Published at 21st of December 2022 05:11:21 PM

Chapter 1743

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With rod's inspection, the soul melting pot characteristic belonging to hell bimon also appears in the crystal ball.

"BINOL, currently ranked second, collects 186163 sinner souls, and the highest quality sinner soul is the double filthy soul of legendary creatures."

"Taking the highest quality sinner soul as the core, you can get the quality of soul melting pot: legend."

"Depending on the quality of the soul, soul furnace will gain additional effects."

"Desire to fight: when fighting on lake of fire, all attributes of the creatures on the ship are + 3, and the damage is increased by 30%."

"Incessant Rage: when chasing other magic ships, the navigation speed increases by 30%."

"According to the current ranking, soul furnace will receive additional rewards."

"Soul growth: according to the number of souls contained in the soul furnace, all characteristics of the soul furnace will be increased in equal proportion. Current quantity: 186163, all effects increased by 1.86% "

"Confirm manufacturing?"

Looking at the records of the crystal ball, rod also understands the characteristics of the soul furnace of the hell bimon.

It's also a soul melting pot made by the soul of legendary creatures. Hell is more inclined to directly improve the combat ability than the soul melting pot of mon. This can be illustrated by the improvement of attributes and pursuit speed.

Among them, what matters most to rod is the "soul augmentation" feature.

The characteristic of "soul increase" is the second place of hell bimoun in the whole crime mirage. The extra reward he gets is equivalent to rod's "greedy desire", which naturally has its unique place.

According to the description of the crystal ball, this ability will increase the value of other characteristics of the soul furnace in proportion to the number of souls contained in the soul furnace.

Unfortunately, the proportion is much lower than rod expected. Even though the hell bimon has collected more than 100000 souls in the dreamland of sin, the proportion of ascension is still only 1%. To get 100% ascension, it needs 10 million souls.

According to rod's prediction, the number of souls possessed by bimon in hell is enough for all the voyages on the lake of fire. Few demons can collect such a large number of sinner souls.

In order to play the full effect of "soul augmentation", rod needs to capture other soul furnaces to obtain more souls. It's just that rod's "greed" also needs to devour other soul furnaces to work.

While rod was checking the hints in the crystal ball, the hell Beamon suddenly let out a low roar: "what happened... Something is spying on my soul..."

After hearing this, rod couldn't help looking at it. Unexpectedly, he could feel the detection of the crystal ball. He explained, "I'm preparing to make a magic boat. I need your soul to cooperate. It seems that we need to have a magic boat together."

Said, rod toward the crystal ball, confirmed the request to create a magic boat.

"Entering the final adjustment phase..."

"Please adjust the structure of the magic boat according to your own needs."

Soon, the reduced ship model appeared in the crystal ball, waiting for rod's adjustment.

At this time, there was only soul furnace on the magic boat. Besides, it was like a huge board with a hollow in the middle. Rod thought about it and added a high mast in the middle.

Thinking of the huge size of hell bimont, rod tried to add more weight to the magic boat to balance it. However, he learned from the crystal ball that the total weight of each magic boat was fixed and could only be adjusted in structure.

The existence of fusion ceremony makes rod and bimon share the same body, but have two souls. This also makes the magic boat belonging to rod have twice the basic weight of ordinary magic boat.

In addition to the soul of the hell bimon, there is another soul in rod's body, that is the soul of the fallen enshia.

Because the soul of the fallen enhia didn't participate in the crime fantasy of the magic dock, all kinds of statistics made by the crystal ball didn't count him in it, and his soul has long been silent.

Below rod, bimon looked up at the crystal ball in rod's hand. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Before long, after rod finished the adjustment of the magic ship, a huge wave of mana came out of the magic dock.

Feeling the appearance of this wave of mana, rod seems to be aware of something. He controls the body of bimon in hell and quickly comes to the magic dock.

By the scorching lake of fire, a dark ship appeared in rod's sight. The structure and details as like as two peas before Rhodes adjusted the crystal ball.

"Is that our magic boat?"

Looking at the dark ship on a piece of magma, tis asked rod with an expectant look in her eyes.

"Yes, we will soon be able to sail on the lake of fire, but before that, I have another thing to do."

Said rod slowly, holding tis in his spare arm to avoid her falling from bimon in hell.

With that, rod looked back, but he didn't see Hella coming.

"Are you looking for Hella? Before I came out, I saw her holding the scroll and leaving it in the hall After noticing rod's action, tis took the initiative to explain.

Rod turned his lips helplessly: "your observation is quite sharp. Even my attention was attracted by the magic boat that just appeared, and I didn't pay attention to the things in the rear. "

As rod said, even under the influence of the fusion ceremony, he didn't notice HeLa staying in the dock hall, but Tess could tell her whereabouts. It seems that Tess's observation ability is more acute than rod thought.

After getting rod's praise, tis laughed happily.

"Lord elotte, are we going to find her in the magic dock?" Leaning against rod, tis asked.

"No Rod shook his head and looked back at the junction of the magic dock and the lake of fire, where the ship appeared. "We'll wait for her here. I believe she will soon bring something that satisfies me..."

Before rod's words were heard, a huge wave of mana came.

After feeling the fluctuation of the magic power, rod looked around and saw another magic boat, which followed the previous one and appeared on the lake of fire.

Tess looked at the magic boat and rod in surprise. He seemed to have known for a long time that such a thing would happen.

"Elotte, have you seen my magic boat? That's for you. "

Soon, Hella's voice came to rod's ears again, and the demon came out of the magic dock with a smile on his face.

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