Published at 21st of December 2022 05:17:05 PM

Chapter 1550

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From the flame, rod came back to the water plane.

However, to rod's surprise, this is not the castle he wants to return to, but a strange, dark quiet room.

On the ground of the quiet room, there is a unique ceremony. Standing in the center of the ceremony, rod can't mobilize any mana value in his body, and can't cast any magic. In addition, there are many undead creatures lurking nearby. It seems that he has come to a trap, but those undead creatures are derivatives of the cloak of the ghost king.

In perception, the concentration of Magic Elements in the nearby water system is obviously much higher than that of other types of magic elements. This is indeed an island on the water element plane. However, influenced by some magic, rod came to this strange quiet room.

"Rowling, what's the result of the ritual test? Did we make it? "

Just as rod was puzzled, a familiar voice came from him. Following the reputation, I saw a girl with purple hair and purple robe outside the quiet room, saying something to the people around her.

"After testing, the ritual does not affect space spells cast internally. As for whether the space spells connected from other planes will be affected by rituals, I still need to make further attempts. " Next to the girl with purple hair, another man with heavy ancient books answered.

"What are you doing here? How did I get here? " Seeing that they didn't notice their appearance, instead they all paid attention to the ceremony, rod reluctantly stepped forward and asked them.

"Rod, when did you come here?" Noticing rod's appearance, the girl with purple hair came to him with a look of joy and asked.

"I've just come here, enota. It seems that my fire escape is disturbed by some force. Instead of reaching the position I want to go to, it draws me here... "To the girl with purple hair in front of me, rod replied.

Listen to rod so say, in front of two people no doubt realized what, they look at each other, show satisfied expression.

"What do you mean by the ceremony? Does it have something to do with the disturbing force that I've been subjected to? " Rod asked and answered with some doubts.

"Yes." This time, beside enota, Rowling took the initiative to answer rod's question, "according to my brother's request, enota and I are trying to lay a special magic ceremony on the area where the island is located, including the nearby sea area. All the space magic cast here from the outside will be moved to this forbidden magic house in the end. "

"As a result, you should have succeeded. The ceremony did move me to this quiet room." With Rowling's words, rod obviously felt something. He looked around the quiet room and asked, "how do you do this? Ordinary magic rituals have no such effect. "

"Brother, do you remember our harvest in Emerald City?" Did not answer rod's question, Rowling asked.

"Emerald City?" Rod thought about it and said with some uncertainty, "do you mean those gold coins and ores when you say harvest?"

The gold coins obtained in the campaign, under rod's command, were transformed into bottle after bottle of spiritual magic medicine. Among them, the harvest of the mines around the emerald city undoubtedly accounted for less than half of all the harvest.

Rowling shook her head. "No, it's more important than that. In the Emerald City, we got a lot of space gems to mark space. I bury these space gems here. With the connection of magic ceremony, all space magic that points to the island from the outside will be interfered by these space gems and finally come here. The space magic cast in the island will not be affected. "

After listening to Rowling's story, rod can't help nodding. He just used the flame to escape. He has a deep understanding of Rowling's space gem interference.

Rod believes that even his own fire evasion will be disturbed by this ritual. Other space magic, not to mention legendary mages, can't get rid of the attraction of a large number of space gems.

In addition to the space gems, rod noticed that there was a real magic prohibition ceremony under his feet. According to Rowling, this place should be called the magic prohibition house, which also made rod feel strange.

In rod's memory, the ceremony of forbidding demons is one of the most difficult to arrange, even more difficult than the endless night ceremony, which is not so well arranged. At the same time, the ceremony of forbidding demons also requires a huge amount of materials, which is enough to make the richest Lord feel painful.

As if aware of rod's doubts, Rowling took the initiative to say: "the ceremony of forbidding demons is under inotabu. She took out some precious ritual materials to maintain the ceremony of forbidding demons in the cabin. Now it is the limit of these materials, and it is impossible to extend the ceremony to the whole island."

Rod nodded: "you've done a good job, but the ritual of banning demons doesn't mean you're safe. You should be prepared around here. Although islands and nearby waters will be disturbed by this ritual, there are still many other ways for legendary mages to directly enter the water element plane, which also needs to be prevented. "

"Rod, what's on your head? It looks a little strange. " On one side, enota seemed to find something and asked voluntarily.

"You mean my blindfold?" "I need it to keep my eyes closed so that nothing bad happens," rod replied

"Bad things? What do you mean? " Enota tilted his head and asked rod.

"For example, I will unconsciously turn people around me into vampires. Whether it's you or Rowling, it's something I don't want to see. Maybe not yet, but with the step up, this will happen eventually, so I have to wear it all the time. "

With that, rod raised his hand and brushed the white Blindfold over his head. On the other hand, seeing rod's action in her eyes, Rowling showed a happy smile.

"Vampire? What does that have to do with blinders? " Enota looked at rod suspiciously. Unlike Rowling, who has a keen mind, enota is not aware of rod's previous intention.

"Remember the story we heard from the tomb keepers not long ago on the plane of fire element?"

Seeing enota nodded, rod said, "now, I also have the ability in the story to turn all the low-level creatures I watch into vampires, so I need to wear an eye mask."

"Oh, so it is." Enota lengthened and looked at rod in surprise.

"I'm going to Diya. Come with me." With that, rod reached out to enota.

Enota gently grasped rod's hand, with a bright smile on his face.

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