Published at 21st of December 2022 06:53:59 AM

Chapter 2804

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"A star has fallen..."

Under the night sky, Saint Isaac looked at the night sky above his head and said with emotion.

Since the flames in the world fell silent, the earth has been plunged into darkness, and the sky has also been dimmed. Many people have rumored that this is a sign before the end of the world, and there is nothing wrong with this statement.

In the city of light not far away, there is still a little light coming out, and there is also a rare place in this dark land that still maintains light.

The saint raised his head, stared at the endless night sky, and watched among the stars, the dazzling bright star dimmed little by little, and finally crossed the sky and fell from the sky, leaving a faint sadness in vain .

When darkness covers the earth, not everyone wants to stay under the light. Sitting with the saints in the darkness was a thin young girl, her clothes were slightly stained with mud, she sat on the ground with the saints, but she didn't have the faint brilliance of the saints' external body protection, time After a long time, the clothes became dirty.

"It's just a shooting star, nothing rare, or have you never seen a shooting star in Yunzhong City?" Facing the bewildered saint, the girl frowned, not understanding why he was surprised.

"It's not just a shooting star, it's a hero. When a hero dies, stars will fall with them. It's the tears that God shed for them." The saint didn't explain anything, just lowered his head down.

The girl couldn't perceive the meaning of that meteor, but the saint could, he knew exactly what it meant. The fall of an ancient hero is like the collapse of mountains, like the falling of stars, how could it be hidden from his perception?

The girl looked at him and said, "Gods won't come to help us, but heroes can, and heroes of light will come to help us."

The saint just sighed, and there was a bit of emotion in his eyes: "Maybe. Some people can become heroes by relying on their own courage and break the shackles of fate. What can we complain about? Should we complain about God's fairness? It's not like's not like this."

The girl was a little puzzled, she only felt that there was something in the saint's words, but she couldn't perceive the meaning hidden in them at all.

The saint asked again: "Do you think becoming a hero is a gift from God, or is it a manifestation of the hero's own will?"

The girl was lost in thought, unable to answer the question for a while, the saint just sighed slightly, even he himself didn't know the answer to the question, so how could he count on the girl in front of him?

However, the girl's answer stunned the saint: "It depends on what you believe. The piety of the priest is nothing but a will. When this will drives people to become heroes, do you say it is a gift from God, or is it a kind of will?" The hero's own will?"

"Really..." The saint nodded, the girl's words are not unreasonable, the children's words are always so pure, and what is contained in them is the simple and pure thoughts of a child, without any calculations, that is The answer in her heart, the saint can feel this, her will is so pure, maybe one day, she can also become a hero.

"No matter what, you should quickly return to the embrace of God. When the reinforcements I call come, the evil in the entire city will be completely wiped out." The saint reminded.

The girl didn't answer, she just stuck her tongue out at him.


"The hero Somra has completely fallen, and Rhodes has won the final victory."

In the shadow deeper than the night, Sally looked at this information with a complicated expression on her face.

If there is anyone who can know everything that happened in the magic city the fastest, then this person must be the Shadow Lady in the dark. As the supreme leader of the Thieves Guild, all the information collected by the thieves will be handed over to her in the end In the hands, especially she also pays special attention to the situation in the magic city, and the thieves are very meticulous about the intelligence collection there.

Regarding Rhodes' choice to stand on the side of the elemental monarch, Sally seemed a little helpless at first, and she didn't trust those ancient elemental demigods.

The mages trust the magic they have learned, but who would have thought that one day even the most basic magic elements would betray themselves and completely fall into the control of the elemental monarch, and the entire main plane would be divided up by the elemental monarch. .

As the leader of the Thieves Guild, Sally should have stood on the side of dealing with the elemental monarch and helped many creatures on the main plane in the face of life and death on the main plane. Rhodes' choice once made her quite critical, but the situation is different now.

"The air elemental monarch's soul is exhausted, and he seems to have chosen Rhodes to inherit the authority of the elemental monarch."

Looking at the last information of the intelligence, she couldn't help showing a joyful smile on her face. If Rhodes really inherited the power of the air elemental monarch, then everything would be different, and she could rest assured to stand on the same side with the elemental monarch. She believes that Rhodes will not disappoint her, even if she abandons the main plane, there is still an elemental plane controlled by the elemental monarch.

"Rod, I never thought you would be able to do this..." Looking at the information recorded in the intelligence, Sally also expressed some emotion.

Looking back at the beginning, when I met Rhodes who could see through the darkness, he was being killed by a legendary hero. In the end, he relied on her power to finish off the enemy. I didn't expect him to be able to influence the demigod. levels of combat.

With the silence of the flames in the world, the earth is shrouded in endless darkness. Sally, who possesses the shadow domain, has achieved an unprecedented improvement in strength. As long as she goes one step further, she can become a true demigod, standing shoulder to shoulder with the ancient elemental lord.

However, it's just this step, and she doesn't know how long she will be stuck. If she can't find an opportunity for promotion, it may take decades, or even hundreds of years, before she can be promoted in rank. Before that, she was by no means an opponent of those ancient demigods, facing enemies at the demigod level, she could only seek to protect herself in the shadows.

Thinking of Rhodes, she couldn't help sighing a little. The Thieves Guild had already done the most detailed investigation on Rhodes' promotion path. Rhodes had been promoted from an ordinary person who had no power to protect himself to a level that could threaten demigods. It only took a few years for the strong man, compared with him, all the geniuses in this world would be ashamed, and only those heroes who are completely unreasonable and rely on the awakening of will can compete with him in this aspect .

