Published at 21st of December 2022 05:53:42 PM

Chapter 327

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Just as rod is waiting for the news of Elon, a big event is also happening in kruelod, not far from rod.

One after another, the war has made the originally silent kluode bloom new vitality. The barbarian's numb mind seemed to wake up with the battle.

In the eyes of the mage, this kind of vitality may be an unstable factor, but in the eyes of the hero Tanan, the leader of krylord, this kind of vitality is a sign that krylord's counterattack is coming.

There are only a few defectors like the hero ogres in the territory of krylord. More barbarians do not have a heroic strategic vision, but are more nostalgic for the land they live in, even if it has been enslaved by blakada.

Daring to lead all ethnic groups to move when the situation is not clear is a matter of great courage. The migration of ethnic groups needs to consider many things, such as the choice of route, the source of food, and whether the location is suitable. Due to the difference of biological order, it is likely to migrate in the past, but the environment is worse than that of krylord.

Especially when Tanan showed great strength, successive victories greatly enhanced the confidence of these savage creatures. Almost all creatures believe that the hero Tanan will win the war.

these No matter the ogres, orcs, or centaurs with wild habits, Tanan united them with the common evidence of their blood, the blood of krylord.

Even in the past, conflicts often broke out among some ethnic groups in the territory of kroord, even with blood feuds, but in this case, due to the rule of Tanan, ethnic conflicts were suppressed. Now, all their attention is focused on the fight against blakada.

When he just returned to kluode and saw the situation in kluode, Tanan vowed to change all this.

At the beginning, Tanan was also obstructed, and the tribes did not recognize the rule of Tanan. However, when Tanan showed his strength and proved himself by his actions, this kind of obstruction no longer exists.

Now, all the liberated races in krylord are headed by Tanan, who has recognized his leadership.

For ordinary barbarians, after many years of enslavement, they are finally liberated. They are very grateful to Tanan. The status of Tanan in their hearts is just like that of blakada's mage God in the hearts of ordinary mages.

All the creatures who stay in the territory of krylord firmly believe that their leader, the hero Tanan, will lead them to drive out all the mages who come to invade krylord, and lead krylord into a glorious era.

When rod first entered the world, he had inquired about the hero Tanan in the thieves guild, just to determine the time of the expansion.

If, at that time, Tanan's reputation was just spread, and only a few gold coins were needed to get his information, then now, the thieves guild will even take the initiative to block Tanan's information. Only at a great cost can we learn about Tanan.

At that time, Tanan was still fighting for the liberation of the whole kluode, and there were not many creatures he could mobilize. His identity was just a natural hero of kluode. The only thing worth caring about was that he was powerful and mastered the artifact.

But up to now, Tanan has become the actual leader of krylord, and most of the territory has been liberated. I don't know how many creatures he can mobilize.

In the face of such a state of Tanan, even if blakada is fully prepared, there is not necessarily a way to defeat him, let alone blakada who does not care about Tanan at all.

The mages of blakada still don't realize the horror of kluode. Maybe even if some mages can predict this, they won't take it to heart.

Mages have their own goals, whether it's studying magic, building territory, or other things. these

After all, if there is any abnormality in the territory of krylord, it should be handled by other mages, which has nothing to do with him.

Like Elon, who is making a special deal with rod, silver cliff is a town near the border. Elon should be the first to know what happened in the territory of krylord.

But the actual situation is not so. Almost all of Elon's attention is on the transformation of death knights. I'm afraid that even if kruld hits silver cliff city, Elon will respond.

Rod can't know the state of the other mages, but judging from Elon's performance, other mages probably won't be much better.

For the decadent blakada, although it still retains the name of the holy land of mages, its brilliance is no better than at the beginning.

The process of magic research has been going on, but the mages who study magic have changed a lot. For blakada, I don't know whether it is good or bad.

cutting-edge news

Just after the end of a battle, facing the decadent mages in the territory of krylord, Tanan didn't even show the ability to ban the magic ball, but simply led his subordinates and easily destroyed the mage's residence here.

Tanan still retains the habits of barbarians and doesn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment. After the battle, he sits in a ruins and thinks about the information about the war.

cutting-edge news

Almost all of the mages who went to krylord arrived at the city of conquest. When the mages established their own dominant position, they established the city in krylord.

For the creatures of krylord, the city of Conquest represents more than just a town. It symbolizes the long-term enslavement of the mage to krylord and is the stigma of krylord.

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