Published at 3rd of June 2022 03:38:21 AM

Chapter 334: Live streaming!

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On the second day, Jiang Siming started broadcasting in the evening as usual.

After a day of fermentation, Dolce & Gabbana's insult to China has completely spread to China.

CTV even criticized D&G by name, and even taught them what is the real chopstick culture!

This morning, Dolce & Gabbana's senior management hurriedly came out to apologize, but it was of no use.

Because the incident was too noisy.

Dolce & Gabbana flagship stores across the country were forced to close stores urgently.

The originally scheduled exhibitions and fashion shows held by Dolce & Gabbana were also forced to stop, with an indefinite delay.

D&G's stock has fallen to 12 yuan within a day, and there is no sign of a rebound.

Dolce & Gabbana lost tens of billions of dollars in one day, and their senior executives were anxious.

Not only withdrawing the apology link, but also mocking the Chinese for forgetfulness, and it will not be long before they will come to buy their goods.

This completely exposed the original appearance of these people, and completely ignited the anger of the Chinese people.

Even in Jiang Siming's live broadcast room, people are scolding them.

Jiang Siming unexpectedly showed up live this time, and took the camera to himself and his computer desk.

Everyone can see that there are many D&G bags and clothes on Jiang Siming's table.

"What the **** are you Myojin? Do you still buy Dolce & Gabbana at this time?"

"Myojin, you don't want to die, do you? Stand on the opposite side of the entire Chinese people?"

"Damn, do you believe it?"

"Myojin shouldn't be so impulsive, let's see how he explains?"


The anger of the masses is terrible. Even if Jiang Siming's popularity is so high, if he stands on the opposite side of everyone, he will never have good fruit.

The director of Chicken Tiao who was watching the live broadcast in his spare time was eating, and he almost choked himself with the ribs in his mouth.

"This guy... won't be so stupid..."

The director of Chicken Tiao died in desperation. If Jiang Siming really had an accident, the latest episode of their recording would be pornographic. It is absolutely impossible for Jiang Siming's scene to appear again.

Just like Wu Xiubo's scumbag male attribute was exposed, in the TV series Fengshen Bang that he participated in, all his shots were cut, and his face was replaced.

Even if everyone complains about it, Wu Xiubo will never appear in the play.

The star looks glamorous, but in fact, if you take a wrong step, you will have to face the situation of losing all the games.

But the bad scenes that everyone expected did not appear.

"Don't get me wrong. I collected these clothes and bags from my friends. Since yesterday, they all said that they no longer use D&G products, so they gave them to me."

Jiang Siming said with a smile, and said, "As for why I would accept these products, it's because D&G doesn't say that we are very forgetful? I want to let them know how determined we are on this matter now!"

Jiang Siming said that he picked up a crocodile leather bag that looked good in quality and tore it lightly. This leather bag worth more than 30,000 was torn in half on the spot by Jiang Siming!

Then he picked up a limited edition backpack worth more than 70,000 yuan and tore it to pieces on the spot.

In this way, Jiang Siming tore all the D&G's on the table, especially the bags and clothes that were torn behind, each worth more than 100,000 yuan.

Counting it down, Jiang Siming ripped off millions in less than two minutes.

"Good job!"

"Just this hand, you must fan!"

"This is the most domineering anchor I have ever seen,"

"Although it looks a bit rude, I think this is the most venting way."

"Are these bags so bad? They shattered as soon as they were torn? Fortunately, I didn't buy them."

"I wanted to buy this bag for my girlfriend this year, but now it's all right, so I will give up decisively!"


Jiang Siming's move won the whole house.

Then pack the bags and clothes that were torn into linen with a garbage bag. Jiang Siming pointed to the garbage bag and said: "Garbage is only allocated to garbage bags."


The audience laughed loudly and said so well!

After throwing the garbage bag out the door, Jiang Siming returned to the live broadcast room and said to everyone:

"The audience who bought this brand before, you don’t need to learn from me. After all, this is the money you spent yourself. Since the money has been given to the beasts, you should be a lesson in buying them. There is no need to destroy them like me. After all, I have money. ."

In his joke, Jiang Siming also persuaded the audience to resist correctly.

Then he said seriously to everyone: "Since Dolce & Gabbana wants to see how long we can resist, then start with me, from today, as long as you are still buying Dolce & Gabbana products, I don’t care if you are me. Whether it’s my fan, my friend, or even my girlfriend, I’m sorry, we have nothing to do."

Jiang Siming said this too harshly, but the audience thought it was really **** relief! That's how it should be.

"Also, no matter whether we have conflicts before, whether I have sprayed you, as long as you don’t buy D&G things in the future, you are my brother. If I ever scold nmsl, then you just don’t buy D&G things, she Not only will I be resurrected, I will also put on the resurrection armor for your mother by myself!"


This wave of operations, 6666+!

The audience burst into laughter.

"Myojin, you are a propaganda genius!"

"This copy does not feel too showy!"

"I laughed so hard, you will be my brother for the rest of my life from Myojin, because I will never buy it!"

"Myojin, you are really a little advertising genius."

"Resist D&G, start with Myojin, and start with ourselves!"

"It's so good, let this group of Italian stupid pigs see if our Chinese people are not forgetful!"

"Myojin's words are what I want to say, whoever buys it, even if it's my mother, I won't recognize it!"


Jiang Siming's remarks and actions have added fire to the Dolce & Gabbana incident.

That night Jiang Siming’s video and actions were ranked second in the hot search.

It is much more popular than those Chinese stars who have endorsed D&G before to stand up and declare the termination of the contract.

Especially in the last episode with a bit of uncivilized words with exploding foul language, netizens not only don't think Jiang Siming is rude, but think he is quite cute!

For this reason, Jiang Siming not only contributed to the fall of Dolce & Gabbana, but also attracted a large wave of popularity and fans.

After twelve o'clock that night, Dolce & Gabbana's stock price fell below double digits to 8 yuan!

Dolce & Gabbana was so angry that he wanted to take Jiang Siming to court, but unfortunately no court and Huaxia lawyers were willing to take this case.

Are you irritating?

In desperation, Dolce & Gabbana announced at two o'clock in the morning that he would break with China and not sell any products in China.

After everyone knows, not only will they not be angry, but will celebrate with a crown, which is even happier than the New Year.

Of course, there is nothing more happy than Yinghuan Finance.


One more~~~

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