Published at 12th of January 2023 12:01:06 PM

Chapter 104

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Actually, she didn’t really mean it that way.

Somehow, she was just talking casually, but didn’t he specifically restrain her or suppress her with force?

In addition, there was no law that said that if he was a demon, she had to speak respectfully, and he was not threatening enough to make her speak respectfully. So, the energy that Hail emitted did not affect her. Still, she doesn’t know what would happen if Hail truly attacked her with intent.

Elysia asked him with a brazen face.

“So, when are you going to tell me?”


It was the reason she came here. Because he said he would say it, so she didn’t stop Hail from following her.

“You know the treaty from five hundred years ago, right?”

At that, Elysia nodded her head.

That convention that Ramote attended as a representative of human beings. Didn’t the demons say they would never set foot in the human world again…?

“Wait… So, the agreement is broken now?”

“You’re saying scary things. No, I’m not caught yet.”

But soon, Elysia smiled crookedly.

It was because Ramote would be coming here. Nonetheless, She chose to keep her mouth shut as she didn’t have to tell him until she got the information she wanted.

“Then, I lost Der. It was when I was working hard to get it to choose me as its master.”

Hail was shocked to hear that Der was called the tomb guardian.

“Tell me the conclusion.”

“Ah, I’m not good at explaining kindly. Come here.”

Elysia wiggled her eyebrows.

When she couldn’t get closer, Hail came up to her and tapped her forehead with his finger.



He glanced at the summoner, who had collapsed to the floor and stopped breathing, and turned his head. Hail couldn’t believe he didn’t realize that the contractor was wearing a restraint. In addition, he also did not recognize that someone was spying on him due to the unstable summoning.

Because of that, his self-esteem was hurt.

He snapped his fingers and pulled the spying person in front of him. She seemed to be a woman named Lumiere, whom the contractor wanted to win over.

“I think I saw you somewhere?”


Hail was in trouble.

It was difficult because he had to use his power within the limits so he wouldn’t be found out that he had broken the treaty. Besides, he had to come back to the human world to get his cutie back next time, so there was a limit to what he could do.

While he wanted to kill her, because of the damn treaty, he was not allowed to get involved in human life and death.

“Should I… Should I turn back everything?”

Hail kept a deep smile as if he did well. He then waved his hand as he read Lumiere’s head.


“Well, in exchange for using your memory, I’ll let you remember it, too. If you can’t pay for it, I’ll take the soul as well, though I can eat you raw. Thank you.”

If the contractor returned, he thought she would touch this woman first, but what if she had all her memories…?

Wouldn’t it be fun?

It would be difficult to sign an additional contract, so he just gave her a fair price and let her remember.

As expected, he was too smart.

He groaned and took Lumiere, who had fallen, back out. Then, looking at the book in his hand, his lips drooped.

…He needed a soul to replace the body that lost its master.

And so, Hail enchanted the book he created based on Lumiere’s memories so that only non-humans could see it. In addition, he used the memories of Elysia and Lumiere to create a rough ending to the story.

“I think they were going to have a wedding soon, but should we wrap it up like that?”

He had written down roughly what was going to happen in the future, so they would play around with it.

He was not human, only a demon. As demons of this dimension couldn’t enter the human world, it seemed interesting to invite other people instead. Eventually, Hail lightly flicked his fingers and sent the book elsewhere.

Anyone who saw the magic circle inscribed in the book would know what was going on, so those who wanted to enjoy the game would choose it.



Elysia gasped and inhaled her breath, raising her upper body.

Right in front of her was a split pupil.

She reached out and pushed Hail’s face away before putting her hand on her forehead as she tried to organize the situation.

The novel that should have flowed into the place caught her eye. Of course, there was no demon race in the world that she possessed, so no matter who it was, other vampires could have discovered the novel at some time…

So, this wasn’t just a novel?

It was just a plausible record created based on the memories of Lumiere and Elysia. It was a place where there was no magic, so she couldn’t even see the magic circle that Hail drew on the cover.

“You bastard.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know there was such a race like yours.”

Lumiere had turned back time because of Hail’s whim. To be honest, it wasn’t returning time, it was a reminder of future memories.

…No, so like a regression.

Elysia stopped thinking as her head was cluttered, so she just shook her head because she wanted to know what would be important first. Anyway, this all happened because of Hail’s rough handling of ‘the matter.’

At the thought, she ground her teeth and glared at him.

“But, dar—”

“Don’t call me darling.”

“Do you want to go back?”


Hail smiled mischievously as if trying to sway her mind.

“I can send you back right now. Besides, on the day the contract ends, you were supposed to go back anyway.”

“What if I don’t want to go back?”

When she spoke without any hesitation, Hail grinned, saying that it was also fun.

“Of course, you can.”

“Then, I will stay.”

“Looking at your man’s memory, there were some problems.”

Hail referred to Cassian as ‘her man.’ There was a strangely offended tone, so she told him to call Cassian by name. Still, he kept calling Cassian like that.

“Don’t read Cassian’s memories arbitrarily.”

“I’ve already seen it all. But strangely, I can’t see what’s on your head.”

That was very fortunate.

Elysia glanced at him with a crooked smile, and Hail twirled around her.

“Make a contract with me.”


“I haven’t said anything yet.”

At his words, Elysia waved her hand as if chasing after a fly. Nonetheless, Hail did not give in to her and pushed his face shamelessly.