Even so, Sally didn't have any jealousy, but was sincerely happy for Rhodes' change. As expected, she is the person she valued the most. She is not the king who is in charge of jealousy in hell. Speaking of that king, Sally His face sank again. According to the content mentioned in the intelligence, that king may have an unusual relationship with Rhodes.

"If Rhodes really inherited the power of the monarch, how can I stop here?" In the end, Sally also had some determination in her eyes.

Obtaining the authority of the monarch does not mean that everything will be fine. If Sally remembers correctly, a huge threat is pressing on Rhodes' head like a mountain. The big red dragon that comes from the power of time and dominates the end has never Never loosened his fangs.

Even if it is a real demigod, it is impossible to get any benefit from that big red dragon. The power derived from time is so unstoppable. Under the effect of time, even a hero can only die quietly. What is desperate is that the big red dragon is also a hero. She is the unique hero among the dragons and the designated successor of the holy female dragon.

The ancient sacred female dragon chose such an ambitious big red dragon as the successor.

According to the secret records of the Thieves Guild, the power of the holy female dragon is enough to compete with the stigmata. There have been unknown things between them, and the power of the stigmata is above the four elemental monarchs. He was originally sealed by him. Although Rhodes obtained the inheritance of the air elemental monarch, it does not mean that he is no longer invincible, and the real threat has never disappeared.

For the moment when the crisis comes, Sally, who is at the apex of the legend, deeply feels that her own strength is limited, and she wants to participate in higher-level battles. She can only complete her own advancement as soon as possible and become a true demigod.

She originally planned to accumulate strength for a period of time, but judging from the current situation, there is no more time left for her. If she wants to face enemies at a higher level with Rhodes, the only way to get promoted now .

Having made up her mind, she also plans to go to the Magic City herself. If she wants to let darkness cover the whole world and maximize the power of the Shadow Domain, she still needs Rhodes' help.


"Somla failed..."

The news reached the mouth of the Eri elves, and many forest creatures were deeply distressed by the final outcome of the giant monster. The hero died in a heroic way, piercing the evil corner covering the earth with his own blood, and could only delay the elemental The end is approaching, but the evil cannot be completely eradicated.

Among Eri, many forest creatures placed high hopes on the giant monsters. The power to control lightning was a terrifying ability that countless forest animals could not even dream of. However, Somla finally failed and fell in the into the hands of the enemy.

"It must be that evil Rhodes, or other elemental monarchs intervening, otherwise how could Somra fail? He has already obtained the treasure of restraining the monarch, and he is still a hero with a strong will, and there is no possibility of failure at all. !"

After hearing the news, the dwarf king Eufredin was furious and almost scolded the companions of the air elemental monarch all over. What he didn't know was that his words were very close to the truth.

Eufreddin never thought of the possibility that the giant monster would fail. The current situation is a heavy blow to both the mage in distress and the creatures of Eli. With the fall of Somra, in The elven kingdom that stood firm in the apocalypse lost another powerful force.

Beside the dwarf, the red-haired half-elf Gru persuaded: "Now that Somra has completely fallen, all we can do is to accept this fact. No matter how reluctant we are, things have happened like this, and now we should What is considered is how to deal with the threat of the elemental monarch in the future?"

"Gru, you should stop him." In the upper council of Eri, the elf Yin Wo said at this time, "You are the chief guardian of the forest, if any of us can persuade that giant monster, That elf must be you. But you did nothing, and instead let Somra initiate this unwinnable challenge."

Faced with Yin Wo's accusation and the disappointed eyes of other elves, Gelu just said: "That is a hero's decision. I believe that Somla thought more than us before making this decision. He will not make such a decision hastily. What position should I use to stop a hero from launching a life-threatening challenge?"

If Somra's challenge is successful, both the Eri council and the forest guardians will only be happy for Somra's feat, and there will be no such disputes, all disputes, or It stems from the failure of Somra's challenge.

Gru's words made many elves in the upper council of Eri dissatisfied. Even though Gru is the chief of the forest guardians, he can't let Somra make such a move. Somra's fall is a heavy blow to Eli's comprehensive strength, which makes nothing Eli, who had spare strength, made things worse. Maybe it was the lack of such a demigod's protection that would make it impossible for forest creatures to survive this doomsday.

Fortunately, there are still people who are willing to speak for Gru. The court mages headed by Alisa have chosen to speak for Gru at this moment, so that the parliament is not full of accusations against his persuasion.

"Somla is a demigod hero." Alisa said, "I want to ask, how sure are you that you can completely keep a demigod? Want to defeat a demigod, for the elemental monarch In other words, it may not be a difficult task, but if you want to kill an existence that is also a demigod, the difficulty is more than doubled. Even an elemental monarch should not be able to kill a demigod hero with a strong will. .”

Alisa's words also attracted a lot of discussion, and soon Yin Wo, who represented the Elf King, asked, "In your opinion, why did Somra fall in this duel?"

Alisa was silent for a moment before giving her final conclusion: "There is no way to trap a real demigod hero. If Somra finds that he is not the opponent of the elemental monarch and wants to escape, he will be considered an elemental monarch." , and did not dare to rush to pursue it. But Somla did not do so. The only possibility is that he discovered the weakness of the elemental monarch and planned to do his best to launch a blow that gambled everything, but it failed in the end. "

After a pause, Alisa said again: "I believe that with the last strength of Somla, we will be able to achieve a lot of results. Perhaps for a long time, we will not see the air elemental monarch."

(ps: Fanwai: follow the miracle, update tomorrow.)

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