Published at 21st of December 2022 04:52:16 PM

Chapter 2410

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"You want to know about the territory? Of course."

With that, Leah took out a map from under the table, unfolded it and put it in front of Ender.

"Lord Rhode's rule covers the whole vilnin. Even in Diya, some areas bow down to Lord Rhode. Among them, Sao city is the most important existence and Lord Rhode's main city," Leah's finger scratched across the map and rustled.

Ender nodded solemnly. Rod's control was bigger than he expected.

"Around Sao City, there are three ore veins under development, one iron ore, one silver ore and one crystal ore. under the continuous excavation of undead creatures day and night, the silver ore is about to be exhausted. Nevertheless, those ores are still not enough to meet the needs of Sao city. In addition to the ores regularly provided by other city owners of vilning, we will also collect a large number of minerals from the freelance chamber of Commerce Acquisition. "

"Do you have corresponding records?" Ender asked voluntarily.

Leah nodded. Soon, the corpse witch who sorted out the classics took dozens of sheepskins, on which were the transaction records of minerals.

Ender quickly checked the contents of the sheepskin roll. Slowly, he frowned: "strange..."

"What's the matter?" Leah asked voluntarily.

"You built a large magic image factory?" Asked Ender.

Leah shook her head. "No, why?"

"If it weren't for the magic image factory, the size of Sao city should not be able to digest these minerals." Ender analyzed. He pulled out a sheepskin roll and looked at it carefully. "According to the above date, the amount of ore you imported fell sharply two months ago, which is in line with the limit level of Sao city. Did you transport those ore to other places?"

Listening to Ender's analysis, Leah's face changed slightly. She didn't tell Ender that the ores were not all purchased for Sao City, including the part needed to develop the water element level.

Two months ago, Lord rod found that the elemental monarch woke up, stopped the development of the island and organized the evacuation of creatures there. This is also the reason for the sharp decline in the number of purchased minerals. Without the consumption of the island, Sao city itself can't use up those minerals.

Seeing Leah's embarrassed look, Ender volunteered, "forget it, when I didn't ask this question."

"No, since you joined Sao City, you have the right to know all this." Leah shook her head and was ready to tell the truth.

"... you'd better stop talking." This time, it was Ender who was embarrassed. He just asked casually about the secret of the city of the dead, but he didn't want to explore it. The more he knew, the more difficult it would be to get out at that time. This was not the result he wanted to see. From Leah's dilemma, he vaguely realized that it might not be a good thing.

Unfortunately, Leah didn't see what he thought, but said, "Lord rod's territory extends beyond space to the ectopic side of the ocean. Those extra minerals are just for the development of the island over there. Unfortunately, the project stopped two months ago and the ocean woke up."

Ender stopped talking. Is Leah talking about the water plane? That rod put his hand to another plane? What does it mean when the ocean wakes up?

Seeing Leah go on, he may really be unable to get away. Ender quickly interrupted her words: "why don't you show me other transaction records? These are just the part about ore."

Hearing the speech, Leah didn't refuse. From Ender's previous performance, she also saw Ender's talent, and then asked the corpse witch not far away to take a heavy ancient book.

"This is all the financial records of Sao City, including the previous ore information. There are detailed records on it."

Put the classics on the long table. Leah just wanted to explain the corresponding contents of each area to Andre, and Ender couldn't wait to read them.

"Did you transcribe everything on it?" Looking at it, Ender seemed to find something and asked actively.

Seeing Leah nodded, Ender said, "have you ever worked in the freelance chamber of Commerce? These accounts are well organized, and the symbols referring to goods are also common within the chamber of Commerce. Only people from the chamber of commerce can skillfully use them."

"That was before." Leah showed a look of memory. "I left the freelance chamber of Commerce after Noah was born, and when he was reborn, I officially worked for Lord rod."

Ender seemed to think of something: "where's Noah's father? I don't seem to have heard you mention it."

Leah sighed, "he left and said he wanted to emulate Lord rod and gain power and power."

"So he's pursuing his own value. That's a good thing, isn't it? We all have..."

In the middle of Ender's words, Leah interrupted: "to his value, he never appeared next to Noah. Maybe he died long ago, just like those undead creatures. If I could see him again, I would kick his ass hard."

Seeing Leah's reaction was very strong, Ender wisely didn't say much, but carefully scanned the accounts in his hand.

Slowly, Ender frowned deeper and deeper, and the action of turning the page also became slow. After he confirmed the content of each side for many times and found that he had not missed any key items, Ender couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

"With all due respect... Lord rod, is he going to start a war?"

He squeezed the last words out of the financial record.

"Maybe. How do I know?" Leah said.

"Of course you should know." Andrews was born with a loveless look. "You are in charge of finance, which is equal to the mouthpiece of Sao city. No one knows every move in the city better than you. Sao city has recently consumed a lot of reserve gold coins and purchased war resources. Didn't it arouse your vigilance?"

Leah showed a puzzled look: "even so, it doesn't mean anything. There are a lot of traces of demons all over the world. Maybe Lord rod is preparing for resisting demons."

"If so, why did he spend millions of gold coins to buy space gems?" Ender opened the ancient books in his hand, pointed to one of them and asked, "this is a common trick used by mages to strengthen their control over the occupied land by wantonly constructing and transmitting steles in the war. However, even so, there are too many space gemstones... Does he have other plans?"

Seeing Ender's frown and deep confusion, Leah couldn't help laughing. It seemed that the Interior Department of Sao city would be changed because of his arrival.

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