and anxiety.

He tried to pull Xiao Lan behind him for protection, trying to tell him that there was danger behind him.

But at this moment he was unable to make any sound, even as his own arms were gradually disintegrating into pieces, unable not only to protect but even to grab his opponent.

There was nothing he could do.

He just watched as the white spike penetrated Xiao Lan's chest.

The blood splashed out like a slow-motion picture.


The smile on Xiao Lan's face disappears, his eyes are wide open, his arms are still extended, but his body falls backwards like a mannequin that has lost its grip.

Behind Xiao Lan lies a bottomless white abyss.

And so he fell, and fell, and fell ...... little by little, out of Luo's sight.

In the end there was nothing left.

The whole world was just a blinding white.


Luo's eyes snapped open.

There is a familiar ceiling, a soft mattress beneath her and Xiao Lan still sleeping peacefully in her arms.

Reality was as calm as ever, and what had just happened seemed like an illusion.

Is it a dream ......?

Luo's heart flutters with surprise.

Does he, too, dream now?

He reached down and touched his core, where a sharp pain seemed to have just come from.

The pain was even more intense than when the Juggernaut had sneaked up on him with his previous core.

Luo looks at Xiao Lan's sleeping face and with a little effort he takes her into his arms.

He gently kissed the top of Xiao Lan's head.

A thought flashed through his mind - no matter what, no matter what the cost, he would not let anything happen to this man.

The author has something to say.

A dream turned into a nightmare, and Luo's mind is now in turmoil.

--An author whose name has been mosaicked off, riding arrogantly across the night sky on a wheel-less tricycle.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!