Published at 24th of April 2022 09:40:57 AM

Chapter 1129

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Camellia-san was holding a sheaf of papers and was handing them out to people on the street. I wondered if it was some kind of guide, and it seems that when we got a certain distance to her……



[Ahh, there she is! She’s over there.]



Hina-chan shouted, to which everyone else also seemed to have become aware of something, it seemed that everyone had found Camellia-san.

Considering that we had to get quite close before they could find her, I guess her words about being unnoticeable in a town even without Recognition Inhibition Magic is true.



[……Camellia-san, hello.]

[Kaito-san, everyone, hello…… I see you’re here for the Harmonic Symphony.]

[Yes. Camellia-san, what are you handing out?]

[Ahh, it’s a simple guide for the venue. If Kaito-san and the others would like, please have one.]

[Thank you very much. I was just thinking I would like a guide earlier.]



What Camellia-san handed to us was a map of Yggfresis with the main events written on it, containing just the kind of information we wanted.

Taking a quick look at it, I saw that the locations of the events the Seven Princesses were in charge of were also written on it, so we should be able to get to Tir-san’s place without any problem.



[……Arehh? Speaking of which, aren’t you going to put on a performance, Camellia-san?]


[No, even though we have different performances, all of the Seven Princesses have a program we represent, and I, along with a good number of my subordinates, planned to hold a program of our own.]

[Eh? Errr…… Then why are you handing out guides here?]

[Ahh~~ Errr, the Harmonic Symphony is the largest event for us subordinates of the World King, and almost all of the subordinates participate in it. It’s a rare opportunity for a large group of people to work together on a single project, and if I were to direct everything, it would hinder the growth of my subordinates, so I basically just work behind the scenes and let them take the lead.]



I see, indeed, if the executive Camellia-san were to give out instructions, her subordinates would follow, but she felt that this would deprive them of the opportunity to grow, so she left the operation to her subordinates and worked behind the scenes, doing things like distributing guides and so on.

This sure was typical of Camellia-san, or rather, it seemed to convey the kindness within her mind for her subordinates.



[Of course, each of the Seven Princesses have their own way of doing things, and there are some like Tir-san and Ariel-san who take the lead themselves. On the other hand, there are people like me who prefer working behind the scenes like Eri, who well, you know, she’s anxious around strangers and has difficulty working out in the open.]

[I see……]




As I was convinced by Camellia-san’s words, I heard some kind of shout and saw a woman running from the distance.

She was dressed in a sleeveless jacket, leggings, and skirt……and her rust-colored hair was tied into a short ponytail, giving her a somewhat ninja-like appearance.



[Lanza-san? Is something the matter?]

[Yes! All the preparations on our side are finished, so I’ve come to call Camellia-sama!]




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