Published at 3rd of February 2023 06:12:51 AM

Chapter 2357

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Any person who voluntarily transforms into a fallen god is subject to the following laws. 1. The limit of the number of depraved gods' splits: the spirit is empty, and one God envoy splits himself at most 10 times, two splits 50 times, three splits 100 times, four splits 500 times, five splits 1000 times, six splits 5000 times. If there is any violation, the God King will withdraw his life authority and wipe his life connection from the tree of life.

2. At the present stage, if necessary, we can carry out appropriate massacres on foreign nationalities, and we should not commit genocide. If there is any violation, we should erase the connection of life.

3. Those who voluntarily turn into fallen gods need to submit an application to their temple, which will be examined by the LORD God himself. Those who pass the examination can have the right to transform, and those who have selfish transformation can erase the connection of life.

4. To ensure the progress of the cultivation of the temple God of war and the above gods, and to maintain the number of worshippers, only one of every ten Protoss has the qualification of transformation.

5. If the fallen gods meet the following races in the process of performing the mission, they should immediately interrupt the mission and take capturing the following races as the first priority.

The order of priority is: God of life - human race - white eye race.

6. If you find a god whose spirit is out of control and degenerates, you should immediately record his name and send the information back to the God domain for life erasure.

7. The Fallen God should obey the orders of the divine realm completely. If he disobeys, he should erase the connection of life.

The temple God King looked at the split bill in his hand, took a long breath, raised his head and looked into a lightning cage in front of him.

In that cage, there was a fallen knight sitting, with a dull expression and no response.

From the side of the God King, there stood an old man. He whispered, "Lord God, do you want to start?"

The temple God nodded.

The old man waved and said, "send it in."

In the rear, two Templars escorted a foreigner and threw him into the lightning cage.

In a short moment, the degenerate knight with dull eyes immediately rushed to the alien like crazy. In the scream of the alien, he tore the alien into pieces.

Even the fallen knight did not stop, but constantly tearing the body, and gnawing and other actions.

The old man held a book in his hand and said respectfully to the God King: "although the fallen god can split infinitely on the level of life, we found that the division is not uncontrollable, but still affected by the spirit. Every division will weaken his spirit."

"In the cage, there is a double spiritual envoy. This is the result of his 51st split. Through observation, he has shown signs of manic, irritable and even out of control. In this case, he is unable to obey orders and is out of control."

If the temple God King thought about it, he said, "if you kill him, there will be only the last of the other 50 parts. Can this negative impact be controlled?"

The old man shook his head: "no way."

"The higher the realm of the protoss, the stronger the spiritual power, the more splits they can support, and vice versa."

The temple God King nodded and said, "so far, the Fallen God still does not have the ability of self-cultivation."

The old man said, "we can't completely control the tree of life. Unless we find the God of life to control the tree of life and further transform the world's life rules, otherwise the Fallen God will never be able to improve the realm."

"But if we find the strong one of the seven white eyes, we can create the seven fallen gods."

The temple God said, "as far as I know, there are no seven level masters in Baimu clan."

The old man sighed: "yes, the only way is to catch the Baimu people and force them to upgrade. We have sent a large number of fallen gods to search for the whereabouts of the Baimu people."

The temple God said, "have you got any results?"

The old man sighed: "at present, we have caught 13 Baimu people, but when they are promoted, there will be a 20% probability of death."

"And these thirteen people are generally around the level of spiritual emptiness. When they ascend the realm, they all die. The strongest one has reached the level of spiritual emptiness five."

"We need more white people as experimental samples."

At this time, the Fallen God in the lightning cage was completely crazy. He fought his life to hit the lightning cage and didn't care that he was injured by lightning.

The temple God King shook his head and said, "this man is useless. Erase the connection of life."

"Yes." The old man nodded. He looked at the book in his hand and said, "this man works for the Templars. He's a trainee knight and belongs to the vanguard temple. His name is Moses."

"It is now confirmed that the life link of Moses will be erased and that he will be declared dead."

Shenyu, the site of the temple of nature.

Outside the natural temple, there is a heavenly tree, which is boundless in height and green in color. At this time, there are tens of thousands of lifelines coming back from various regions of the world, connecting the trunk of the tree of life.One of the main gods guarding the tree of life, received the order, he looked for the lifeline corresponding to Moses, and gently scratched on the trunk.

All of a sudden, the fallen knight in the lightning cage suddenly fell to the ground and turned into a pool of sewage.

At the same time, outside the realm of God, the other 50 "Moses", who are madly attacking other fallen gods, are all paralyzed to the ground and turned into sewage.

The old man said, "there's another thing that we need to report to the LORD God. We found that there were a lot of lifelines that were suddenly disconnected, and it wasn't our own people."

The temple God frowned and said, "what does that mean?"

The old man said, "that means that outside the realm of God, someone can completely kill the Fallen God. We have every reason to believe that there are only two people who can do this."

"First, life is the Lord of God. Second, Xiang Nan, a member of the human race who once acquired the form of Tao and God."

Temple God King nodded silently: "these two people, must bring back to me."

"Yes." The old man said.


Shenyu border city, a special wormhole for Shenyu.

The bustling border city is still as bustling as usual.

Suddenly, thousands of black coffins flew out of the insect hole!

These coffins whizzed through the sky and flew away in different directions, just like a big black flower.

One of the coffins fell directly into the border city.

The coffin boomed and slanted into the ground.

Many foreigners in the border city came to watch in panic. People pointed at the coffin and didn't know what it was.

But after a short minute, the coffin staggered, with the overflow of gray gas, a fallen god with exposed bones came out slowly.

Seeing this, they immediately retreated hundreds of meters, but still looked at the Fallen God from a distance.

"Why? Look at his chest, he has the emblem of the Templars Someone recognized the badge on the chest of the Fallen God. This is a fallen knight!

At this time, an incredible scene happened.

In the coffin, a beam of light suddenly shot into the sky. The light soon spread in a fan shape and became a fan-shaped cobweb.

And the fallen knight twisted his neck and rushed to the light net immediately. His body was immediately cut into more than twenty pieces of meat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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