“I am more handsome than your man. Would you like to drink my blood, too?”

“No. And, Cassian is more handsome than you.”

“How can you compare me to a human? Oh, we’re close, so it’s hard to say that we’re completely human, isn’t it?”

Seeing Hail tilting his head, she reached out her hand and grabbed his collar.

“…What does that mean?”

“What? You don’t know?”

Elysia thought she’d lose if she got angry, so she took a deep breath. As she continued to talk with this demon, she was the one who kept getting more and more angry. How did he pick only the parts that she reacted to and poke fun at it like this?

Hail enjoyed that reaction.

“Didn’t you say that you’re thankful for me?”

He said that if she and Der had met a little later, Der would have died as it was. It was because due to the nature of Der’s race, if it did not select a master within a certain period of time, it would lose its life as it is, but just in time, she found Der, who was sleeping.

“Yes, thank you.”

“You’re sorry for me?”

“I guess?”

“Ah, so it has nothing to do with the contract where you called me here?”

She saw that Hail was perplexed. At that, Elysia continued her words with a winner’s smile.

“The representative of the human world when you signed the treaty was the teacher who taught me magic.”

“I know…”

Of course, it must be because he saw Cassian’s memories.


“Then, why don’t you be nice to me?”

“Darling, there’s no use in seducing me with those words.”

Elysia groaned and clicked her tongue.

With a charming smile, Hail went to the sofa where Der was sitting and lay down. He peered at her with his palm propping his head.

“He must have been very strong for a human, have you ever thought that this was weird?”

“It is.”

It wasn’t just once or twice that she thought Cassian had incredible stamina, even in bed.

“What you think is right.”

Hail laughed out loud.

“You said you couldn’t read my thoughts.”

“What were you thinking?”

Elysia’s face blushed, and she got up to her feet.

“You…! You can see memories.”

“To be so ashamed. I wanted to see that scene, too, but I couldn’t even do that because our blood is mixed—Kuhk.”

As she pointed to him, Der smacked Hail in the face with its front paw.

‘…Come to think of it, Der could touch Hail?’

Elysia looked at Der with a peculiar look.

“You have made such a precious race like a pet.”

“Tell me what you mean when you say ‘our blood is mixed’.”

“Didn’t your man tell you? Our blood is mixed with his ancestors—literally mixed with demon blood.”

She had never heard of such a thing from Cassian. No, it was questionable whether he knew it or not. If so, was it possible that demon blood was sweet to her…?

It seemed that Cassian was unique.

“Then, he was a half-demon or something like that…”

“He’s only human because he was born with a particularly thick human blood.”

It had already faded as it has passed through generations, although it was amazing that his uniqueness still stands. Recalling that Cassian was different, Elysia suddenly saw Hail speaking to her in a serious voice.

“A contract, won’t you sign it?”

“What do you want? What can you do for me?”

If he had read Cassian’s memories, he would be well aware of what she was thinking about right now.

Elysia asked what he could do for her. Even though it seemed that there were many restrictions for him to use his force, still, she had to try not to have unreasonable expectations.

“I will hand over my knowledge.”

“I do not need it.”


“You will need it. Your body is not normal right now.”

Elysia couldn’t help but pause at his last words.

Hail got up and came over to her before placing his hand on her heart. When the playful look on his face disappeared, she thought he was rather intimidating.


Elysia tried to push him away at the sudden touch, but she couldn’t because the energy flowing into her body made her lose her strength. Hail’s hand supported her waist that was about to sink down on the floor.

“If I stop this, you will die.”

He was not saying that she was going to die completely, but that her body would die. Wasn’t that a bit strange to say? It was as if there was something else.

“What happens when the body dies?”

“If you want to know what will happen, let’s sign a contract.”

She could feel the energy rushing into her body through Hail’s hand, sweeping through her whole body. Elysia frowned at the unpleasant feeling. She pushed him away once he seemed to have looked at her.

Hail, who was gently pushed aside, still gazed at her with an interesting expression.

“Darling, will you just live with me?”

He uttered in a seductive voice in her ear.

“I’ll have to ask the old man how to reverse summon you…”

It was certain that he continued to look at her as if she was a miracle, and that she was interested in her and did not go back immediately. Elysia shivered, turning her body.

Hail hastily cut off her words.

“I told you… I can’t joke.”

He ruffled his short hair with a dissatisfied look.

“So, what happens when my body dies?”

“I’ll tell you all about it when you sign a contract with me. Maybe, we can settle the problem between you and your man.”

He acted as if he was going to tell her everything he knew. Elysia sighed and asked, “If we sign a contract, what do you want from me?”

“On a human world scale… Once in ten years, let me see Der.”

“Just that…?”

Hail snorted when she mentioned ‘just.’

“How much is your Der… Hoo, let’s not talk. Just that. Summon me once in ten years.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Cassian came in with a click.

His gaze then turned to Hail’s hand, which was supporting Elysia’s waist. Approaching them, he smiled languidly and removed Hail’s hand. After brushing his hand off Elysia’s waist, Cassian opened his mouth with a blatant repulsion on his face.

“How long will you be here?”

Hail pointed at her with his finger.

“You’re short on words, too? I mean, I still have work to do with her.”

“Get out.”

In the end, Hail was kicked out of the annex by Der.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!