Published at 21st of December 2022 04:56:00 PM

Chapter 2283

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"Water spirit ball..."

On the boundless ocean, the whole body is transparent, like a humanoid creature composed of running water, gazing at the position under the ocean, which emits dim light, murmuring.

Her voice is clear and crisp, her words are coherent, not muddy, but her words are slightly sad. She closed her eyes slowly, and her consciousness seemed to fall into another space.

"Sally, where have you been? All the seals on me have been lifted, and only the last one is left. I need your help at that time."

Soon, a peaceful male voice reached her ears.

"If Fulham hadn't borrowed the ball of destruction, you would have been out of trouble earlier." She seemed to think of something and sighed slightly, "the ball of destruction... I need that artifact now. Has Fromm returned it?"

"She's still in hell and no news has come. Are you in any trouble?" Another deep male voice appeared in her ear.

"Someone is trying to fight me with the power of the water spirit ball, but what he doesn't know is that any confrontation is meaningless in front of the ball of destruction." She gave a cold hum and said quickly, "TELMA, tell Fromm to get the ball of destruction back quickly. It's not her own artifact."

"Sally is right. The lava underground tells me that Fulham is using the power of the ball of destruction to teach those demons who are immune to fire and do not respect her. This is not our intention to give her the ball of destruction." Another thick and low male voice echoed.

"The time has not come to recover the ball of destruction. Only by relying on that artifact can she destroy the seal of the scar and recover the power in the core of the world at one stroke. Have you forgotten our plan? That's the most important link." However, the creature named TELMA didn't think so and immediately refuted the words of the other two.

According to TELMA, although the other two are unwilling to admit it, they have nothing to refute. Only when Fulham takes the lead in absorbing the power of the core of the world can their plan continue. Therefore, Fulham must be in charge of the ball of destruction.

As if she thought of something, TELMA continued, "however, the emergence of the elemental spirit ball also reminds us. Do you remember the power belonging to the scar?"

Saryl recalled what had happened. Her originally cold voice became low at this moment, as if it had a unique magnetism: "you mean the power to master everything, nothing can violate, and finally seal us?"

TELMA nodded: "the closer we are to our goal, the more cautious we should be. Now he is back. In front of that force, anything can happen. No one knows what will happen. Perhaps it is just a chain reaction of a few small things, which is enough to destroy the plan we have prepared for years."

Sally fell into silence. Compared with TELMA, she understood the horror of the power of the holy mark more. Even in her heyday, she, who incarnated in the whole ocean, was finally defeated by the holy mark. It was not easy to recover her power from the main plane.

"What are you talking about?" At this moment, an arrogant and uninhibited female voice came from this space.

"Sally! I want you to teach rod a lesson for me. You must have done it!" It seemed that she had found something. As soon as she returned to the spiritual net, her voice was a little more cheerful, and immediately asked the woman like running water.

"Thanks to your request, I found that the necromancer actually had a water spirit ball in his hand. However, he didn't know the real usage of the element spirit ball. He would only instinctively stimulate the defense of the element spirit ball. Otherwise, you won't see me now!"

Recalling her previous experience, Sally's words were a little more dissatisfied, and then complained to the loud voice.

"Water spirit ball? There are so many treasures on him, hum..." the woman who finally arrived made a heavy hum in her mouth, which also contained her dissatisfaction with Sally's failure to teach her a lesson.

Hearing her dissatisfaction, Sally said angrily, "my strength has not been completely restored. It's you who have been occupying the ball of destruction and haven't seen you destroy the core of the world. What are you doing?"

"I also want to do that. Unfortunately, the core of the world is heavily guarded by the arrogant king. Those demons are not stupid enough to destroy the whole theme together with hell." Facing Sally's question, she replied reluctantly.

"How much time do you need? If you can't, give us the ball of destruction first." The thick male voice asked in a muffled voice.

"It's no use urging you any more. I also want to win the core of the world as soon as possible. Unfortunately, other kings won't give me this opportunity. It seems that there will be a chance for me only when the battle of the end is the most intense." If several people can see her appearance, they will find that under her seemingly indifferent look, what is hidden is deep reluctance, "by the way, I don't know why my strength in the field of burning embers has weakened recently. Is it because I am close to the core of the world? Or what other problems have arisen?"

Listening to her, the others were very confused.

"As far as I know, the core of the world doesn't have that power. Besides, according to your element attributes, when you get close to the core of the world, the field will only become stronger and stronger. In any case, it can't become weak." The gentle male voice, slightly puzzled, said, "our field will be weakened by only one thing. Is there... Other creatures that have mastered your field?"

"Don't be kidding. How can my burning field be controlled by other creatures?" Fromm did not believe his words at all. In her opinion, except her, the field of burning could not appear in any creature, and only she born from the first flame in the world was worthy to master this unique field.

"Forget it, I guess you don't know. Maybe it's the ghost of that Erathian." Seeing that nothing was found, she snorted discontentedly, and then mentioned another thing, "I have taught many great demons. Put the ball of destruction here for a while, and give it back to me when the defense at the core of the world is lax. By the way, Sally, during my absence, you should use the power of the ball of destruction to help me teach the necromancer a good lesson!"

With the fall of Fromm's discourse, a unique thing also appears in the space where only spirit can exist.

"I will, but before that..."

Sally's voice slowed down. At the same time, there seemed to be a gust of wind in the non-material space. It was a powerful spiritual wave. Even Fulham couldn't help shaking his face after feeling the power contained in the wave.

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